

During the academic year 2024 – 2025, we will reflect and celebrate the virtue of hope as the Catholic Church celebrates the Jubilee of Hope.

Sowing hope in children and young people’s educational journeys is essential for nurturing resilient and compassionate individuals guided by faith in God, who loves us. Hope is a guiding light, empowering students to face challenges and pursue their dreams. As educators, instilling hope is not merely a task but a profound responsibility that shapes society’s present and future.

The importance of hope in our life journey is underscored by the belief that every child is created in the image of God and endowed with unique potential. Educators play a pivotal role in recognizing and nurturing this potential. When educators embody hope, they inspire students to believe in their abilities and the possibilities that lie ahead. This hope is not just a fleeting emotion but a steadfast anchor that encourages perseverance in adversity. As stated in Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” This verse highlights the transformative power of hope, which can be shared and multiplied within the educational environment.

Moreover, hope fosters a sense of community and belonging among students. It encourages them to support one another, creating a culture of solidarity and mutual respect. In this nurturing atmosphere, students learn the value of collaboration and empathy, essential qualities for their personal and professional lives.

Educators must also cultivate their hopefulness. A hopeful educator can inspire students to dream big and strive for excellence. As they model a hopeful attitude, they teach students that challenges are growth opportunities. The journey of education is not just about imparting knowledge; it is about fostering a spirit of hope that will guide young people throughout their lives.

In conclusion, sowing hope in education is vital for developing resilient, compassionate individuals. By embodying hope, educators can inspire the next generation to embrace their potential and contribute positively to the world.

Planning with the School Leadership and the pastoral teams is essential. The earlier we plan, we show that spiritual and pastoral development is a vital aspect of school life. What should one keep in mind when planning?

Resources to Help You Plan

The following file is a scheme that includes week-by-week ideas and themes for the whole educational year related to Year Theme 24-25 about HOPE:

Your contribution is very appreciated.

If you have resources related to the theme of HOPE and want to share them, please CLICK the button below.

SDS offers various programmes and services to help the school community grow in God’s love. Explore more in the following brochure, which you will receive in hard copy at school. We encourage you to analyse the school’s spiritual needs and plan spiritual activities with the religious counsellor/spiritual director. If you need SDS’s contribution, fill out the Request a Service Form so we can make time to serve you. Contact us if you want to speak with us.


These prayer spaces can be used for the year theme – Sowing Hope.

Be Merciful

In connection with the Pope Francis’ visit to the Malta, in this Prayer Space one is asked to think about acts of love he/she can carry out in his/her life, and to thank God for his mercy towards him/her.

Beatitudes: Hope

In this prayer space, one thinks about the worries in life and how God is there to help us.

Broken Deep Inside (Clay)

This prayer space lets one to reflect on one’s own fragilities and to think about the pressures and tensions one gives in to, and to allows time to entrust the pain to God.

Fight for Freedom

During this prayer space we will reflect about the Shoah and how we are still called today to fight against war and terror in the world

Hope Blossoms

In this prayer space one reflects on hope.

Hopes and Dreams

In this prayer space one reflects upon one’s hopes and dreams.

I Am A Seed

During this prayer space, one recognizes one’s talents and good characteristics and a way how he/she uses them to help others benefit from them.

Leaving an impression

In this prayer activity, one sits down and listens to a reflection in the Gospel of Luke about the impressions others leave on us and us on them.

Love is Greater than Fear

During this prayer space inspired by 1 John 4:18, one reflects on the fears, especially induced by sickness, and thinks how love is greater than them all.

Narnia: Hope

Through four scenarios from the narrative of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, students are encouraged to reflect on hope, instances that make a better world, their identity and uniqueness, as well as to learn to be sorry for their wrong.

Refugee Backpack

During this prayer space one reflects on refugees – people who leave their countries for good due to varied reasons and what the real essentials in one’s life.

Rope of Hope

This prayer space gives time for one to reflect on the importance of prayer.

Bubbles of Wishes

This prayer space allows one to ask God for a dream or a wish to come true.

Think Good Thoughts

In this prayer space we are encouraged to change negative thoughts to positive ones so that we will feel more hopeful and strong especially in difficult situations.

Readings adapted for children for the first Friday of the month

Many schools celebrate holy mass on the first Friday of the month. Click on the button to download the document with all the adapted readings for the first Friday of the month between October 2024 and June 2025 in Maltese.

Click on the month to download the PowerPoint presentation of the Readings in Maltese.


Ideas for Better Participation during Holy Mass

Helpful resources and ideas to celebrate the Eucharistic celebration in a more engaging and participative way.

Ħallu t-Tfal Jiġu Għandi

F’dil-paġna diversi temi għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa. Kull tema għandha qari relatat u diversi minnhom huma fi stil djalogat. Ibda għalhekk mill-bżonnijiet tal-komunità u għażel it-tema li tixtieq tippreżenta.

Sejjaħtilkom Ħbieb

Dawn ir-riżorsi huma maħluqa biex jkunu ta’ għajnuna għat-tfal biex jifmu u għalhekk jieħdu sehem aħjar fil-quddiesa. Hu importanti ħafna li t-tfal jifhmu dak li qegħdin jagħmlu – jagħrfu li bis-sehem tagħhom fil-quddiesa jkunu qegħdin ifaħħru ‘l Alla.

Liturgical Tests for the Jubilee of Hope

Liturgical Calendar 2024-2025

This Liturgical Calendar 2024-25 can be helpful when you are planning.

Explore what is and what is planned for the Jubilee of Hope that the Catholic Church in Malta will celebrate between 2024 and 2025 as a celebration of mercy and reconciliation in Christ through the website:

The Jubilee of Hope started in Rome on December 24, 2024, while in Malta on December 29, 2024.
Learn more about the Jubilee at and

Luce – The Mascot for the Jubilee

Luce is a pilgrim dressed as a typical traveller: a yellow anorak to protect herself from the elements. These dirty boots bear witness to the path she has already travelled, a missionary cross around her neck and the pilgrim’s staff in her hand. Particularly evocative are Luce’s eyes, which shine with an intense light: they symbolize the hope that is born in the heart of every pilgrim and reflects the desire for spirituality and connection with the divine. They act as a reminder of the universal message of peace and brotherhood. The choice of a mascot like Luce is part of a broader context aimed at reaching new generations and promoting intergenerational dialogue. The mascot not only represents the Jubilee but is also a symbol of community, welcome and sharing.

Lent and Easter in style

Ideas for Better Participation during Holy Mass

Helpful resources and ideas to celebrate the Eucharistic celebration in a more engaging and participative way.

A Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)


Ten-minute reflections for an assembly or any time you deem fit.

Preparing the ground
October 2024

Learning from the wise
November 2024

Acting at the right time
December 2024

Committing Ourselves
January 2025

Being Patient
February 2025

Time to Spring Clean
March 2025

Reaping the Fruit
May 2025


Twenty-minute sessions prepared for a group of students


Explore more Programmes
