“… the set-up of the room and the resources used enabled these curates to see prayer spaces from a different perspective and it sparked their imagination on how to make prayer more accessible for every age.”
– Prayer Spaces Organiser
God loves us so much that he sent us his only Son, Jesus. During Christmas, we celebrate Jesus’ birth and his becoming known to the world – his Epiphany. Discover ideas to celebrate Christmas by selecting a link below:
Dear Friends,
A little over five years ago, Tandia Hughes joined the Prayer Spaces in Schools team. Since then, she has supported hundreds of prayer spaces, responded to countless emails (you may have received a few of them?), project managed our National Conferences, and generally made sure that everything worked. [insert massive round of applause here!]
The sad news is that she’s leaving the Prayer Spaces in Schools team this month…
Dear Friends,
7-year old Florence presented our ‘patience’-themed prayer activity in this week’s #faithathome episode. Watch it if you have a few spare minutes – she was amazing!
“Patience is about waiting well,” she said. “To practice being patient, sit in your den for two whole minutes. Try not to think about what you’re going to do next!”
(You can watch the whole episode here)
In some regions, schools are beginning to reopen to certain year groups…
In the first 2 weeks of March, the girls in Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 at Sacred Heart Junior School, St Julian’s participated in Prayer Spaces. Thanks to the participation of parents, teachers, an associate and the chaplain, the children could be led through 5 prayer corners after a general introduction and the action song “I will follow you”. The Prayer Spaces were an opportunity for the students to get to know Sophie Barat, the foundress of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Walking with Sophie, they created kites with positive character traits we want all to see; they made a class chain with their acts of kindness; they prayed with forgiveness zips to bring people together, they worked on cards of appreciation and entrusted sick people and those in need of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Working on cards for frames
Thank you prayers on frames Praying with zips for unity Chain of Kindness Entrusting people to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Praying for heart intentions Appreciation Cards Characters Kite
Thanks to Ms Bernadette Sammut Briffa, chaplain at Sacred Heart College for the write-up and photos provided…
Another interesting way of how kinder pupils learn about Ash Wednesday. Kinder 1’s at Laura Vicuna School, Gozo learnt about Ash Wednesday and Lent. Kinder 1’s learning about Ash Wednesday
The primary students gathered in the church for Ash Wednesday Mass. Placing of ashes on the head – Laura Vicuna primary students in church ——————————————————————— Stella Maris College, Gzira students receiving ashes as they enter the Lenten season Receiving ashes at school Lenten talk at Our Lady of Consecration (Girgenti) Lenten hike at Girgenti ———————————————————— During this time of Lent, Sacred Heart Minor Seminary Gozo is inviting everyone to return to God our Lord with all our heart through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. … Read more »
On a weekly basis, during Lent, prayer spaces were organized in our school. Each week a theme was chosen. Activities related to each theme took place according to the creativity of each class teacher. The themes were: “Jesus I love you”, were the kids made a heart craft and then offered it to Jesus by putting it near a large cross in the school hall while reciting the prayer “Jesus, I love you.” Children offered love hearts to Jesus The second prayer space was “Jesus hold my hand.” The children drew or painted their hands and offered it to Jesus, by putting it in one of the baskets in front of the Via Crucis made up of Playmobil toys by our headmistress and one of our kindergarten assistants. … Read more »
“Ġużeppi la Tibżax…. Qum, ħu miegħek lit-tifel u ‘l Ommu.” (Mt 2:13)
Fl-okkażżjoni tal-150 sena mill-patroċinju ta’ San Ġuzepp fil-knisja universali, u fid-dawl ta’ ċelebrazzjonijiet oħra organiżżatifil-Karmnu tal-Imdina, nhar il-Ġimgħa 6 ta’ Marzu gew orginażżati rkejjen ta’ talb għaż–żgħażagħ u adoloxxenti miċ–Ċentru taż-Żgħażagħ Fgura. Fis-sitt stazzjonijiet li ġew ippreparati, iż–żgħażagħ irriflettew fuq il-persuna ta’ San Ġużepp fl-Iskrittura.
L-ewwel stazzjon kien fit-taraġtal-kunvent fejn hemm statwa ta’ San Ġużepp…
Students from the Sacred Heart Minor Seminary Gozo, held sessions with some ice-breaking activities and other activities to get to know each other better. They celebrated Mass and had lunch together as a whole group. Peace be with you
Celebrating Mass ___________________________________________________________ St Monica School Gzira celebrated Mass in honour of Mother Teresa Spinelli on Foundress Day.
Mass in honour of Mother Teresa Spinelli
Morning Prayers and Sessions for Stella Maris College Grade 6 students during their retreat Morning prayers
Year 4, 5 & 6 pupils at Laura Vicuna School gathered to listen about the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God (26th January 2020)… Read more »
“… the set-up of the room and the resources used enabled these curates to see prayer spaces from a different perspective and it sparked their imagination on how to make prayer more accessible for every age.”
– Prayer Spaces Organiser
On the 22nd January 2020, Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna met with primary students at the Archbishop’s Seminary-Minor Seminary
Students meeting the Archbishop
Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi visited Archbishop’s Seminary-Minor Seminary on the 23rd January 2020. He met with the students in the school hall where they had the opportunity to ask him questions
Students asking questions to Bishop Mons Galea-Curmi ————————————————————- His Excellency Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi visited St Monica School Birkirkara as part of the Pastoral Visit in Fleur-de-Lys Parish ————————————————————- Celebrating Mother Foundress/Teachers’ Day at St Monica School Birkirkara honoured by His Excellency Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi
SMSB’s Senior Management Team with the Auxiliary Bishop … Read more »
Dear Friends,
It has been a busy, but exciting start to 2020 for us at Prayer Spaces in Schools. We hope and pray that the new term has started well for you. This month we have had training happening in Bristol, Durham and Chelmsford as well as having a great skype with our European Leaders. You can read all about it below.
Euroleaders Skype
Our leaders and co-ordinators from Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Malta, Switzerland and the UK met online in mid January to swap news, tell stories and pray for one another… Read more »
At the Archbishop’s Seminary-Minor Seminary, a Confirmation School Celebration for year 8 students was celebrated by Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi and animated by the Servants of Jesus Community Mission Team. Year 8 students with Bishop Galea Curmi and the Servants of Jesus Community
The Archbishop’s Seminary-Seminary Minor Year 8 students during a live-in, They had morning prayer, activity and sharing of experiences animated by the Servants of Jesus Community
Year 8 students sharing of experiences A Team from Servants of Jesus, Australia visited St Thomas More Sta Luċija Secondary school on Friday 17th January 2020… Read more »