
His Holiness Pope Francis will make an Apostolic Journey to the Republic of Malta from the 2nd  to 3rd  April 2022. The theme of the apostolic journey is: “They showed us unusual kindness.”

An Opportunity to Learn and to Express ourselves

The visit is an opportunity to learn about attitudes that Pope Francis encourages us to live together as brothers and sisters. The Church in Malta and Gozo would like to invite children, adolescents and youth in all State, Church and Independent schools to grow in the attitudes of Pope Francis. This is by:

  1. Getting to know more Pope Francis.
  2. Share our hopes and dreams of living as brothers and sisters on the Maltese Islands.

1. Getting to Know Pope Francis More


Min hu Papa Franġisku?


Kinder u Snin Bikrin 1-3

X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)

Min hu Papa Franġisku u x’inhuma d-dmirijiet tiegħu?


15-il minuta


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • Filmati qosra
  • Powerpoint Presentation

Pass 1 – L-edukatur jibda billi juri dan il-filmat qasir fejn il-Papa Franġisku jiltaqa’ mat-tfal.

L-edukatur jista’ juża dan il-filmat qasir biex jintroduċi lill-Papa Franġisku lill-istudenti u jħallihom jistaqsu l-mistoqsijiet tagħhom ukoll. L-edukatur jista’ juri l-filmat bil-volum mitfi u jħalli lill-istudenti josservaw u jistaqsu mistoqsijiet. Jista’ wkoll iħalli l-volum għaddej u jwaqqaf il-filmat biex jispjega u jwieġeb il-mistoqsijiet li jkollhom l-istudenti.

Tifel ċkejken isaqsi lil Papa Franġisku: ‘Missieri jinsab il-Ġenna?’

Pass 2 – Mistoqsijiet

Mistoqsijiet għad-diskussjoni
  1. Min hu r-raġel liebes l-abjad?
  2. Ġieli rajtuh qabel?
  3. Tafu min hu?
  4. X’inhu jagħmel fil-filmat?
  5. X’taħsbu li qed isaqsuh lill-Papa dawk it-tfal li qegħdin ħdejn il-mikrofonu?
  6. Kif taħsbu li qed iħossu dak it-tifel?
  7. Tixtieq li tiltaqa’ ma’ dak ir-raġel liebes l-abjad? Kieku x’tgħidlu?
  8. X’taħseb li qed jgħidlu l-Papa lil dak it-tifel?
Punti ta’ tagħlim li għandhom jiġu enfasizzati waqt l-attività:
  1. Il-Papa huwa mexxej. Fil-familja tagħna l-ġenituri jew il-kustodji tagħna huma l-mexxejja. Fil-klassi l-għalliem/a huma l-mexxejja. Waqt l-isport il-kowċ huwa l-mexxej. Il-Papa huwa l-mexxej tal-Knisja Kattolika.
  2. Agħti eżempji biex tispjega x’nifhmu bi knisja Kattolika (eż. uri stampi ta’ knisja parrokkjali f’Malta, saċerdoti li jiċċelebraw l-Ewwel Tqarbina, l-Arċisqof (mexxejja importanti fil-knisja), il-Vatikan.

Imxi għall-Pass li jmiss…


Who is Pope Francis?


Kinder and Early years 1-3

We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T.)

Who is Pope Francis and what are his duties?


15 minutes


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • video clips
  • Powerpoint Presentation

Step 1 – The educator starts by showing this short video where Pope Francis meet children.

The students watch short video clips where Pope Francis meets and speaks to young children. The educator can use these video clips to introduce Pope Francis to the students and let them ask their own questions as well. The students can show the video clips without the sound and let the students observe and ask questions or s/he can let them listen to the sound and stop the video to explain and answer students’ questions.

Video clips where Pope Francis meets young children
Little boy asks Pope Francis: ‘Is my dad in heaven?’
Young boy invades Vatican stage and hugs Pope Francis

Step 2 – Questions to create a discussion

  1. Who is the man wearing white?
  2. Have you ever seen him before?
  3. Do you know who he is?
  4. What is he doing in the video?
  5. What do you think the children near the microphone are asking the Pope?
  6. How do you think the little boy is feeling?
  7. Would you like to meet the man in white? What would you tell him?
  8. What do you think the Pope is saying to the boy
Teaching points to emphasize during the activity:
  1. The Pope is a leader. In our family our parents or guardians are the leaders. In class the teacher is the leader. During sports the coach is the leader. The Pope is the leader of the Catholic church.
  2. Give examples to explain what we mean by Catholic church (e.g. show pictures of a parish church in Malta, priests celebrating First Holy Communion, the Archbishop (important leaders in the church), the Vatican

Move to the next step…


Min hu Papa Franġisku u x’jgħallimna?


Ir-raba’, il-ħames u sitt sena

X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)

  1. Dwar l-irwol tal-Papa.
  2. Dwar il-ħajja ta’ Papa Franġisku.
  3. Dwar it-tagħlim tiegħu


15-il minuta


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • Filmati qosra
  • Powerpoint Presentation

Pass 1 – Attività – Filmat qasir

L-edukatur jibda juri dawn il-mumenti tal-filmat (0:33-0:49) u jwaqqaf il-vidjo hemm.

Imbagħad jistaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet għad-diskussjoni: Dwar xiex taħsbu li qed titkellem it-tifla? Għala qegħda tibki? (alloka ftit minuti għad-diskussjoni)

Kompli l-lezzjoni billi turi l-kumplament tal-filmat. Tista’ jew tħalli lill-istudenti jistaqsu l-mistoqsijiet jew tistaqsihom dawn:

  1. Min hu r-raġel liebes l-abjad?
  2. Ġieli rajtuh qabel?
  3. X’taħsbu li qiegħed jagħmel?
  4. Ma’ min jitkellem fil-vidjo?
  5. X’inhu jgħidlu?
  6. X’inhu xogħolu?

Punti ta’ tagħlim li għandhom joħorġu u jiġu enfasizzati waqt id-diskussjoni.

  1. Hemm diversi reliġjonijiet u twemmin fid-dinja. Il-Papa huwa l-mexxej tal-fidi Kattolika. (N.B. Jekk hemm studenti ta’ twemmin ieħor, l-edukatur jistaqsihom min hu l-mexxej tar-reliġjon tagħhom. 
  2. Dan il-vidjo juri lill-Papa jiltaqa’ ma’ mexxejja ta-reliġjonijiet oħra.

Imxi għall-Pass li jmiss…

Ħoloq ta’ filmati addizzjonali dwar it-tagħlim tal-Papa għall-edukaturi.

Pope Francis Minute – Home | Facebook

Dear Pope Francis


Who is Pope Francis and what does he teach us?


Upper Primary yrs 4-6

We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T.)

  1. To learn what the role of the Pope is.
  2. To learn about the life of Pope Francis.
  3. To learn about what he teaches us.


15 minutes


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • Short Clips
  • Powerpoint Presentation

Step 1 – Video discussion

The educator shows these moments from this video clip (0:33-0:49) and stops the video there.

Then asks these questions to start the discussion: what do you think the girl is speaking about? Why is she crying? (discuss for a few minutes)

Continue the lesson by showing them the rest of the video. Let the students ask questions or ask them these questions to create a discussion: who is the man dressed in white? Have you ever seen him before? What do you think he is doing? Who is he speaking to in the video? What is he telling them? What is his work?

Teaching points to elicit and emphasize from the discussion and additional links for follow up:

There are different religions or faiths in the world. The Pope is the leader of the Catholic faith. (N.B. If there are students from different faiths, the educator can ask them who their religious leader is. This video of the Pope meeting the leaders of other religions can be shown:

Move to the next step…


Għarfien dwar Papa Franġisku u l-irwol tiegħu bħala mexxej tal-Knisja Kattolika


Snin Medji

X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)

  1. Li nifhmu l-irwol tal-Papa fil-Knisja Kattolika u fid-dinja
  2. Biex ikollna għarfien aħjar dwar il-ħajja ta’ Papa Franġisku.
  3. Biex nifhmu t-tagħlim ta’ Papa Franġisku.


15-il minuta


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • Filmati qosra
  • Powerpoint Presentation

Attività – Diskussjoni permezz ta’ filmat

L-edukatur juża dawn il-filmati biex joħloq diskussjoni dwar Papa Franġisku u l-ħajja tiegħu, l-irwol tiegħu u t-tagħlim tiegħu. Wara tista’ tkompli billi twieġeb mistoqsijiet tal-istudenti.

L-istudenti jistgħu jaħdmu b’mod individwali jew fi gruppi biex isibu informazzjoni dwar Papa Franġisku, xogħolu, dmirijietu u r-responsabbiltajiet tiegħu u t-tagħlim tiegħu. L-istudenti jistgħu jagħmlu riċerka biex jippreparw proġett, powerpoint presentation, uri u għid jew kwiżż biex jaqsmuhom ma’ student fil-klassi tagħhom.

L-edukaturi jista’ joffru dawn il-websajts lill-istudenti biex ifittxu fuqhom u jiksbu l-informazzjoni meħtieġa.

Online quizzes for students:

Pope Francis Flashcards | Quizlet

Websites for research

Frequently Asked Questions About the Pope | Saint Mary’s Press (

The Holy See (

Popes 101 | Catholic Central – YouTube channel

Catholic Answers

Imxi għall-Pass li jmiss…


Pope Francis and his role as leader of the Catholic church


Middle years (Year 7-8)

We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T.)

  1. To understand the role of the Pope in the Catholic Church and the World.
  2. To have a better understanding and insight of the life of Pope Francis.
  3. To understand the teachings of Pope Francis.
  • Interactive whiteboard
  • Short Videos
  • Powerpoint Presentation

15 minutes

Activity – Video discussion

Use the following videos to create a discussion about Pope Francis and his life, duties and teachings. This can be followed by questions from the students.

The students can then work individually or in groups to find information about the Pope, his work, duties and responsibilities as well as his teachings. The students can then do research to prepare a project, PowerPoint presentation, show and tell or quiz to share with their classmates. These are some websites that educators can recommend to their students for research and get information:

Online quizzes for students:

Pope Francis Flashcards | Quizlet

Websites for research

Frequently Asked Questions About the Pope | Saint Mary’s Press (

The Holy See (

Popes 101 | Catholic Central – YouTube channel

Catholic Answers


Għarfien dwar l-irwol ta’ Papa Franġisku u t-tagħlim tiegħu


Snin Sekondarja

X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)

  1. Li nifhmu l-irwol tal-Papa fil-Knisja Kattolika u fid-dinja
  2. Biex ikollna għarfien aħjar dwar il-ħajja ta’ Papa Franġisku.
  3. Biex nifhmu t-tagħlim ta’ Papa Franġisku.


15-il minuta


  • Interactive whiteboard
  • Filmati qosra
  • Powerpoint presentation

Attività – Pope for a day presentation and research project

L-edukatur juża l-Powerpoint presentation. L-islides juru dak li qal Papa Franġisku  dwar kwistjonijiet globali. Din twassal biex tinħoloq diskussjoni dwar Papa Franġisku, l-irwol tiegħu bħala mexxej tal-Knisja Kattolika u l-irwol tiegħu bħala mexxej rigward il-paċi, reliġjonijiet oħra, tibdil fil-klima, ir-refuġjati, il-pandemija, kwistjonijiet li jaffettwaw l-umanità bħall-abort, faqar u inġustizzja.

Filmati addizzjonali:
Papa Franġisku jżur l-ambaxxata Russa biex jesprimi t-tħassib tiegħu dwar il-gwerra

Pope Francis and world peace – meeting with Presidents and Prime Ministers: Joe Biden/ Angela Merkel/ Nancy Pelosi/Narenda Modi/Moe Jae-in

L-istudenti jistgħu jgħmlu r-riċerka tagħhom biex joħolqu presentazzjoni jew proġġett dwar Papa Franġisku.

Websajts għall-istudenti:

It-tagħlim ta’ Papa Franġisku dwar il-kwistjonijiet globali u l-effett fuq l-umanità

Imxi għall-Pass li jmiss…


The role of Pope Francis and his teachings



We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T.)

  1. To understand the role of the Pope in the Catholic Church and the World.
  2. To have a better understanding and insight of the life of Pope Francis.
  3. To understand the teachings of Pope Francis.


  • Interactive whilteboard
  • Short videos
  • Powerpoint presentation


15 minutes

Pope for a day Powerpoint and research project

The educator will use the Powerpoint presentation which consists of slides about what the Pope said about the global issue to create a discussion about Pope Francis, his role as leader of the Catholic church and his role as a leader regarding peace, other religions, climate change, refugees, the pandemic, issues that affect humanity such as abortion, poverty, injustice. These video clips may also be used:

Pope Francis visits the Russian embassy to express concern about the war.

Pope Francis and world peace – meeting with Presidents and Prime Ministers: Joe Biden/ Angela Merkel/ Nancy Pelosi/Narenda Modi/Moe Jae-in

The students can then do their own research using the following websites to create their own presentations or projects about Pope Francis.

Research websites for students:

It-tagħlim ta’ Papa Franġisku dwar il-kwistjonijiet globali u l-effett fuq l-umanità

Move to the next step…

2. Sharing our Hopes and Dreams with Pope Francis

After getting to know more about Pope Francis and how to live as brothers and sisters, watch this video where Maria and Iona are going to make us an interesting invitation about the theme:

All Brothers and Sisters – My hopes and dreams of living as brothers and sisters on the Maltese islands.

We invite the students to express themselves in an artistic way, what the theme means to them, and how they want it to mean to Pope Francis during his visit about this theme.

Kinder and early years – Drawings, Collages

Primary, Middle, and Secondary – Any form of art, writing, or short video production in any language. Surprise us with your creativity!

Drawings/Artwork is to be created on an A4-sized paper using pens, pencil, crayons, textas, or paint.

A short two-minute video may be taken while the children are working together to shape their drawing /artistic expression.

Any kind of text (essay, short story, poem, memoir, word cloud, etc). Writings should not exceed the 300-word limit.

Create a short video clip – Video production must be 2 minutes long (create a short video clip and describe the theme, record an interview, etc.)

Each school is to collect all students’ artistic work and:

  1. Scan it in High Resolution (ideally by using a scanner)
  2. Bind it creatively
  3. Send the hard copy of the artistic expression to: Spiritual Development in Schools, Archbishop’s Curia, P.O. box 1, Floriana FRN 1535
  4. Send the soft copy via this link:
Notify us

Participating schools are to notify via email Fr Reuben Gauci (State and Independent Schools) and Sr Alexandra Chircop (Church Schools) by not later than 11th  March 2022.

Closing Date to send the digital material

Submissions of the students’ artistic work are to be sent by not later than 18th March 2022

The Places where Pope Francis is visiting

On Saturday 2 April 2022 at 10.50 am Pope Francis will make a courtesy visit to the President of the Republic in the Ambassadors’ Chamber of the Grand Master’s Palace. At 11.35 am Pope Francis will be meeting with the Prime Minister in the Pages’ Chamber of the Grand Master’s Palace. At 11.50 am Pope Francis will be meeting the authorities and the Diplomatic Corps in the ‘Grand Council Chamber’ of the Grand Master’s Palace. This includes an address of the Holy Father.

Pope Francis to visit in December

On Saturday 2 April 2022 at 5.00pm, Pope Francis will arrive at Port of Mġarr. A prayer meeting at the National Shrine of Ta’ Pinu will follow together with the Homily of the Holy Father. Pope Francis will leave the island of Gozo by ferry from the Port of Mġarr to Malta at 6.45 pm.

1990 – After praying in the chapel at the National Shrine of Ta’ Pinu, Pope John Paul II lit a perpetual lamp.

On Sunday 3 April 2022 at 7.45 am Pope Francis will have a private meeting with the members of the Society of Jesus at the Apostolic Nunciature in Rabat. A visit to the Grotto of St Paul at the Basilica of St Paul in Rabat will follow at 8.30 am.

Peter on the island of Paul
1990 – Pope John Paul II in St Paul’s Grotto in Rabat, Malta
Pope Benedict XVI prays inside St Paul's Grotto in Rabat, outside Valletta  - Apostolate of St. Paul Malta
2010 – Pope Benedict XVI prays inside St Paul’s Grotto in Rabat – Apostolate of St. Paul Malta

On Sunday 3 April 2022 at 4.45 pm, Holy Father will hold during a meeting with migrants at the John XXIII Migrants’ Centre in Ħal Far.

Beatu Gwanni XXIII (Laboratorju tal-Paci) - Church - Zurrieq, Malta
John XXIII Peace Lab

On Sunday 3 April 2022 at 10.15 am, Pope Francis will celebrate Holy Mass at the Granaries in Floriana.

2010 – Pope Benedict XV! celebrated Holy Mass at the Floriana Granaries.
2010 – The Granaries Floriana

What does Pope Francis teach?

Papa Franġisku jitkellem ħafna fuq il-ferħ. Huwa jixtieqna nkunu ferħanin u nħobbu lil xulxin kif iħobbna Ġesù. 

Kliem ewlieni

FerħPapa FranġiskuNgħixu flimkienInħobbu lil xulxin kif iħobbna Ġesù

Pope Francis speaks a lot about joy. He wants us to be happy and to love one another as Jesus loves us.


JoyPope FrancisLiving togetherLoving one another as Jesus loves us.  
Let’s pray more

In this prayer space, we think about the joy in our lives and then jump for joy.

Jumping for Joy

Easter brings joy so in this prayer space one thinks of someone or something that brings joy and makes you happy.

Be Happy

Papa Franġisku jixtieqna nkunu ferħanin. Huwa jfakkarna li nistgħu nkunu verament ferħanin meta nieħdu bis-serjetà l-ħolm u x-xewqat sbieħ u tajbin tagħna.  Papa Franġisku jħeġġeġ lit-tfal biex joħolmu u jaħdmu flimkien ma’ oħrajn biex jgħixu l-ħolm u x-xewqat sbieħ tagħhom, u billi jħobbu lil xulxin kif iħobbna Ġesù. 

Kliem ewlieni
Papa FranġiskuFerħĦolm u xewqat tajba u sbieħNgħixu flimkienDinja aktar tajba u sabiħaInħobbu lil xulxin kif iħobbna Ġesù

Pope Francis wants us to be happy. He reminds us that we can be truly happy when we live our dreams and good wishes. Pope Francis encourages children to dream and to work with others to live their dreams and wishes and by loving one another as Jesus loves us.

Pope FrancisJoyOur dreams and wishesLiving togetherBetter and more beautiful worldLoving one another as Jesus loves us
Let’s pray more

In these prayer spaces and reflection, we think about the joy in our lives.

Jumping for Joy

Easter brings joy so in this prayer space one thinks of someone or something that brings joy and makes you happy.

Be Happy

Hopes and Dreams

In this prayer space one reflects upon one’s hopes and dreams.

Papa Franġisku jitkellem ħafna fuq il-ferħ. Huwa jfakkarna li l-ħajja hija verament sabiħa meta ngħixu x-xewqat sbieħ u tajbin tagħna mal-oħrajn.

Ħafna drabi fil-kitbiet u fid-diskorsi tiegħu Papa Franġisku jħeġġeġ lit-tfal u liż-żgħażagħ biex joħolmu. Mingħajr ħolm, diffiċli nkunu nafu x’verament nixtiequ, u nispiċċaw ngħixu ħajja bla sens u bla gost – il-kontra eżatt ta’ ħajja mimlija ferħ. Ħajja ferħana tfisser li nieħdu bis-serjetà l-ħolm u x-xewqat sbieħ u tajbin tagħna, u naħdmu flimkien mal-oħrajn biex ngħixuhom.

Ħajja ferħana tfisser li ma naqtgħux qalbna kemm mill-ħolm tagħna kif ukoll mill-oħrajn.

Pope Francis speaks a lot about joy. Pope Francis reminds us that life is beautiful when we live our good wishes with others.

Many times, in his writings and speeches Pope Francis encourages children and young people to dream. Without dreams, it is difficult to know what we really want, and we end up living a meaningless and boring life – the exact opposite of a happy life.  Happy life means taking seriously our beautiful and good hopes and dreams and working with others to live them.

Happy life means not giving up on our dreams and those of others.

The Pope explains the true meaning of joy
Pope Francis tells youth to dream – Havana 2015
Let’s pray more

In these prayer spaces and reflection, we think about the joy in our lives.

Jumping for Joy

Easter brings joy so in this prayer space one thinks of someone or something that brings joy and makes you happy.

Be Happy

Hopes and Dreams

In this prayer space one reflects upon one’s hopes and dreams.

Papa Franġisku jitkellem ħafna fuq il-ferħ għaliex minħabba li madwaru jara ħafna problemi, tbatija u dwejjaq, jixtieq li l-bnedmin kollha tad-dinja jkunu ferħanin. Papa Franġisku jixtieqna nkunu ferħanin mhux għaliex maqtugħ mir-realtà tagħna u ma jafx x’ngħaddu minnu. Anzi, pjuttost bil-maqlub! Il-punt l-aktar importanti, skont Papa Franġisku, hu li nixtiequ dak li hu tajjeb u sabiħ, u nippruvaw ngħixuh. Mhux dejjem faċli u mhux dejjem aħna fil-kontroll tas-sitwazzjoni, imma Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li l-ħajja hi verament sabiħa meta ngħixu x-xewqat sbieħ u tajbin tagħna mal-oħrajn.

X’jiġifieri? Ħafna drabi fil-kitbiet u fid-diskorsi tiegħu Papa Franġisku jħeġġeġ lit-tfal u liż-żgħażagħ biex joħolmu. Mingħajr ħolm, diffiċli nkunu nafu x’verament nixtiequ, u nispiċċaw ngħixu ħajja bla sens u bla gost – il-kontra eżatt ta’ ħajja mimlija ferħ. Ħajja ferħana tfisser li nieħdu bis-serjetà l-ħolm u x-xewqat sbieħ u tajbin tagħna, u naħdmu flimkien mal-oħrajn biex ngħixuhom. Ħajja ferħana ma tfissirx li f’ħajjitna mhux se niltaqgħu ma’ problemi u ma’ tbatijiet, u lanqas tfisser li jkun jinterressana biss mill-ferħ tagħna.

Ħajja ferħana tfisser li ma naqtgħux qalbna kemm mill-ħolm tagħna kif ukoll mill-oħrajn. Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li nistgħu nkunu verament ferħanin meta ngħixu flimkien il-ħolm tagħna billi naħdmu flimkien għal dinja aktar tajba u isbaħ, u billi nħobbu lil xulxin kif iħobbna Ġesù. 

Pope Francis speaks a lot about joy and although he sees many problems, sufferings, and sadness around him, he wants all people in the world to be happy. Pope Francis wants us to be happy not because he is cut off from our reality or does not know what we are going through. On the contrary, the important point according to Pope Francis is to wish for what is good and beautiful, and we live it. It is not always easy, and we are not always in control of the situation, but Pope Francis reminds us that life is beautiful when we live our good wishes with others.

What does this mean? Many times, in his writings and speeches Pope Francis encourages children and young people to dream. Without dreams, it is difficult to know what we really want, and we end up living a meaningless and boring life – the exact opposite of a happy life. 

Happy life means taking seriously our beautiful and good hopes and dreams and working with others to live them. A happy life does not mean that in our life we will not encounter problems and sufferings, nor does it mean that we are only interested in joy. Happy life means not giving up on our dreams and those of others.

Pope Francis reminds us that we can be truly happy when we live our dreams together for a better and more beautiful world, and by loving one another as Jesus loved us.

The Pope explains the true meaning of joy
Pope Francis tells youth to dream – Havana 2015

Let’s pray more

In these prayer spaces and reflection, we think about the joy in our lives.

Jumping for Joy

Easter brings joy so in this prayer space one thinks of someone or something that brings joy and makes you happy.

Be Happy

Hopes and Dreams

In this prayer space one reflects upon one’s hopes and dreams.

Il-ħniena hija kwalità li Papa Franġisku jixtieqna li ngħixu fil-ħajja tagħna ta’ kuljum.

Aħna mhux dejjem nagħmlu dak li hu tajjeb u sabiħ għalhekk ikollna bżonn min jgħinna u juri ħniena magħna.

Meta nuru ħniena u nħobbu lil xulxin, inkunu qed nagħmlu dak li Alla jagħmel magħna.

Kliem Ewlieni
ĦnienaPapa FranġiskuNitolbuNgħixu l-ħniena kuljum

Mercy is a quality that Pope Francis wants us to live in our lives. 

We do not always do what is right and beautiful and so we need others to help us and show us mercy.

When we show mercy and love each other, we are doing to one another what God is doing to us.

MercyPope FrancisPrayLive mercy daily
Prayer Spaces related to mercy and forgiveness

Wand of Love

In this prayer space one can reflect on the love he/she shows to others and ask for forgivness for when one fails to love others unconditionally.

Lenten session – Joyful Mercy

These sessions are about God’s mercy that brings joy in the person that accepts it and is merciful with other people and creation.

Il-ħniena hija kwalità li Papa Franġisku jixtieqna li ngħixu b’aktar impenn fil-ħajja tagħna ta’ kuljum.

Il-ħniena rridu ngħixuha fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum billi nagħtu kas tal-bżonnijiet tal-oħrajn, ngħinuhom u nitolbu għalihom.

Fuq kollox, meta aħna nuru ħniena ma’ xulxin, inkunu qed nagħmlu ma’ xulxin dak li Alla jagħmel magħna.

Kliem Ewlieni
ĦnienaPapa FranġiskuBżonn xulxinBżonnijiet tal-oħrajn
NgħinuNitolbuNgħixu l-ħniena kuljumNuru ħniena kif Alla għamel magħna

Mercy is a quality that Pope Francis wants us to live with more commitment in our lives.

We should live mercy in our daily lives by paying attention to the needs of others, helping them, and praying for them.

Above all, when we show mercy to one another, we are doing to one another what God is doing to us.

MercyPope FrancisWe need each otherNeeds of others
HelpPrayLive mercy dailyShow mercy as God is doing to us
Prayer Spaces related to mercy and forgiveness

Lenten session – Joyful Mercy

These sessions are about God’s mercy that brings joy in the person that accepts it and is merciful with other people and creation.

Hide and Seek

During this prayer space one is encouraged to reflect upon God who is waiting for us with arms wide-open to come out of the darkness of our sinful guilt as we hid ourselves form Him and seek His endless Merciful Love

Sorry Sand

In this prayer space one is given the opportunity to reflect on the unkind actions we made and invited to pray for forgiveness.

Il-ħniena hi suġġett importanti ħafna għal Papa Franġisku, mhux biss għaliex ftit tas-snin ilu (2015-2016) kellna sena ddedikata lill-ħniena imma wkoll għaliex hija kwalità li l-Papa jixtieqna li ngħixu b’aktar impenn fil-ħajja tagħna. Meta kien mistoqsi jwieġeb min hu ftit wara li sar Papa, Papa Franġisku wieġeb: “Jiena midneb.” B’din it-tweġiba, Papa Franġisku ried jgħaddilna messaġġ importanti ħafna: il-ħniena mhijiex kwalità li hemm bżonn nuru mal-oħrajn għaliex l-oħrajn għandhom xi ħaġa inqas minna jew għax għamlu xi ħaġa ħażina, imma li kollha kemm aħna għandna bżonn il-ħniena.

 X’jiġifieri li jkollna bżonn il-ħniena? Li jkollna bżonn il-ħniena tfisser li aħna ma nistgħux ngħixu weħidna u li għandna bżonn xulxin – u lil Alla. Il-ħniena, għalhekk, irridu ngħixuha fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum billi nagħtu kas tal-bżonnijiet tal-oħrajn, ngħinuhom u nitolbu għalihom.

Fuq kollox, meta aħna nuru ħniena ma’ xulxin, inkunu qed nagħmlu ma’ xulxin dak li Alla jagħmel magħna. 

Mercy is an important topic for Pope Francis, not only because a few years ago (2015-2016) we had a year dedicated to mercy, but also because it is a quality that the Pope wants us to live with more commitment in our lives. When asked who he was shortly after becoming Pope, Pope Francis replied: “I am a sinner.” With this answer, Pope Francis wanted to send us a very important message: mercy is not a quality that we need to show to others because others have something less than us or because they have done something wrong, but that we all need mercy.

What does it mean to have mercy? To have mercy means to realize that we do not always do what is right and that we do not always wish for what is good and beautiful. Therefore, we need help not to harm ourselves or others and to truly live a joyful life.

Above all, when we show mercy to one another, we are doing to one another what God is doing to us.

Pope Francis Minute Explains: The Year of Mercy
Prayer Spaces and session related to mercy and forgiveness

The Runners Shoes

This prayer space encourages one to reflect upon those moments one failed to give a helping hand when it was necessary.

Flushed Away

In this prayer space one is asked to reflect on his sins and then presents them to God, who washes them away and remove the stains.

Lenten session – Joyful Mercy

These sessions are about God’s mercy that brings joy in the person that accepts it and is merciful with other people and creation.

Il-ħniena hi suġġett importanti ħafna għal Papa Franġisku, mhux biss għaliex ftit tas-snin ilu (2015-2016) kellna sena ddedikata lill-ħniena imma wkoll għaliex hija kwalità li l-Papa jixtieqna li ngħixu b’aktar impenn fil-ħajja tagħna. Meta kien mistoqsi jwieġeb min hu ftit wara li sar Papa, Papa Franġisku wieġeb: “Jiena midneb.” B’din it-tweġiba, Papa Franġisku ried jgħaddilna messaġġ importanti ħafna: il-ħniena mhijiex kwalità li hemm bżonn nuru mal-oħrajn għaliex l-oħrajn għandhom xi ħaġa inqas minna jew għax għamlu xi ħaġa ħażina, imma li kollha kemm aħna għandna bżonn il-ħniena.

X’jiġifieri li jkollna bżonn il-ħniena? Li jkollna bżonn il-ħniena tfisser li nindunaw li aħna mhux dejjem nagħmlu dak li hu tajjeb u mhux dejjem nixtiequ dak li hu tajjeb u sabiħ, u għalhekk għandna bżonn l-għajnuna biex ma nagħmlux ħsara lilna nfusna u lill-oħrajn, u biex inkunu nistgħu ngħixu ħajja verament ferħana.

Għalhekk, li jkollna bżonn il-ħniena tfisser li aħna ma nistgħux ngħixu weħidna u li għandna bżonn xulxin – u lil Alla. Il-ħniena, għalhekk, irridu ngħixuha fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum billi nagħtu kas tal-bżonnijiet tal-oħrajn, ngħinuhom u nitolbu għalihom.

Fuq kollox, meta aħna nuru ħniena ma’ xulxin, inkunu qed nagħmlu ma’ xulxin dak li Alla jagħmel magħna. 

Mercy is an important topic for Pope Francis, not only because a few years ago (2015-2016) we had a year dedicated to mercy, but also because it is a quality that the Pope wants us to live with more commitment in our lives. When asked who he was shortly after becoming Pope, Pope Francis replied: “I am a sinner.” With this answer, Pope Francis wanted to send us a very important message: mercy is not a quality that we need to show to others because others have something less than us or because they have done something wrong, but that we all need mercy.

What does it mean to have mercy? To have mercy means to realize that we do not always do what is right and that we do not always wish for what is good and beautiful. Therefore, we need help not to harm ourselves or others and to truly live a joyful life.

Hence, to have mercy means that we cannot live alone and that we need one another and God.  Mercy, therefore, must be lived in our daily lives by paying attention to the needs of others, helping them, and praying for them.

Above all, when we show mercy to one another, we are doing to one another what God is doing to us.

Pope Francis – Year of Mercy
Prayer Spaces related to mercy and forgiveness

Beatitudes: Forgiveness

This is a space where one thinks about how it feels to forgive and to pray to God to help forgive one another.

Carrying The Cross

In this prayer space one will think of the problems and fears. Use this time to pray to God to help one in carrying such burdens.

Father Forgives

During this prayer space one reflects on the weight pain and anger bare and the liberating power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness Stones

In this prayer space one reflects on the good feeling of letting go and forgiving someone who caused pain.

Lenten session – Joyful Mercy

These sessions are about God’s mercy that brings joy in the person that accepts it and is merciful with other people and creation.

Papa Franġisku jgħidilna li nistgħu ngħixu flimkien fil-paċi jekk noħolmu u naħdmu flimkien għal dinja fejn kulħadd hu aħwa ta’ xulxin.

Kliem ewlieni
Papa FranġiskuPaċiDinjaNgħixu flimkienAħwa ta’ xulxin

Pope Francis tells us that we can live together in peace if we dream and work together to live in a world as brothers and sisters.

Pope FrancisPeaceWorldLiving togetherAll brothers and sisters
Let’s prayer more

In this prayer space we reflect on persons who are always beside us, hold our hands because they love us, take care of us and give us support.

Hand In Hand

This prayer space gives time for on to reflect on those who have been by our sides, holding our hands, because they love, care and support us.

Our Sick Brothers and Sisters

St Anne and St Joachim in relation to the grandparent’s love towards their grand-children and vice-versa

Papa Franġisku jgħidilna li nistgħu ngħixu flimkien fil-paċi jekk noħolmu u naħdmu flimkien għal dinja fejn kulħadd hu aħwa ta’ xulxin.

Li nkunu aħwa ta’ xulxin ifisser li ma nħallux id-differenzi ta’ bejnietna jwaqqfuna milli nħobbu lil xulxin bħal aħwa.

Papa Franġisku jħeġġiġna biex nieħdu ħsieb u nilqgħu fis-soċjetajiet u l-kulturi tagħna lil dawk fostna li huma l-aktar imwarrbin, fosthom l-immigranti, il-morda, dawk li ma għandhomx xogħol u l-ħabsin.

Fuq kollox, aħna lkoll aħwa ta’ xulxin għaliex aħna kollha wlied Alla.

Kliem ewlieni

Papa Franġiskupaċidinjasoċjetajietkulturi
imwarrbinħabsinpersuni bla xogħolmordaimmigranti
Ilkoll aħwainħobbu lil xulxinngħixu flimkienbħal aħwaulied Alla

Pope Francis tells us that we can live together in peace if we dream and work together to live in a world as brothers and sisters.

Being brothers and sisters means not allowing the differences between us to stop us from loving one another as brothers and sisters.

Pope Francis urges us to care for and welcome in our societies and cultures those of us who are most marginalized, including immigrants, the sick, the unemployed and prisoners.

Above all, we are all brothers and sisters because we are children of God.

Key words
Pope Francispeaceworldsocietiescultures
all brothers and sisterslove one anotherliving togetheras brothers and sisterswe are children of God

Hand In Hand

This prayer space gives time for on to reflect on those who have been by our sides, holding our hands, because they love, care and support us.

Dirty Apron

In this prayer space one will think about how to serve and help with love in everything.

All Brothers and Sisters

This prayer space helps us to reflect that we are all one family and one community united in Christ.

Our Sick Brothers and Sisters

Fid-dinja hawn ħafna ġlied u mibegħda, imma Papa Franġisku jgħidilna li nistgħu ngħixu flimkien fil-paċi jekk noħolmu u naħdmu flimkien għal dinja fejn kulħadd hu aħwa ta’ xulxin.

Li nkunu aħwa ta’ xulxin ifisser li ma nħallux id-differenzi ta’ bejnietna – li jistgħu jkunu ħafna, u ta’ ħafna tipi – iwaqqfuna milli nħobbu lil xulxin bħal aħwa.

Papa Franġisku jħeġġiġna biex nieħdu ħsieb u nilqgħu fis-soċjetajiet u l-kulturi tagħna lil dawk fostna li huma l-aktar imwarrbin, fosthom l-immigranti, il-morda, dawk li ma għandhomx xogħol u l-ħabsin. Fuq kollox, aħna lkoll aħwa ta’ xulxin għaliex aħna kollha wlied Alla.

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li nħobbu lil xulxin bħal aħwa, importanti wkoll li nisimgħu l-istejjer u l-għerf tan-nanniet tagħna li għexu f’dinja differenti ħafna minn tagħna. B’hekk nitgħallmu nkomplu naħdmu kif ħadmu huma u wkoll ma nirrepetux l-iżbalji tagħhom. 

There is a lot of fighting and hatred in the world, but Pope Francis tells us that we can live together in peace if we dream and work together to live in a world as brothers and sisters.

Being brothers and sisters means not allowing differences between us – which can be many and of all sorts – to stop us from loving one another as brothers and sisters.

Pope Francis urges us to care for and welcome in our societies and cultures those of us who are most marginalized, including immigrants, the sick, the unemployed and prisoners. Above all, we are all brothers and sisters because we are all children of God.

Pope Francis reminds us that to truly live in a world where we love one another as brothers and sisters, it is important to listen to the stories and wisdom of our grandparents who have lived in a world very different from ours. Therefore, we learn to continue to work as they did and not to repeat their mistakes.

Pope Francis: Fraternity is the anchor of salvation for humanity
Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters

Refugee Backpack

During this prayer space one reflects on refugees – people who leave their countries for good due to varied reasons and what the real essentials in one’s life.

Our Sick Brothers and Sisters

All Brothers and Sisters

This prayer space helps us to reflect that we are all one family and one community united in Christ.

Kif nistgħu ngħixu flimkien ma’ nies oħra li huma differenti ħafna minna? Din hija mistqosija importanti ħafna għal Papa Franġisku. Fid-dinja hawn ħafna ġlied u mibegħda, imma skont Papa Franġisku nistgħu ngħixu flimkien fil-paċi jekk noħolmu u naħdmu flimkien għal dinja fejn kulħadd hu aħwa ta’ xulxin.

X’jiġifieri nkunu aħwa ta’ xulxin? Li nkunu aħwa ta’ xulxin ifisser li ma nħallux id-differenzi ta’ bejnietna – li jistgħu jkunu ħafna, u ta’ ħafna tipi – iwaqqfuna milli nħobbu lil xulxin bħal aħwa.

Kif? Papa Franġisku jħeġġiġna biex nieħdu ħsieb u nilqgħu fis-soċjetajiet u l-kulturi tagħna lil dawk fostna li huma l-aktar imwarrbin, fosthom l-immigranti, il-morda, dawk li ma għandhomx xogħol u l-ħabsin. Fuq kollox, aħna lkoll aħwa ta’ xulxin għaliex aħna kollha wlied Alla.

Papa Franġisku mhux biss kiteb ittra fuq il-bżonn li nħobbu lil xulxin bħal aħwa imma wkoll jenfasizza dan il-punt f’kitbiet oħra u f’diskorsi li jagħmel, speċjalment meta jitkellem fuq San Ġużepp – ir-raġel qaddis li flimkien ma’ Marija rabba lil Ġesù u li hu għal qalb ħafna Papa Franġisku! La qed insemmu lil San Ġużepp, tajjeb niftakru wkoll f’dak li jgħidilna Papa Franġisku dwar dawk li jieħdu ħsiebna u jħobbuna, l-aktar lin-nanniet tagħna. Papa Franġisku spiss ifakkarna li biex ngħixu verament f’dinja fejn inħobbu lil xulxin bħal aħwa, importanti li nisimgħu l-istejjer u l-għerf tan-nanniet tagħna.

Meta nisimgħu lin-nanniet tagħna, li għexu f’dinja differenti ħafna minn tagħna, nitgħallmu nkomplu naħdmu kif ħadmu huma u wkoll ma nirrepetux l-iżbalji tagħhom. 

How can we live with people who are very different from us? This is a very important question to Pope Francis. There is a lot of fighting and hatred in the world, but according to Pope Francis, we can live together in peace if we dream and work together to live in a world as brothers and sisters.

What does it mean to be brothers and sisters? Being brothers and sisters means not allowing differences between us – which can be many and of all sorts – to stop us from loving one another as brothers and sisters.

How? Pope Francis urges us to care for and welcome in our societies and cultures those of us who are most marginalized, including immigrants, the sick, the unemployed and prisoners. Above all, we are all brothers and sisters because we are all children of God.

Pope Francis not only wrote a letter about the need to love one another as brothers but also emphasizes this point in other writings and in his speeches, especially when he speaks of St Joseph – the saint who together with Mary, raised Jesus and which is dear to Pope Francis! As we mention St Joseph, may we be reminded of what Pope Francis tells us about those who care for and love us, especially our grandparents. Pope Francis often reminds us that to truly live in a world where we love one another as brothers and sisters, it is important to listen to the stories and wisdom of our grandparents.

When we listen to our grandparents, who have lived in a world very different from ours, we learn to continue to work as they did and not to repeat their mistakes.

Pope Francis calls for fraternity: We are either brothers or enemies
Pope Francis: Tell the story of the fraternity possible among Jews, Christians and Muslims
Pope Francis: Fraternity is the anchor of salvation for humanity
A Celebration of Human Fraternity – Pope Francis and Grand Imam Al-Tayeb

Refugee Backpack

During this prayer space one reflects on refugees – people who leave their countries for good due to varied reasons and what the real essentials in one’s life.

Our Sick Brothers and Sisters

All Brothers and Sisters

This prayer space helps us to reflect that we are all one family and one community united in Christ.

Papa Franġisku joħlom u jixtieq jara dinja u Knisja li fiha kulħadd jista’ jagħmel differenza għall-aħjar inkluż tiegħek ukoll!

Papa Franġisku jixtieq ifakkarna fl-importanza tat-talb fil-ħajja tagħna biex b’hekk nagħtu sehemna għall-bini ta’ Knisa u dinja aħjar.

Kliem ewlieni
Papa FranġiskuKnisjaTalbDinja aħjar

Pope Francis dreams and wants to see a world and a Church in which everyone can make a difference for the better including you!

Pope Francis would like to remind us of the importance of prayer in our lives to participate in building a better Church and world.

Pope FrancisChurchPrayerBetter world
Prayer Spaces and session related to silence and participation

Be Still: Chapel

In the space just be. Be at peace in a place where one becomes aware of God.

The Value of Time

Papa Franġisku joħlom u jixtieq jara dinja – u Knisja – li fiha kulħadd jista’ jagħmel differenza għall-aħjar.

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li aħna parti mid-dinja u mill-Knisja, u għalhekk il-ħolm u x-xewqat tagħna huma wkoll importanti biex jgħinu lid-dinja u lill-Knisja jkunu postijiet aħjar u isbaħ.

Bħalissa l-Knisja għaddejja minn proċess twil li matulu tisma’ l-opinjonijiet ta’ kulħadd madwar id-dinja nkluż tat-tfal. B’hekk il-Knisja tkun ta’ għajnuna akbar għan-nies kollha tad-dinja.

Papa Franġisku jixtieq ifakkarna fl-importanza tat-talb fil-ħajja tagħna. Meta nitolbu, nifhmu aktar ċar x’irid Alla minna fil-ħajja tagħna.

Meta Papa Franġisku jixtieq jisma’ lil kulħadd, dan qed jagħmlu għax jemmen li Alla qiegħed jaħdem għal Knisja u dinja aħjar permezz ta’ kulħadd – inkluż permezz tiegħek!

Kliem ewlieni
Papa FranġiskuKnisjaprocess ta’ smigħtfal  
Xewqat u ħolmtalbAllakulħadd important fil-Knisja

Pope Francis dreams and wants to see a world and a Church in which everyone can make a difference for the better.

Pope Francis reminds us that we are part of the world and of the Church, so our dreams and desires are also important to help the world and the Church be better and more beautiful places.

The Church is currently going through a process during which she listens to the views of everyone including the children. Thus, the Church will be of greater help to all the people in the world.

Pope Francis would like to remind us of the importance of prayer in our lives. When we pray, we understand more clearly what God wants from us in our lives.

When Pope Francis wants to listen to everyone, he is doing this because he believes that God is working for a better Church and world through everyone – including you!

Pope FrancisChurchListening processchildren  
Hopes and dreamsprayerGodEveryone is important in Church
Prayer Spaces and session related to wishes for a better world

Be Still: Chapel

In the space just be. Be at peace in a place where one becomes aware of God.

The Value of Time

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li aħna parti mid-dinja u mill-Knisja, u għalhekk il-ħolm u x-xewqat tagħna huma wkoll importanti biex jgħinu lid-dinja u lill-Knisja jkunu postijiet aħjar u isbaħ. Bħalissa l-Knisja għaddejja minn proċess twil li matulu tisma’ l-opinjonijiet ta’ kulħadd – tfal, adulti u anzjani, minn kull naħa tad-dinja – biex il-Knisja tkun ta’ għajnuna akbar għan-nies kollha tad-dinja.

Papa Franġisku jixtieq ifakkarna fl-importanza tat-talb fil-ħajja tagħna. Meta nitolbu, nifhmu aktar ċar – anke jekk bil-mod – x’irid Alla minna fil-ħajja tagħna, u b’hekk nistgħu nagħtu sehmna għall-bini ta’ Knisja – u dinja – aħjar. Meta Papa Franġisku jixtieq jisma’ lil kulħadd, dan qed jagħmlu għax jemmen li Alla qiegħed jaħdem għal Knisja u dinja aħjar permezz ta’ kulħadd – inkluż permezz tiegħek!

Pope Francis reminds us that we are part of the world and of the Church, so our dreams and desires are also important to help the world and the Church be better and more beautiful places. The Church is currently going through a long process during which she listens to the views of everyone – children, adults, and the elderly, from all over the world – to make the Church more helpful to all the people of the world.

Pope Francis would like to remind us of the importance of prayer in our lives. When we pray, we understand more clearly – even if takes time – what God wants from us in our lives, so that we can do our part to build a Church – and a better world. When Pope Francis wants to listen to everyone, he is doing this because he believes that God is working for a better Church and world through everyone – including you!

Pope Francis invites participation to the begin the Season of Creation
Prayer Spaces related to praying in silence

Being still in silence is a form of prayer that helps me understand better what God wants from me in my life.

Be Still: Chapel

In the space just be. Be at peace in a place where one becomes aware of God.

The Value of Time

Papa Franġisku joħlom u jixtieq jara dinja – u Knisja – li fiha kulħadd jista’ jagħmel differenza għall-aħjar. Ħafna drabi naqtgħu qalbna għaliex naraw lill-politikanti jew lill-qassisin jieħdu deċiżjonijiet li mhux bilfors jidhru li huma tajbin, u dan iġiegħelna naħsbu li aħna mhux parti importanti mid-dinja u mill-Knisja. Imma dan mhux il-każ!

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li aħna parti mid-dinja u mill-Knisja, u għalhekk il-ħolm u x-xewqat tagħna huma wkoll importanti biex jgħinu lid-dinja u lill-Knisja jkunu postijiet aħjar u isbaħ. F’dawn l-aħħar snin rajna lil Papa Franġisku jiddiskuti maż-żgħażagħ dwar kif il-Knisja tista’ tgħin liż-żgħażagħ jgħixu aktar il-ħolm u x-xewqat tagħhom, u rajna wkoll lil Papa Franġisku jiddiskuti man-nies tal-Amażonja dwar kif il-Knisja tista’ taħdem aħjar f’din il-parti żgħira – imma importanti xorta waħda – tad-dinja. Bħalissa l-Knisja għaddejja minn proċess twil li matulu tisma’ l-opinjonijiet ta’ kulħadd – tfal, adulti u anzjani, minn kull naħa tad-dinja – biex il-Knisja tkun ta’ għajnuna akbar għan-nies kollha tad-dinja. Għaliex hemm bżonn ta’ dan il-proċess twil?

Dan il-proċess twil ifakkarna li fil-Knisja kulħadd hu importanti u, fuq kollox, li Alla jaħdem ma’ kulħadd u għal kulħadd. X’jiġifieri? Dan il-proċess ifisser li Papa Franġisku jixtieq ifakkarna fl-importanza tat-talb fil-ħajja tagħna. Meta nitolbu, nifhmu aktar ċar – anke jekk bil-mod – x’irid Alla minna fil-ħajja tagħna, u b’hekk nistgħu nagħtu sehmna għall-bini ta’ Knisja – u dinja – aħjar. Meta Papa Franġisku jixtieq jisma’ lil kulħadd, dan qed jagħmlu għax jemmen li Alla qiegħed jaħdem għal Knisja u dinja aħjar permezz ta’ kulħadd – inkluż permezz tiegħek!

Pope Francis dreams and wants to see a world – and a Church – in which everyone can make a difference. We are often discouraged because we see politicians or priests making decisions that do not necessarily seem right, and this leads us to think that we do not play an important part in the world or in Church. But this is not the case!

Pope Francis reminds us that we are part of the world and of the Church, so our dreams and desires are also important to help the world and the Church be better and more beautiful places. In recent years we have seen Pope Francis discuss with young people how the Church can help young people live their dreams and desires, and we have also seen Pope Francis discuss with the people of the Amazon how the Church can work better in this small – but important part of the world.  The Church is currently going through a long process during which she listens to the views of everyone – children, adults, and the elderly, from all over the world – to make the Church more helpful to all the people of the world.

Why does it take so long? This long process reminds us that in the Church, everyone is important and above all that God works with everyone and for everyone. What does this mean? This process means that Pope Francis would like to remind us of the importance of prayer in our lives. When we pray, we understand more clearly – even if takes time – what God wants from us in our lives, so that we can do our part to build a Church – and a better world. When Pope Francis wants to listen to everyone, he is doing this because he believes that God is working for a better Church and world through everyone – including you!

Pope Francis invites everyone to participate for a better world

Pope Francis invites participation to the begin the Season of Creation

Pope Francis invites participation “to now, more than ever, we must build a future from below, from politics with the people, rooted in the people.”

Prayer Spaces and sessions related to prayer in silence and participation

Be Still: Chapel

In the space just be. Be at peace in a place where one becomes aware of God.


Senses: Shush and Listen

In this prayer space one is invited to enjoy the silence and discover more within oneself.

Building Blocks

In this prayer space one is asked to relfect on one’s daily actions and how such actions are helping to build a better world.

The Value of Time

Papa Franġisku jħeġġiġna biex nilqgħu lil xulxin u jfakkarna li meta nilqgħu lil xulxin, inkunu qed inħobbu lil min hu differenti minna u nagħtuhom iċ-ċans li jħobbuna lura.

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li l-akbar rigal li Alla jagħtina hu r-rigal ta’ xulxin.

Ejjew għalhekk nitgħallmu nilqgħu lil xulxin, anke jekk aħna differenti ħafna minn xulxin.

Kliem ewlieni
Papa FranġiskuNilqgħu lil xulxinInħobbu lil xulxinAħna rigal għal xulxin

Pope Francis reminds us, that when we welcome one another we are loving those who are different from us and giving them a chance to love us back.

Papa Pope Francis reminds us that the greatest gift God gives us is the gift of one another.

Let us learn to welcome one another as a gift from God to us by showing kindness and love to all.

Key words
Pope FrancisWelcome one anotherLove one anotherGift of one another
Prayer spaces and session related to hospitality

Friendship Chain

During this prayer one is asked to think of a friend, reflect on the good qualities of their friend and then thank God for them.

No Room for Labels

Papa Franġisku jħeġġiġna biex nilqgħu lil xulxin u jfakkarna li meta nilqgħu lil xunxin, inkunu qed inħobbu lil min hu differenti minna u nagħtuhom iċ-ċans li jħobbuna lura.

Meta jitkellem dwar il-vjaġġ ta’ San Pawl f’Malta, Papa Franġisku jiddeskrivi lill-Maltin ta’ dak iż-żmien bħala twajbin, bħala nies li diġà kienu jafu kif jilqgħu lil San Pawl u lil dawk kollha li kienu miegħu fuq il-ġifen.

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li l-akbar rigal li Alla jagħtina hu r-rigal ta’ xulxin.

Ejjew għalhekk nitgħallmu nilqgħu lil xulxin, anke jekk aħna differenti ħafna minn xulxin.

Kliem ewlieni
Papa FranġiskuVjaġġ ta’ San Pawl f’MaltaĠifenIl-Maltin kienu nies twajba
Nilqgħu lil xulxinGħajnunaOspitalitàAħna rigal għal xulxin

Pope Francis reminds us, that when we welcome one another we are loving those who are different from us and giving them a chance to love us back.

Speaking about St. Paul’s voyage to Malta, Pope Francis describes the Maltese people during that time as showing unusual kindness, and as people who already knew how to welcome St. Paul and all those who were with him on the ship.

Pope Francis reminds us that the greatest gift God gives us is the gift of one another.

Let us learn to welcome one another as a gift from God to us by showing kindness and love to all!

Key words
Pope FrancisSt Paul’s voyage to MaltaShipThe Maltese people showed unusual kindness
Welcome one anotherHelpHospitalityGift of one another
Prayer spaces and session related to hospitality

Arms Wide Open

In this prayer space one thinks of people who deserve a warm welcome and to pray so one puts love and compassion into practice.

Worry Boats

To understand God’s love in our life turbulences.

No Room for Labels

Meta jitkellem dwar il-vjaġġ ta’ San Pawl f’Malta, Papa Franġisku jiddeskrivi lill-Maltin ta’ dak iż-żmien bħala twajbin, bħala nies li diġà kienu jafu kif jilqgħu lil San Pawl u lil dawk kollha li kienu miegħu fuq il-ġifen.

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li meta nilqgħu lil xulxin inkunu qed inħobbu lil min hu differenti minna u nagħtuhom iċ-ċans li jħobbuna lura. Id-differenzi ta’ bejnietna ma għandhomx ikunu sors ta’ firda jew ta’ biżgħa iżda opportunità sabiħa li tgħinna nikbru u tfakkarna li aħna lkoll aħwa ta’ xulxin.

Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li l-akbar rigal li Alla jagħtina hu r-rigal ta’ xulxin.

Speaking about St. Paul’s voyage to Malta, Pope Francis describes the Maltese people during that time as showing unusual kindness, and as people who already knew how to welcome St. Paul and all those who were with him on the ship.

Pope Francis reminds us, that when we welcome one another we are loving those who are different from us and giving them a chance to love us back. The differences between us should not be a source of division or fear but a wonderful opportunity to help us grow and remind us that we are all brothers and sisters.

Pope Francis reminds us that the greatest gift God gives us is the gift of one another.

Pope: Welcoming other Christians
Prayer spaces and session related to hospitality

Arms Wide Open

In this prayer space one thinks of people who deserve a warm welcome and to pray so one puts love and compassion into practice.

Worry Boats

To understand God’s love in our life turbulences.

No Room for Labels

Meta jitkellem dwar il-vjaġġ ta’ San Pawl f’Malta, Papa Franġisku jiddeskrivi lill-Maltin ta’ dak iż-żmien bħala twajbin, bħala nies li diġà kienu jafu kif jilqgħu lil San Pawl u lil dawk kollha li kienu miegħu fuq il-ġifen.

Kienet ix-xita u l-bard, u wara d-diffikultajiet kbar li ltaqgħu magħhom fuq il-baħar, San Pawl u dawk li kienu miegħu fuq il-ġifen intlaqgħu tajjeb u ngħataw l-għajnuna li kellhom bżonn. Din l-ospitalità, li tiddeskrivi lill-Maltin ta’ żmien San Pawl, hija wkoll il-kwalità li aħna msejħin ngħixu llum. Minħabba li San Pawl kien milqugħ f’Malta, seta’ jitkellem dwar Ġesù u jfejjaq lill-morda li kienu jgħixu f’Malta f’dak iż-żmien. Papa Franġisku jfakkarna, għalhekk, li meta nilqgħu lil xulxin inkunu qed inħobbu lil min hu differenti minna u nagħtuhom iċ-ċans li jħobbuna lura. Id-differenzi ta’ bejnietna ma għandhomx ikunu sors ta’ firda jew ta’ biżgħa iżda opportunità sabiħa li tgħinna nikbru u tfakkarna li aħna lkoll aħwa ta’ xulxin.

San Pawl jgħallimna li fid-diffikultajiet li niltaqgħu magħhom għandu jkollna fiduċja f’Alla, għax meta nafdaw f’Alla u nirċievu r-rigali li Alla jagħtina, aħna wkoll nistgħu naqsmu dawn ir-rigali ma’ xulxin. Papa Franġisku jfakkarna li l-akbar rigal li Alla jagħtina hu r-rigal ta’ xulxin.

Ejjew għalhekk nitgħallmu nilqgħu lil xulxin, anke jekk aħna differenti ħafna minn xulxin, bħala rigal ta’ Alla għalina billi nuru ħlewwa u b’imħabba kbira ma’ kulħadd!

Speaking about St. Paul’s voyage to Malta, Pope Francis describes the Maltese people during that time as showing unusual kindness, and as people who already knew how to welcome St. Paul and all those who were with him on the ship.

It was raining and cold, and after the great difficulties they encountered at sea, St. Paul and those who were with him on the ship were well received and given the help they needed. This hospitality, which describes the Maltese people during St. Paul’s time, is also the quality that we are called to live today. Because St. Paul was welcomed in Malta, he was able to talk about Jesus and heal the sick who were living in Malta at that time. Pope Francis reminds us, that when we welcome one another we are loving those who are different from us and giving them a chance to love us back. The differences between us should not be a source of division or fear but a wonderful opportunity to help us grow and remind us that we are all brothers and sisters.

St. Paul teaches us that when we encounter difficulties, we should trust in God, because when we trust in God and receive God’s gifts, we too can share these gifts with one another. Pope Francis reminds us that the greatest gift God gives us is the gift of one another.

Even though we are very different from one another, let us learn to welcome one another as a gift from God to us by showing kindness and love to all!

Pope: Welcoming other Christians
Prayer spaces and session related to hospitality

Arms Wide Open

In this prayer space one thinks of people who deserve a warm welcome and to pray so one puts love and compassion into practice.

Worry Boats

To understand God’s love in our life turbulences.

No Room for Labels

Prayer for the Visit of Pope Francis in Malta

Mulej Ġesù Kristu, għalik tixxennaq ruħna.

Agħmel, nitolbuk, li ż-żjara tal-Papa Franġisku fostna

tkun waħda li tlaqqagħna miegħek biex nitgħaxxqu bi mħabbtek

u, fl-Ispirtu tiegħek, nagħrfu lkoll li aħna wlied ta’ Missier wieħed,

u ngħixu r-rabta tagħna ma’ xulxin fis-sliem. Ammen.

Lord Jesus Christ, our souls long for you.

We, pray, that Pope Francis’ visit among us is one

that binds us together, cross the path with you

to be delighted with your love and in your Spirit,

we recognize that we are the offspring of one Father,

and live our bond with one another in peace. Amen.

Past Popes’ visits to Malta

The first Pope to visit Malta was John Paul II between the 25th and 27th May. This visit was the Pope’s 48th Apostolic Trip outside Italy in the first 12 years of his Pontificate.

On the 8th May 2001, His Holiness visited Malta once again as part of his Pauline pilgrimage during which he also visited Greece and Syria. On the second and last day of his visit, His Holiness beatified Dun Ġorġ Preca, Nazju Falzon and Adeodata Pisani.

Pope Benedict XVI has been invited by the Bishops of Malta and the President of the Republic to visit Malta on the occasion of the 1950th anniversary of St Paul’s shipwreck, which according to tradition occurred in 60 A.D. Large celebrations were held in Malta in 1960 to commemorate this centenary.
