Helpful resources and ideas to celebrate the Eucharistic celebration in a more engaging and participative way.

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years

Preparations before the Mass Celebration

The Catholics pray through various methods but especially through the Eucharistic Celebration, the Holy Mass. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters of Saint Paul, one finds a description of how the first Catholic communities used to celebrate the Holy Mass. In Rome, the first Catholics celebrated mass in the catacombs using the tombs of the martyrs as altars. Through this method, they celebrated a remembrance of Jesus Christ on the cross and his Resurrection. The Holy Eucharist is a celebration through which we continue to live the Last Supper of Jesus with his Apostles before his Body and Blood were given up to us and said: “Do this in memory of me.”

More about Holy Mass from BeKids website

Underneath, you may find a Powerpoint presentation of the Mass Celebration Rite, including the second Eucharistic prayer for children in a dyslexic-friendly manner.

Before choosing the hymns for the Eucharistic Celebration, it is better to read the guidelines on how to select the hymns for the different parts of the mass celebration from this website IKTUS

Fil-ħlewwa ta’ Mejju

Fil-ħlewwa ta’ Mejju,
Omm tagħna Marija
O kemm idoqq ħlejju dak ismek sabiħ
Kemm toħroġ qawwija
Dil-kelma minn qalbna
Bit-tama li talbna jagħtik l-akbar ġieħ.

Int l-għaxqa tas-sema
Ix-xemx tal-ħolqien
Int l-omm ta’ min ħalqek
Bik mimli kull żmien.

Jekk tiftaħ fil-ġonna il-warda Maltija
Tfakkarna o Madonna fil-lewn ta’ ħaddejk
Jekk tidħak id-dija tal-kwiekeb irżina
Tfakkarna o ħanina fid-dawl ta’ għajnejk Rit:

Minn dejjem bint Alla, nadifa mill-ħtija
Infrixt bħal qawsalla fuq ras il-bnedmin
Int ftaħt o Marija l-għejun ta’ kull ħniena
Fuq l-aħwa ħosbiena, fuq l-aħwa ħatjin. Rit:

Għalhekk ja sultana tal-ħlewwa Marija
Int biss tama tagħna, int qawwa tar-ruħ
Bil-grazzja mimlija kull waqt insellmulek
Bil-ħrara ngħajtulek fis-siegħa tad-dmugħ Rit:

Fis-Santwarju tal-Madonna

Hawn quddiemek, Madonna mixħut
Għax inħossni hekk mifni u batut
Jiena ġrejt u staqsejt fejn insib ftit mistrieħ
U bagħtuni f’riġlejk minnufih.

U qaluli, Madonna li ssebbaħ il-ġonna
U għaliex inti Ommna taħt ħarstek  iżżommna
U aħna minn qalbna, Madonna nfaħħruk.
U qaluli, Madonna li ssebbaħ il-ġonna
U għaliex inti Ommna taħt ħarstek  iżżommna
U aħna, Madonna, bħal ommna  nżommuk.

Barra l-ġemgħa titniehed mar-riħ,
Fejn tiġġerra fid-dlam u fil-ksieħ,
Għalhekk Ä¡ejt, għax staqsejt fejn insib ftit  tal-kenn,
U qaluli li inti taf tħenn.

U qaluli, Madonna …

Ave Maria ta’ Fatima

1. Ħdejn Fatima dehret I-Omm tagħna Marija,
Liċ-ċkejkna tliet rgħajja, tfal safja w għaqlija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

2. “Sinjura żagħżugħa imdawra bid-dija,
Bil-ġmiel u bil-ħlewwa tas-sema mogħnija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

3. Ilbiesha bajdani, jgħattilha riġlejha,
Kuruna sabiħa, imdendla f’idejha.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

4. “Min fejn inti Ä¡ejja?”, staqsietek LuÄ‹iia:
“Is-Sema pajjiżi”, weÄ¡ibt, o Marija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

Tislima lil Ommna Marija

Lilek insellmu Marija
Bħalma l-anġlu sellimlek mill-qalb.
Inti bil-grazzja mimlija
Omm Alla u tagħna l-bnedmin.

Tħares mill-għoli tas-sema
Sabiex tieħu ħsieb lilna ċ-ċkejknin.
Ġewwa dirgħajk trid iżżommna
Bħalma żammejt lill-Bambin.

Tislima lil Ommnna Marija
Minn qalbna nagħtuk iċ-ċkejknin
Lilek nagħtu l-qalb safja
Sabiex inti toffrieha lill-Bambin (x2)

Madwarek il-kwiekeb tas-sema
Wiċċek xemx jagħti dawl lill-bniedem
Juri t-triq lill-mitlufa
Twassalhom fi ħdan il-Bambin.

Ġmielek jgħaxxaq is-sema
Isellmulek is-sema u l-art
L-anġli madwarek ferħana
Magħhom ngħannulek bil-qalb. R/.

Queen of the May

Bring the flowers of the rarest,
Bring blossoms the fairest,
From garden and woodland
and hillside and vale.

Our full hearts are swelling,
Our glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest, flower of the vale.

Rit/ O Mary we crown thee with blossoms  today
Queen of the angels and Queen of the  May. (2)

Their Lady they name thee
Their Mistress proclaim thee
Ah! Grant that thy children on earth be as  true
As long as the bowers are radiant with  flowers
As long as the azure shall keep its bright hue. O Mary…

Our voices ascending in harmony blending,
Oh! Thus may our hearts turn,
Dear Mother, to thee;
And thus shall we prove thee,
How truly we love thee
How dark without Mary, 
life’s journey would be. O Mary…

Lady so Fair

Lady so fair, listen to me,
Lovelier you are
By far than I can say.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of truth, guide our youth,
Keep them true and close to you,
And they’ll win through.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of light, shine in our night,
Show us the road, share our load,
And we’ll find peace.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of pain, be once again,
She who cars, the burden shares,
And heals all ills,

Listen to me (2)

Mother of love, stoop from above,
Soften our hearts, take our part,
And we’ll spread love,

Listen to me (2)

Mother of God, give us the grace,
Then we’ll see, Like thee Christ’s own face,

Listen to me (2)

These resources can inspire you to choose a theme for Holy Mass. They include prayers, reflections and appropriate readings.

Ħallu t-Tfal Jiġu Għandi