

During the academic year 2023 – 2024 we are going to live, reflect and celebrate the theme of Living Love. You will find various reflections and resources related to the theme. If you need more help or other services, fill in the form at the end of the page.

Planning with the School Leadership and the pastoral teams is essential. The earlier we plan, we show that spiritual and pastoral development is a vital aspect of school life. What should one keep in mind when planning?

Resources to Help You Plan

The following file is a scheme that includes week-by-week ideas and themes for the whole educational year related to Year Theme 24-25 about HOPE:

Your contribution is very appreciated.

If you have resources related to the theme of HOPE and want to share them, please CLICK the button below.

SDS offers various programmes and services to help the school community grow in God’s love. Explore more in the following brochure you will receive as a hard copy in school. We encourage you, together with the religious counsellor / spiritual director, to analyse the spiritual needs of the school, and to plan the spiritual activities. If you need the SDS’ contribution, fill out the Request a Service Form so we make time to serve you. Contact us if you want to speak with us.


In the beginning of the scholastic year, the religious counsellor / spiritual director can celebrate Holy mass for educators and for the students. You can download from the following Prayers and readings for Holy Mass:

Forgiveness Prayers

Lord, forgive us for the times we are selfish and rude. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Lord, forgive those people who say hurtful things to others. Christ have mercy

Christ have mercy

Lord, please forgive us for the times we were not instruments of peace with all those around us through our actions. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Prayers of the Faithful

1. Inspire Pope Francis and our Archbishop who lead and serve the church. May they know your guidance and direction. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

2. Show us how to serve one another, to offer love, care, and support. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

3. Help our leaders, parents and those who take care of us, teachers and educators, doctors, social workers and counsellors to be bringers of peace in all situations. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

4. Lead us to be generous with our time, possessions and money. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

5. For the souls of our relatives departed. God grant them eternal rest in peace. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

6. (Let’s spend some time in silence to present to God our personal prayers)

For our own needs and intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause], we pray to the Lord:

O Lord graciously hear us.

Choose from the following prayers

1. For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold indifference. May our homes, schools, nation, and all the countries worldwide become havens of peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

2. The grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language, or culture. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

3. For the wisdom to receive the stories and experiences of those different from ourselves and respond respectfully. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

4. To protect all police and first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety, be fair and just, and promote peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

5. For our school, we may cultivate welcome, extend hospitality, and encourage the participation of people of all cultures and beliefs. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

6. For solidarity in our global human family, we may work together to protect those most vulnerable and in need. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

7. For the souls of our relatives departed. God grant them eternal rest in peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

8. (Let’s spend some time in silence to present to God our personal prayers)

For our own needs and intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause], we pray to the Lord:

O Lord, graciously hear us.

Choose from the following prayers:

1. For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold indifference. May our homes, schools, nation, and all the countries worldwide become havens of peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

2. The grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language, or culture. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

3. For the wisdom to receive the stories and experiences of those different from ourselves and respond respectfully. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

4. To protect all police and first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety, be fair, and promote peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

5. For our school, we may cultivate welcome, extend hospitality, and encourage the participation of people of all cultures and beliefs. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

6. For solidarity in our global human family, we may work together to protect those most vulnerable and in need. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

7. For the souls of our relatives departed. God grant them eternal rest in peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

8. (Let’s spend some time in silence to present to God our personal prayers)

For our own needs and intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause], we pray to the Lord:

O Lord, graciously hear us.

1. Lord Jesus, deliver us from self-centeredness and indifference. Help us to be caring and compassionate toward all people, no matter their race, religion, or country of origin. Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy

2. Christ Jesus, deliver us from the silence that gives consent to abuse, violence and oppression. Grant us the passionate desire and strength to risk speaking for the common good and justice. Christ have mercy.

Christ have mercy

3. Lord Jesus, deliver us from apathy, and hardness of heart. Give us sympathetic hearts to reach out to those around us who are in deep grief – especially adolescents and youths who are suffering from fear, confusion, and profound loss. Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy

1. Lord Jesus, deliver us from self-centeredness and indifference. Help us to be caring and compassionate toward all people, no matter their race, religion, or country of origin. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

2. Christ Jesus, deliver us from the silence that gives consent to abuse, violence and oppression. Grant us the passionate desire and strength to risk speaking for the common good and justice. Christ have mercy.

Christ have mercy

3. Lord Jesus, deliver us from apathy, and hardness of heart. Give us sympathetic hearts to reach out to those around us who are in deep grief – especially adolescents and youths who are suffering from fear, confusion, and profound loss. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

A reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone.
You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing,
As they rejoice before you as at the harvest,
as men make merry when dividing spoils.
For the yoke that burdened them, the pole on their shoulder,
 And the rod of their taskmaster you have smashed, as on the day of Midian.
For every boot that tramped in battle,
every cloak rolled in blood, will be burned as fuel for flames.
For a child is born to us, a son is given us;
upon his shoulder dominion rests.
They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.
His dominion is vast and forever peaceful,
From David’s throne, and over his kingdom,
which he confirms and sustains
By judgment and justice, both now and forever.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this!

The word of the Lord.
R/. Thanks be to God

Psalm 122 1-2, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9

R/. Give us peace, O Lord.

I rejoiced because they said to me,
“We will go up to the house of the Lord.”
And now we have set foot
within your gates, O Jerusalem.

R/. Give us peace, O Lord.

To it the tribes go up,
the tribes of the Lord,
According to the decree for Israel,
to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
In it are set up judgment seats,
seats for the house of David.

R/. Give us peace, O Lord.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
May those who love you prosper!
May peace be within your walls,
prosperity in your buildings.

R/. Give us peace, O Lord.

Because of my relatives and friends
I will say, “Peace be within you!”
Because of the house of the Lord, our God,
I will pray for your good.

R/. Give us peace, O Lord.

Mt 5:9

R/. Alleluia, alleluia.

Blessed are the peacemakers; they shall be called children of God.  

R/. Alleluia, alleluia.


My peace I give to you

A reading from the holy Gospel according to John
John 20:19-23

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors were locked where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he said this, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

The Gospel of the Lord.
R/. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ

These prayer spaces can be used for the year theme – Living Love.

Boxing Gloves

In the prayer space one is asked to reflect on those hurt because of bullying and invited to pray for the bullied and the bullies.

Centigrades of Love

In this prayer space one is given time to reflect on love and how loving others is loving God as well.

Debt of Love

In this prayer space one is invited to think and pray for the children who are mistreated and involved in slave trade.

Wand of Love

In this prayer space one can reflect on the love he/she shows to others and ask for forgivness for when one fails to love others unconditionally.

Lent: Love Letter

Reflecting on how St John describes the immense love God has for us, in this prayer space one is given time to write a love letter to God who is showering us with love.

Love is Greater than Fear

During this prayer space inspired by 1 John 4:18, one reflects on the fears, especially induced by sickness, and thinks how love is greater than them all.

Love Letter

In this prayer space one is given time to write a reply (love letter) to God who is showering us with love.

Oven of Love

In this prayer space one reflects on how God is sweet to use and encourages us to reflect on how one can be sweet to others.

Thankful Ducks

During this prayer space we are invited to reflect about the word at the back of a paper duck and thank God for the good things we have in life.

Liturgical Calendar 2023-2024

This Liturgical Calendar will guide you more when you plan.


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