

The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


There are people who are sick. Some are in hospital and others are at home. Today we shall think about these people. Let us watch this story:


Reflective Thought

Everyone can feel sick in different ways. Like the children in the story, let us learn to comfort those who are sick so they will feel better.


Oh God, bless all the sick people especially sick children. Remind them that you love them abundantly and can heal them. Amen.


The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


This pandemic experience we’re passing through has brought us face-to-face with the reality of what causes serious illness and what the consequences are for us when we are sick. Have you ever visited a sick person? Think about your feelings during this visit. Now watch and listen carefully to this conversation between the two friends you will observe in this video:


Reflective Thought

It is very common to become ill and when this happens we will need someone to take care of us and to help us. Usually, these are the people who are very close to us. Today, let us remember the sick, especially those who have to spend a lot of time on their own and are feeling sad and lonely.  We frequently hear about famous people who used to visit and take care of the sick. We should feel happy that we can help or visit a sick person.


Oh God, bless all sick people. Make their pain less and give them strength. Amen.


The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence. 


We believe that God is love. When we think about this, the question which comes to mind is: why is there disease and suffering? Sick people remind us that God is always with us. From sick people we can learn that the suffering they undergo can bring them closer to God. Let us watch this video together:


Reflective Thought

The hug the young man gave his fiancée is a hug of love and courage. The young man told her that during the tough time they were experiencing together they would, “support each other to beat this”. This moment invites us to think about someone who is, at this moment, sick. In what ways can I give a sick person support in spite of the pandemic restrictions? Let us think for a while.


Oh God, you are love; bestow upon us the grace that we learn to be there for each other in every possible way, especially with the sick and the vulnerable. Amen.


The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


We believe that God is love. When we think about this, the question which comes to mind is: why is there disease and suffering? Sick people remind us that God is always with us. These sick people can teach us that the suffering they undergo can bring them closer to God. Let us watch this video together:


Reflective Thought

The hug the young man gave his fiancée is a hug of love and courage. The young man told her that during the tough time they were experiencing together they would, “support each other to beat this”. This moment invites us to think about someone who is, at this moment, sick. In what ways can I give this person support in spite of the pandemic restrictions? Let us think about this for a while.


Oh God, give us the grace that we will learn to be there for each other in every possible way, especially with the sick and the vulnerable. Amen.

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