Author: Ms Silvana Cardona

Living Love Joyfully – Embracing Change and Transition

The ‘Living Love Joyfully’ session promotes spiritual development and provides a distinctive and enriching experience for Year 6 students in State schools.

The focus is that we continue to discover that we can live love joyfully together. Throughout this morning, we are aiding students in fortifying their values, cultivating gratitude, fostering self-recognition and appreciation, acknowledging aspirations and limitations, facilitating growth, and ultimately deepening self-awareness…

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A Week in Taizé

A week in Taizé with a group of friends was an unforgettable experience of spiritual growth, meaningful connections, and profound serenity. Nestled in the heart of the Burgundy region in France, Taizé is a small village known for its ecumenical Christian community and its commitment to peace and reconciliation. Founded by Brother Roger Schutz in 1940, it is home to the Brothers of Taizé, an ecumenical Christian monastic order…

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Inħaddnu d-Diversità u Nagħmlu Differenza

Nhar l-Erbgħa, 27 ta’ Settembru, 2023, saret laqgħa bejn l-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Mons Isqof Joseph Galea Curmi, ir-Religious Counsellors u chaplains li jservu fi skejjel tal-Istat u Indipendenti. L-iskop ta’ din il-laqgħa, organizzata mill-Iżvilupp Spiritwali fl-Iskejjel, kien li tiffaċilita skambju ta’ esperjenzi u għarfien dwar kif ser inkunu preżenza ta’ fidi fl-iskejjel f’Malta illum li jinkludu studenti u edukaturi minn kulturi differenti.

Kien mument ta’ riflessjoni għal dawk preżenti fil-mixja tagħhom kemm dik personali u anke fil-ministeru li qed jaqdu f’diversi komunitajiet tal-iskola…

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Peace starts with Me

The pursuit of peace is a shared endeavour, one that starts within each individual. This fundamental truth was brought to life through the remarkable collaboration of Spiritual Development in Schools (SDS) and the Foundation for Educational Service (FES) in offering the Prayer Space experience for children attending Skolasajf in Malta and Gozo.


    The main theme chosen for this year’s edition of Skolasajf 2023 was “Peace by Piece”…

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    Animation of the story: ‘Saying Thank You’

    An interactive storytelling session about a group of friends who accepted an invitation to participate in a celebration that would take place on World Gratitude Day.

    During this session, the students participated in the animation of the story ‘Saying Thank You’ from the Book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ by Ms Silvana Cardona. They eagerly answered questions, shared their thoughts, and contributed to the storyline, making the sessions more engaging and personalized…

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    Animation of the story: ‘One World’

    An interactive storytelling session about a boy who signed up with the football nursery and together with his coach and friends wrote prayers for the countries of the world.

    During this session, the students participated in the animation of the story ‘One World’ from the Book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ by Ms Silvana Cardona. They eagerly answered questions, shared their thoughts, and contributed to the storyline, making the sessions more engaging and personalized…

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    Radd ta’ Ħajr lejn ir-Religious Counsellors

    Nhar it-Tlieta 4 ta’ Lulju 2023, ġiet organizzata laqgħa minn Spiritual Development in Schools flimkien mar-Religious Counsellors ġewwa l-Kunvent San Ġwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex.


    L-għan tal-laqgħa kien biex hekk kif intemmet is-sena skolastika 2023, wieħed jirrikonoxxi l-ħidma spiritwali u pastorali ta’ kull Religious Counsellor fl-iskejjel Primarji, Medji, Sekondarji u Post-Sekondarji tal-Istat u c-chaplains fl-iskejjel Indipendenti.

    Ħin ta’ Riflessjoni u Talb

    Ir-Religious Counsellors kellhom ħin ta’ riflessjoni u talb permezz tal-esperjenza ta’ Prayer Spaces fejn ġew armati spazji ta’ talb relatati mat-tema ‘Ngħixu l-Imħabba’…

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    A memorable evening of C.O.N.G. and Prayer Spaces at Mount St Joseph

    On a serene Saturday evening, June 12th, 2023, a group of participants from the prayer group “Christ Our Neighbour Group” (C.O.N.G.) were welcomed by Fr Reuben Gauci to embark on a spiritual experience. With hearts full of hope and open minds, they gathered to experience prayer spaces, a profound encounter that left them touched and inspired.

    As the participants entered Mount St Joseph, they were greeted with an aura of tranquillity and an ambience that seemed to whisper serenity…

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    Storytelling Sessions Captivate Students at Theresa Nuzzo Primary School

    At Theresa Nuzzo Primary School, a series of captivating reflective storytelling sessions from the book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi-Beloved Space’ took place on the 19th of June 2023 in Years 4 and 5, leaving the children enthralled and eager for more. The school invited Fr Reuben Gauci and Silvana Cardona to visit and bring the reflective imaginative stories to life, creating an unforgettable experience for young minds…

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    Cherished Prayer Moments that Uplifted My Heart and Soul

    The La Salle Family Fest held on Wednesday, 14th June 2023, was a day of celebration and togetherness for Grade 1, 2, and 3 boys and their parents/guardians. It was a time for the entire community to come together and spend quality time, fostering a sense of unity and belonging. The day kicked off with a celebration of Holy Mass. Among the various activities and events that took place later on, the inclusion of prayer spaces added a spiritual dimension to the festivities…

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    Prayer Spaces for Couples during Kana course

    “We praise you Lord for your endless love.”

    The Kana course for couples preparing for marriage always ends with a retreat. This weekend retreat focuses typically on the couples’ relationship with God. The retreat includes a Saturday, late evening event where participants engage in prayer spaces. This event starts at around 8.00 pm.

    Usually, couples enter a dimly candlelit space such as a small chapel or hall with Taizé music in the background…

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