At the beginning of the scholastic year, it is suggested that the religious counsellor / spiritual director celebrates Holy Mass for educators and students. You can download the following Prayers and Readings for Holy Mass:

Talbiet ta’ Maħfra

1. Mulej, nitolbuk taħfrilna ta’ dawk id-drabi li konna xi ftit egoisti u ma ġibniex ruħna tajjeb.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

2. Mulej, aħfer lil dawk in-nies li jgħidu affarijiet li jweġġgħu lill-oħrajn.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

3. Mulej, nitolbuk maħfra ta’ meta ma konniex strumenti ta’ paċi ma’ dawk kollha ta’ madwarna permezz tal-azzjonijiet tagħna.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

Agħżel xi wħud minn dawn

1. Mulej Ġesù, eħlisna milli naħsbu biss fina nfusna. Għinna nieħdu ħsieb u nimxu tajjeb ma’ kulħadd, irrispettivament mir-razza, ir-reliġjon, jew il-pajjiż tal-oriġini tagħhom.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

2. Kristu Ġesù, eħlisna mis-silenzju li jagħti l-kunsens għall-abbuż, il-vjolenza u l-oppressjoni. Agħtina x-xewqa u s-saħħa biex ma nibżgħuxn nirriskjaw li nitkellmu għall-ġid komuni u għall-ġustizzja.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

3. Mulej Ġesù, eħlisna mill-apatija, u mill-ebusija tal-qalb. Agħtina qlub simpatiċi biex nilħqu lil dawk ta’ madwarna li jinsabu f’niket kbir – speċjalment adolexxenti u żgħażagħ li qed ibatu minn biża’ u konfużjoni u telf.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

4. Kristu Ġesù, eħlisna mill-biża’ li ngħidu dejjem  il-verità. Għinna biex inkunu vuċi għal dawk bla vuċi, għall-foqra, u għal dawk li m’għandhom lil ħadd jitkellem għalihom.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

5. Mulej Ġesù, eħlisna mill-iżolament soċjali u mid-diżinteress. Agħtina l-grazzja li ningħaqdu mal-infurzar tal-liġi fit-tajjeb biss biex inkunu sorsi ta’ bidla, ta’ fejqan u ta’ mħabba

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

6. Kristu Ġesù, jeħlisna lkoll mid-dnubiet tar-regħba u l-privileġġ. Oħloq fina passjoni biex ngħixu sempliċiment, u sens ta’ għaqda u ugwaljanza mal-popli kollha.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

Agħżel xi wħud minn dawn

1. Mulej Ġesù, eħlisna milli naħsbu biss fina nfusna. Għinna nieħdu ħsieb u nimxu tajjeb ma’ kulħadd, irrispettivament mir-razza, ir-reliġjon, jew il-pajjiż tal-oriġini tagħhom.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

2. Kristu Ġesù, eħlisna mis-silenzju li jagħti l-kunsens għall-abbuż, il-vjolenza u l-oppressjoni. Agħtina x-xewqa u s-saħħa biex ma nibżgħuxn nirriskjaw li nitkellmu għall-ġid komuni u għall-ġustizzja.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

3. Mulej Ġesù, eħlisna mill-apatija, u mill-ebusija tal-qalb. Agħtina qlub simpatiċi biex nilħqu lil dawk ta’ madwarna li jinsabu f’niket kbir – speċjalment adolexxenti u żgħażagħ li qed ibatu minn biża’ u konfużjoni u telf.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

4. Kristu Ġesù, eħlisna mill-biża’ li ngħidu dejjem  il-verità. Għinna biex inkunu vuċi għal dawk bla vuċi, għall-foqra, u għal dawk li m’għandhom lil ħadd jitkellem għalihom.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

5. Mulej Ġesù, eħlisna mill-iżolament soċjali u mid-diżinteress. Agħtina l-grazzja li ningħaqdu mal-infurzar tal-liġi fit-tajjeb biss biex inkunu sorsi ta’ bidla, ta’ fejqan u ta’ mħabba

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

6. Kristu Ġesù, jeħlisna lkoll mid-dnubiet tar-regħba u l-privileġġ. Oħloq fina passjoni biex ngħixu sempliċiment, u sens ta’ għaqda u ugwaljanza mal-popli kollha.

R/. Mulej ikollok ħniena

Talbiet tal-Komunità

1. Agħti l-għerf tiegħek lill-Papa Franġisku u lill-Arċisqof tagħna li jmexxu u jaqdu l-knisja. Għinhom jgħarfu l-gwidau d-direzzjoni tiegħek. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

2. Għinna naqdu lil xulxin, noffru mħabba, nagħtu kas u nagħtu appoġġ lil xulxin. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

3. Għin lill-mexxejja, lill-ġenituri u lil dawk li jieħdu ħsiebna, lill-għalliema u lill-edukaturi, lit-tobba, lis-social workers u lill-counsellors biex iwasslu l-paċi fis-sitwazzjonijiet kollha. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

4. Għinna biex inkunu ġenerużi billi nagħtu ftit mill-ħin, minn dak li għandna għal qalbna u mill-flus tagħna. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

5. Għall-erwieħ tal-qraba tagħna mejtin. Mulej agħtihom il-mistrieħ etern fis-sliem. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

Agħżel minn dawn it-talbiet:

1. Biex tintemm il-vjolenza mwettqa bi kliem iebes, armi fatali, jew indifferenza. Jalla djarna, in-nazzjon tagħna, u l-pajjiżi madwar id-dinja jsiru rifuġji ta’ paċi. Nitolbu

R/. Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

2. Għall-grazzja li naraw lil kull bniedem bħala wild ta’ Alla, irrispettivament mir-razza, il-lingwa, jew il-kultura. Nitolbu

R/. Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

3. Agħtina l-għerf  tiegħek Mulej ħalli naċċettaw is-sitwazzjonijiet u l-esperjenzi ta’ dawk differenti minna u nirrispondu għalihom b’rispett. Nitolbu

R/. Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

4. Biex tintemm il-vjolenza mwettqa bi kliem iebes, armi fatali, jew indifferenza. Jalla djarna, l-iskola tagħna, in-nazzjon tagħna, u l-pajjiżi madwar id-dinja jsiru rifuġji ta’ paċi. Nitolbu

R/. Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

5. Għall-protezzjoni tal-pulizija kollha u għal dawk li jirriskjaw ħajjithom kuljum biex niżguraw is-sigurtà tagħna biex ikunu ġusti u jippromwovi l-paċi. Nitolbu

R/. Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

6. Għall-iskola tagħna, biex nikkultivaw merħba, nestendu l-ospitalità, u nħeġġu l-parteċipazzjoni ta’ nies ta’ kulturi  u twemmin differenti. Nitolbu

R/. Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

7. Għas-solidarjetà fil-familja umana globali tagħna. Għinna Mulej  naħdmu flimkien biex nipproteġu lil dawk li huma l-iktar vulnerabbli u l-iktar fil-bżonn. Nitolbu

R/. Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

8. Għall-erwieħ tal-qraba tagħna mejtin. Mulej agħtihom mistrieħ etern fil-paċi. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

9. (Fis-silenzju nressqu t-talba tagħna personali lill-Mulej)

Agħżel minn dawn it-talbiet:

1. Biex tintemm il-vjolenza mwettqa bi kliem iebes, armi fatali, jew indifferenza. Jalla djarna, in-nazzjon tagħna, u l-pajjiżi madwar id-dinja jsiru rifuġji ta’ paċi. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

2. Għall-grazzja li naraw lil kull bniedem bħala wild ta’ Alla, irrispettivament mir-razza, il-lingwa, jew il-kultura. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

3. Agħtina l-għerf  tiegħek Mulej ħalli naċċettaw is-sitwazzjonijiet u l-esperjenzi ta’ dawk differenti minna u nirrispondu għalihom b’rispett. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

4. Biex tintemm il-vjolenza mwettqa bi kliem iebes, armi fatali, jew indifferenza. Jalla djarna, l-iskola tagħna, in-nazzjon tagħna, u l-pajjiżi madwar id-dinja jsiru rifuġji ta’ paċi. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

5. Għall-protezzjoni tal-pulizija kollha u għal dawk li jirriskjaw ħajjithom kuljum biex niżguraw is-sigurtà tagħna biex ikunu ġusti u jippromwovi l-paċi. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

6. Għall-iskola tagħna, biex nikkultivaw merħba, nestendu l-ospitalità, u nħeġġu l-parteċipazzjoni ta’ nies ta’ kulturi  u twemmin differenti. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

7. Għas-solidarjetà fil-familja umana globali tagħna. Għinna Mulej  naħdmu flimkien biex nipproteġu lil dawk li huma l-iktar vulnerabbli u l-iktar fil-bżonn. Nitolbu

Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

8. Għall-erwieħ tal-qraba tagħna mejtin. Mulej agħtihom mistrieħ etern fil-paċi.


Ismagħna Nitolbuk Mulej

9. (Fis-silenzju nressqu t-talba tagħna personali lill-Mulej)

Forgiveness Prayers

Lord, forgive us for the times we are selfish and rude. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Lord, forgive those people who say hurtful things to others. Christ have mercy

Christ have mercy

Lord, please forgive us for the times we were not instruments of peace with all those around us through our actions. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

1. Lord Jesus, deliver us from self-centeredness and indifference. Help us to be caring and compassionate toward all people, no matter their race, religion, or country of origin. Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy

2. Christ Jesus, deliver us from the silence that gives consent to abuse, violence and oppression. Grant us the passionate desire and strength to risk speaking for the common good and justice. Christ have mercy.

Christ have mercy

3. Lord Jesus, deliver us from apathy, and hardness of heart. Give us sympathetic hearts to reach out to those around us who are in deep grief – especially adolescents and youths who are suffering from fear, confusion, and profound loss. Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy

1. Lord Jesus, deliver us from self-centeredness and indifference. Help us to be caring and compassionate toward all people, no matter their race, religion, or country of origin. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

2. Christ Jesus, deliver us from the silence that gives consent to abuse, violence and oppression. Grant us the passionate desire and strength to risk speaking for the common good and justice. Christ have mercy.

Christ have mercy

3. Lord Jesus, deliver us from apathy, and hardness of heart. Give us sympathetic hearts to reach out to those around us who are in deep grief – especially adolescents and youths who are suffering from fear, confusion, and profound loss. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Prayers of the Faithful

1. Inspire Pope Francis and our Archbishop who lead and serve the church. May they know your guidance and direction. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

2. Show us how to serve one another, to offer love, care, and support. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

3. Help our leaders, parents and those who take care of us, teachers and educators, doctors, social workers and counsellors to be bringers of peace in all situations. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

4. Lead us to be generous with our time, possessions and money. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

5. For the souls of our relatives departed. God grant them eternal rest in peace. Hear our prayer

O Lord graciously hear us.

6. (Let’s spend some time in silence to present to God our personal prayers)

For our own needs and intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause], we pray to the Lord:

O Lord graciously hear us.

Choose from the following prayers

1. For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold indifference. May our homes, schools, nation, and all the countries worldwide become havens of peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

2. The grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language, or culture. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

3. For the wisdom to receive the stories and experiences of those different from ourselves and respond respectfully. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

4. To protect all police and first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety, be fair and just, and promote peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

5. For our school, we may cultivate welcome, extend hospitality, and encourage the participation of people of all cultures and beliefs. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

6. For solidarity in our global human family, we may work together to protect those most vulnerable and in need. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

7. For the souls of our relatives departed. God grant them eternal rest in peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

8. (Let’s spend some time in silence to present to God our personal prayers)

For our own needs and intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause], we pray to the Lord:

O Lord, graciously hear us.

Choose from the following prayers:

1. For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold indifference. May our homes, schools, nation, and all the countries worldwide become havens of peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

2. The grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language, or culture. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

3. For the wisdom to receive the stories and experiences of those different from ourselves and respond respectfully. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

4. To protect all police and first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety, be fair, and promote peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

5. For our school, we may cultivate welcome, extend hospitality, and encourage the participation of people of all cultures and beliefs. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

6. For solidarity in our global human family, we may work together to protect those most vulnerable and in need. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

7. For the souls of our relatives departed. God grant them eternal rest in peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

8. (Let’s spend some time in silence to present to God our personal prayers)

For our own needs and intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause], we pray to the Lord:

O Lord, graciously hear us.

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