Author: Ms Silvana Cardona

A Labyrinth Experience for Educators

On Wednesday, 5th April 2023, the SDS team animated the labyrinth spiritual experience at the Pastoral Centre in Qrendi. The educators were invited to choose a slot every hour to walk through this personal experience.

Educators play a critical role in shaping the minds and futures of their students…

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Journeying Together programme

Spiritual Development in Schools – Malta and Friendship Cards, have developed a new programme entitled Journeying Together.  The program consists of four workshops combining Prayer Spaces and Friendship Cards.

The first programme was delivered in January 2023 with Year 9.1 migrant learners attending Maria Regina College Induction Hub Naxxar in liaison with the Migrant Learners’ Unit.

Rev Fr Reuben Gauci, coordinator of Spiritual Development in Schools together with his team of pastoral workers, would like to thank Mr Jonathan Portanier Mifsud Head of Induction Hub and Julian and Joanna Sant Fournier founders of Friendship Cards for their collaboration…

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Arguing at School

As part of the ongoing collaborations with various entities, Spiritual Development in Schools was invited by Julian and Joanna Sant Fournier from Relationships Are Forever Foundation-Friendship Cards, to attend the Multiplier Event in Malta on Tuesday 15th November 2022.  

The aim of the event was to open a transnational discussion between the different partners of the project on the theme of quarrels and conflicts between peers, (from 2 to 18 years), in the context of their life experiences at school…

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Wrapping up an inspiring journey!

The inaugural ‘Creating and Animating Prayer Spaces’ course organised by PFI and SDS concluded in December 2022, fostering profound connections within ourselves, fellow participants, the world, and the divine. Through the prayer spaces experience, the 18 participants who completed the 3-week course, nurtured a deeper understanding of our inner selves and the transformative power of prayer, unlocking a newfound connectedness that will resonate in our hearts forever…

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Nourishing the Soul: Promoting Spiritual Well-Being at SNC Rabat Primary School

On Friday 18th November 2022, Rev Fr Reuben Gauci led three consecutive sessions for the spiritual well-being of kindergarten educators, Year 1, 2, and 3 educators, and Year 4, 5, and 6 educators and SMTs respectively.

Each group of educators had an allocated time to first experience prayer spaces for themselves. Fr Reuben Gauci and Silvana Cardona led the educators on the eight prayer activities which were set up in two different classrooms and an internal yard…

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Sessjoni ta’ Qari waqt il-Fiera Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb

Fuq stedina mill-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu, Silvana Cardona, nhar il-Ħadd 27 ta’ Novembru 2022 għamlet sessjoni ta’ qari bil-Malti għat-tfal waqt il-Fiera Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, fl-MFCC Ta’ Qali. Hija qrat u animat storja bl-isem Dinja Waħda mill-ktieb Spazju għal Qalbi, flimkien ma’ attività riflessiva ta’ tallb.

Il-faċċata tal-Ktieb

Fil-bidu tas-sessjoni, hija ntroduċiet il-ktieb billi qrat it-titlu tal-ktieb, l-isem tal-awtriċi u l-illustratur. Hija stiednet lit-tfal iħarsu lejn il-faċċata tal-ktieb u jgħidu x’qed jaraw; qalb magħmulha mill-fjuri kkuluriti…

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I am a Hero when …

The Spiritual Development in Schools together with Prayer Spaces team members and other volunteers once again collaborated with Foundation for Educational Services (FES) and offered the Prayer Spaces experience in person for children attending Skolasajf.

Theme Skola Sajf 2022 Logo

This year’s main theme of Skolasajf 2022 was ‘Earth Heroes, Unite’. This slogan drew on the need to be united in the face of adversary so that together we will reap the fruit of our work and commitment where the collective of everyone will help to build a better and stronger society…

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A Three-Week Course in Creating & Animating Prayer Spaces

The course ‘Creating and Animating Prayer Spaces‘, which was formed in collaboration between Spiritual Development in Schools and the Pastoral Formation Institute, is designed to equip the participants with the necessary knowledge and skills required to create and run a prayer space in a given setting. The setting of the prayer spaces can be a school, youth centre, parish hall, workplace, open-plan area, or outdoor space…

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Lord Teach us To Pray

On Saturday 23rd April 2022, a seminar for catechists entitled ‘Lord Teach us to Pray!’ (Mulej Għallimna Nitolbu!) was held at the Archbishop’s Curia Refectory.

The seminar was organized by Lifelong Catechesis in collaboration with Spiritual Development in Schools (SDS) within the Archdiocese of Malta.

Throughout the seminar, Rev Fr Reuben Gauci showed methods of prayer in the Christian Tradition and offered practical suggestions as to how one can help children and pre-adolescents discover prayer life and pray…

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“A very valuable morning, I felt many emotions”

On Wednesday 9th March 2022, the National Literacy Agency welcomed the Spiritual Development in Schools team to deliver a training session about prayer spaces to the Heads of the Department for Literacy and other NLA personnel.

Fr Reuben Gauci commenced the session by introducing the SDS team and its role in supporting, providing and accompanying educators and students in schools with spiritual activities…

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Papa Franġisku skont Jake u oħrajn

Il-komunità’ parrokkjali ta Pembroke tagħti merħba lil Papa Franġisku permezz ta’ sensiela ta’ filmati qosra ta’ kuljum mit-tfal tal-katekiżmu, addolexxenti u żgħażagħ. Nisimgħu ftit x’ser jaqsam magħna Jake Said, dwar kif jaħsibha fuq Papa Franġisku

Tfal mill-Komunita Parrokjali ta’ Pembroke li qed jitħejjew biex jirċievu l-ewwel tqarbina jagħtu merħba lil Papa Franġisku.

Inkomplu nħejju ruħna għaż-Żjara fostna tal-Papa Franġisku… Mark, mill-grupp taż-Żgħażagħ jaqsam magħna xi ħsibijiet…

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“I felt part of a community who is feeling or going through the same challenges as myself.”

On Tuesday, 8th February 2022, the Spiritual Development in Schools team delivered training about ‘What are Prayer Spaces and Values’ with a group of forty educators from St Thomas More College Żejtun Primary B. 

The training helped educators realize that with simple everyday objects and spaces, one can reflect and pray and continue to build meaningful relationships within the Self, Others, The World and God…

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