During this prayer activity, the participant can appreciate the relationships with their families and friends and be grateful to God and for them.

Equipment: templates, pens

  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years



Just as passengers come and go on a bus, people enter and leave my life, each leaving a lasting mark on my journey. With every stop, new faces bring joy, lessons and support. Their memories ride with me as they step off, shaping my life.

  • Take a bus template; in each window, write the name of someone who came into your life and made a difference. These could be family members, friends, teachers, and others who have positively impacted your life journey.
  • Think about how they have helped you, guided you or supported you.
  • Ask God to bless them, and if they are no longer with you, pray for their peace and happiness wherever they are.


Bħalma l-passiġġieri jitilgħu u jinżlu fuq xarabank, hekk ukoll in-nies jidħlu u jitilqu minn ħajti, kull wieħed u waħda minnhom iħallu marka li tibqa’ f’ħajti. Ma’ kull waqfa, uċuħ ġodda jġibu ferħ, tagħlim u appoġġ. Meta jitilqu, il-memorji tagħhom jibqgħu miegħi u jkomplu jiffurmaw ħajti .

  • Ħu mudell tax-xarabank u f’kull tieqa ikteb l-isem ta’ persuna li daħlet f’ħajtek u għamlet differenza. Dawn jistgħu jkunu membri tal-familja, ħbieb, għalliema u oħrajn li ħallew impatt pożittiv fuq il-vjaġġ tal-ħajja tiegħek.
  • Aħseb dwar kif għenuk, iggwidawk jew appoġġjawk.
  • Itlob lil Alla jberikhom u jekk mhumiex aktar miegħek, itlob li jkollhom paċi u ferħ kull fejn qegħdin.


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