

During the academic year 2024 – 2025, we will reflect and celebrate the virtue of hope as the Catholic Church celebrates the Jubilee of Hope.

Planning with the School Leadership and the pastoral teams is essential. The earlier we plan, we show that spiritual and pastoral development is a vital aspect of school life. What should one keep in mind when planning?

Resources to Help You Plan

The following file is a scheme that includes week-by-week ideas and themes for the whole educational year related to Year Theme 24-25 about HOPE:

Your contribution is very appreciated.

If you have resources related to the theme of HOPE and want to share them, please CLICK the button below.

SDS offers various programmes and services to help the school community grow in God’s love. Explore more in the following brochure, which you will receive in hard copy at school. We encourage you to analyse the school’s spiritual needs and plan spiritual activities together with the religious counsellor/spiritual director. If you need SDS’s contribution, fill out the Request a Service Form so we can make time to serve you. Contact us if you want to speak with us.


These prayer spaces can be used for the year theme – Living Love.

Boxing Gloves

In the prayer space one is asked to reflect on those hurt because of bullying and invited to pray for the bullied and the bullies.

Centigrades of Love

In this prayer space one is given time to reflect on love and how loving others is loving God as well.

Debt of Love

In this prayer space one is invited to think and pray for the children who are mistreated and involved in slave trade.

Wand of Love

In this prayer space one can reflect on the love he/she shows to others and ask for forgivness for when one fails to love others unconditionally.

Lent: Love Letter

Reflecting on how St John describes the immense love God has for us, in this prayer space one is given time to write a love letter to God who is showering us with love.

Love is Greater than Fear

During this prayer space inspired by 1 John 4:18, one reflects on the fears, especially induced by sickness, and thinks how love is greater than them all.

Love Letter

In this prayer space one is given time to write a reply (love letter) to God who is showering us with love.

Oven of Love

In this prayer space one reflects on how God is sweet to use and encourages us to reflect on how one can be sweet to others.

Thankful Ducks

During this prayer space we are invited to reflect about the word at the back of a paper duck and thank God for the good things we have in life.

Liturgical Calendar 2024-2025

This Liturgical Calendar will guide you more when you plan.

Information about the Jubilee of Hope will be presented in this section. The Jubilee will start on the 24th of December 2024 in Rome. Learn more about the Jubilee at and


Ten-minute reflections for an assembly or any time you deem fit.

Preparing the ground
October 2024

Learning from the wise
November 2024

Acting at the right time
December 2024

Committing Ourselves
January 2025

Being Patient
February 2025

Time to Spring Clean
March 2025

Reaping the Fruit
May 2025


Twenty-minute sessions prepared for a group of students


Explore more Programmes
