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During the Advent season, we prepare to celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrate Jesus’ first coming when he was born in a poor manger in Bethlehem, and we reflect in anticipation of his second coming at the end of time. On this page, we want to share various resources related to this liturgical time.

Advent Resources

Let There Be Peace

On the second Sunday of Advent, this prayer space helps one to reflect on peace and to pray for those people with whom one is not in harmony at this moment.

Ready For Advent ?

During this prayer space, we start to prepare ourselves for Christmas by building the Advent wreath and reflect on the value of hope on the first Sunday of Advent.

Tidings of Joy

In this prayer space, one is invited to ponder upon the meaning of joy, persons and places that makes oneself feel happy and to thank God for them, related to the third Sunday of Advent.

True Love

During this prayer space one is encouraged to reflect on his feelings when receiving a pleasant action from someone and how he/she can show kindness with others.

Christmas: Amazing Angels

This space gives one time to think about the amazing things (blessings) one has in his life.

Christmas: Christmas Journey

Here, in this space, one is asked to think about exhausting experiences in his/her life through which you were thinking only to give up but at the end through these experiences we became stonger persons.

hands holding candle

Christmas: Cold Christmas

In this corner one is asked to reflect on fear. What are you afraid of?

Christmas: Cradle Of Needs

In the prayer space, one will be invited to put forward one’s needs and place them in God’s cradle of mercy.

Christmas: Destination Reached

This prayer space invites one to imagine the three kings and everyone else searching for Jesus in his/her heart. Will they find Him there?

Christmas: Fingerprints

In this prayer space one maybecome aware that the best gift one can give to Jesus is oneself. A fingerprint will serve as a symbol of these special unique gifts.

Christmas: Forgiveness In A Manger

In this prayer space one will be invited to remind oneself that the God in the cradle is a merciful God to which one can express a prayer for forgiveness using the medium of sand.

Christmas: Gift Tag

During this time one is to ponder upon his good characteristics.

Light Of Guidance

This prayer space will help us to think of and pray for those people who guides us and gives us good advices in our lives.

Christmas: My Gift

In this prayer space one will be asked to think of a gift one wishes for the world such as the gift of peace.

Christmas: Thankful Baubles

This prayer space aims at raising awarneness that gratitude can serve as the best decoration particularly during this time of the year.

Christmas: Thankful Stars

This prayer space aims at raising awareneness of the many blessings at home, in nature, during our daily life and particularly during Christmas time that we take for granted.

Christmas: Worldwide Shepherds

During this prayer space one will have the time to pray for worlwide peoples who are considered as not important and are marginalized just like the shepherds during the time of Jesus birth.

Readings for Holy Mass adapted to children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
To Download the presentation, enter the link above, go to FILE>Save as>Download a copy

Welcome to the Advent playlists. Click on l i s t icon for further videos.

Advent Songs

Advent Clips

ĠuPazzi Advent sessions

ĠuPazzi and SDS created these sessions to be used with Early and Primary School students related to Instruments of Peace. The sessions include:

  • a short clip about Advent
  • the exciting story of Truthy, Robi, Rango, Ġożi, and Nanna Buż participating in the competition ‘ĠuPazzi Got Talent’
  • the experiment by Professor Xer
  • a song about instruments of peace

For years 1-3

For years 4-6

Visit for content related to Advent

Christmas Resources

Celebrating Christmas Novena

Let’s meet different objects, characters and animals that are part of the Christmas story to help us prepare more for Jesus’ birth. Some of them are the manger, the cow and the donkey and Joseph.

L-Iskola ta’ Betlem

During this time of reflection and prayer based on the writings of St George Preca called the School of Betlehem (L-Iskola ta’ Betlem) is ideal to be done during Christmas time

Welcome to the Christmas playlist. Click on l i s t icon for further videos.

Christmas Songs

Qed inħabbrulkom ferħ kbir – Music by Nadur Teen and Youth Centre

The music is being shared with the permission of Nadur Teen and Youth Centre. SDS created these presentations that include the song and the lyrics. If you want to buy the score of the music contact Nadur Teens and Youth

Christmas Clips

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Celebrating Advent 2024

Preparing ourselves for the birth of Jesus in our hearts during Advent time

Acting at the right time

Acting at the right time – session

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