
The First Holy Communion is a significant moment for the Christians. Many people have beautiful memories of this moment. Many students in their parish community celebrate their first Holy Communion during May or June. Here you will find resources related to a Thanksgiving Mass and other celebrations for the students who mark their Holy Communion at school.

The aim of this activity so that the children to celebrate the memorable and beautiful moment with their friends at school who celebrated their First Holy Communion in their parish community. Download these document and PowerPoint presentations.

Il-jum tal-Ewwel Tqarbina huwa mument importanti fil-ħajja tan-nisrani, u żgur li kulħadd jibqa’ jiftakar diversi memorji. Ħafna tfal fl-iskejjel jiċċelebraw l-Ewwel Tqarbina matul Mejju u Ġunju ġewwa l-parroċċa tagħhom. Hawn issib riżorsi relatati mal-quddiesa ta’ ringrazzjament u anke ċelebrazzjonijiet oħra.

Din l-attività maħsuba biex it-tfal jifirħu u jiċċelebraw dan il-mument sabiħ anke ma’ sħabhom tal-iskola wara li jkunu ċċelebraw l-Ewwel Tqarbina fil-parroċċa tagħhom. Niżżel minn hawn id-dokument u l-preżentazzjonijiet li jmexxuk waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni.

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