This prayer space gives time for on to reflect on those who have been by our sides, holding our hands, because they love, care and support us.

Equipment: boys and girls templates, staplers, pens, pencils

Related to Liturgy: 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A

Related to Bible: Matthew 11: 25-30   




Blessed were the moments when I was falling apart and someone held my hand tight!!! What a good feeling it is to know that someone cares about us and is ready to hold our hands when we are in need!!! We feel even better when we hold some else’s hands to show our care, attention and support.

  • Take a template of a boy or girl and on it write your name.
  • While stapling your template with another, think of the people you meet at school, at home, at MUSEUM or at the sports club who were there to hold your hand when you needed most because they love you. 
  • Say a prayer to thank God for presenting these caring people in your life.


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