In this prayer space which follows ancient roots of prayer using a labyrinth, one is invited to walk through a labyrinth and to reflect on God’s love while reaching the centre and going out again. Prayer spaces on the way will help one to delve deeper into the reflection.

Equipment: a one metre wide labyrinth, tent pegs, numbers 1 to 3 to label Prayer Spaces stations

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



Prayer Labyrinth is an ancient form of prayer used by a variety of cultures. It is a place to walk and pray. Prayer Labyrinth contains a single walking path that leads to the center, and then back out again. The Prayer Labyrinth is like a journey through which we walk towards God’s Love – the center point – and then back again to our world to share the Love of God we discovered through this prayer with others.

  • Walk the labyrinth path individually or with a friend.
  • Start walking in the labyrinth. Stop near ‘The Great Commission’ prayer space, and do the activity.
  • When you reach the centre of the labyrinth, stop and live the ‘Be Still’ prayer space.
  • Start your way out. On your way, you are invited to do the ‘Play Dough Homework’ prayer space.

Easter: The Great Commission

During this prayer space one thinks about how with God’s help the world can become a better place.

Be Still: Gazebo

In the space just be. Be at peace in a place where one becomes aware of God.

Playdough Homework

This prayer space allows one to reflect on someone they love while forming a playdough heart, which will be given to this person. This person will also be given a playdough ball to do the same.


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