
Objective: Students will learn that by creating an environment of love and friendship they will grow up happier and stronger.


Good morning, everyone! Today, we’re going to talk about something very special as we start our new school year together. Imagine a farmer getting the soil ready before planting seeds. Just like that, we need to get our minds and hearts ready for all the fun and learning we’ll do this year. Let’s find out how we can prepare ourselves for a great year ahead!


Think about how a farmer works hard to get the soil ready before planting any seeds. In the same way, we need to get ready for the new school year. How? By making good habits and being kind to each other, we are getting our life ready for us to grow in a happy environment which helps us do our best in everything we do.

Activity: Planting Seeds of Hope by Acts of Love.

Resources needed: a handout for each student of good and bad deeds, coloured pencils, scissors)


  • Explain: God wants us to be happy and to help others be happy too. Let us now prepare ourselves to create a happy class for us to grow in by choosing those pictures in the handout that show acts of love and kindness.
  • Give out a handout to each student and together discuss which pictures show acts of love and kindness.
  • The students colour and cut around them and stick or pin them to a chart which can be hung in class.

Explain that these good acts will remind everyone what they need to do to create a happy class. Being kind and loving also shows that we are the children of God because God is love.

Video: Sesame Street: How to be a Good Friend | Tamir on the Street #3


Dear God, just as a farmer prepares the soil so his plants will give him lots of yummy fruit and vegetables, guide us to be kind to each other, so we can grow happily and be called children of God.


Objective: To teach students the importance of preparation and setting the foundation for success and growth in the new school year.


Good morning, everyone! Today, we will discuss something important as we start our new school year together. Like a farmer prepares the soil before planting seeds, we must prepare our minds and hearts for all the learning and growing we’ll do this year. Let’s explore how we can prepare ourselves for a fantastic year ahead!


Think about how a farmer works hard to prepare the soil before planting seeds. In the same way, we need to prepare for the new school year by preparing our minds and hearts.

Why?: (This preparation will help us grow and succeed in all that we do).

How?:( By setting good habits and being kind to one another, we nurture our own “soil,” preparing it to plant seeds of hope and knowledge.)

Activity: Preparing for planting.

Resources: 1 medium-sized plant pot, coloured slips of paper, pens/pencils

Instructions: The animator can organize an activity in which students prepare the ‘soil’, representing their lives, for the growth and maturity of happy and kind people.

  • Prepare the pot with good, clean soil beforehand.
  • Ask the students to write acts of love and kindness on small slips of colourful paper – these acts will help prepare our lives so we can mature and grow together into a loving and caring community.
  • Each student places his slip of paper in the big pot while sharing what they wrote.

This activity will help students connect taking care of the soil with personal growth and hope.

Video: The Parable of the Farmer and the Seeds

Related Story: In this parable, Jesus tells the story of a farmer who sows seeds on different soil types. Some seeds fall on the path and are eaten by birds, some fall on rocky ground and wither, some fall among thorns and are choked, but some fall on good soil and produce a bountiful crop. The parable teaches the importance of preparing the soil to receive and nurture the seeds, just as we must prepare ourselves to grow in faith, knowledge, and kindness.


Dear God, just as a farmer prepares the soil for a fruitful harvest,

  • Help us prepare our minds and hearts for the learning and growth ahead.
  • Guide us in setting good habits and being kind to one another so we can nurture the “soil” within us.
  • Bless our teachers, classmates, and all who support us on this journey.


Objective: We should open our minds and hearts at the beginning of the new scholastic year to see what God wants to do in us.

Introduction (2 mins):  

  • The animator introduces himself to the students and then introduces the year theme, Sowing Hope.
  • The animator leads students to quiet down, starting with the sign of the cross and a simple thanksgiving prayer.

Sharing (5 mins):

  • The animator suggests that to sow any seeds is to have hope that they will grow and asks about the kind of fruit students would want to achieve this year (allowing time for suggestions).
  • The animator suggests some fruit would be growth in understanding, character/personality, and our relationship with God and each other, for example.

Video (5 mins):

  • The animator explains that we need to prepare the ground to receive the seed of hope, but first, we also need to appreciate/understand the ‘ground’ that we have, where we find ourselves today.
  • The animator introduces the Parable of the Sower (Mk 4:1-8), with which Jesus wants to tell us more about the subject and shows a clip (3:15 mins)

Reflection (5 mins)

  • The animator asks reflectively about the meaning for us to be like the “good soil”, the one ready to receive the seed and produce much fruit.
  • The animator proposes that we’d need to prepare/open ourselves to the new scholastic year and to what God wants to do in us and through us by being grateful and attentive to the promise of good things.

Prayer (3 min):

  • The animator hands a ploughing template
  • The animator leads students to write a personal prayer to God on the template.
  • The animator prays the following or similar:

Dear God, thank you for this new year and the new opportunities to learn and to grow. Help me to trust you with this process and to hope always in your promise that I’d produce many fruit. Amen

  • The animator plays optional song Build my Life

Objective: We should open our minds and hearts at the beginning of the new scholastic year to see what God wants to do in us.

Introduction (2 mins)

  • The animator introduces himself to the students and then presents the year theme, Sowing Hope.
  • The animator leads students to quiet down, starting with the sign of the cross and a simple thanksgiving prayer.

Sharing (5 mins)

  • The animator suggests that to sow any seeds is to have hope that they will grow and asks about the kind of fruit students would want to achieve this year (allowing time for suggestions).
  • The animator suggests some fruit would be growth in understanding, character/personality, and our relationship with God and each other.

Video (2 mins)

Reflection (8 mins)

  • The animator quizzes the students on the different types of soils that Jesus mentions in the parable.
  • The animator reads Jesus’ explanation from Mk 4:13-20 and asks students to silently relate themselves depending on where they’re at today with one or more of the first three soils – helping them appreciate and be grateful they have a ‘land’ to cultivate.
  • The animator hands a ploughing template to each student and asks reflectively what it means for us to be like the “good soil”, the one open to receive the seed and produce much fruit.
  • The animator suggests that we prepare/open ourselves to the new scholastic year and what God wants to do in us and through us by being grateful and attentive to the promise of good things.

Prayer (3 min)

  • The animator leads students to write a personal prayer to God on the template.
  • The animator prays the following or similar:

Dear God, thank you for the gift of life and the various opportunities to learn and grow. At the beginning of this new year, give me “ears to hear” and help me trust you with this process. I always hope in your promise that I’d produce many fruit. Amen

  • The animator plays the optional song Build My Life

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