During this learning time, participants will be invited to appreciate all forms of communication. They will have the time to organise their thoughts and express their own message of hope using the universal language of art. In this lesson participants will be asked to use gestures, mime, dancing and painting or drawing to express themselves.  All of this will lead them to nourish within themselves greater appreciation towards artists, who use their talents to share with the rest of mankind their thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams.

Equipment: printout of the easel template or blank paper, colours or any other painting materials, biros or pencils




40 minutes

How to carry out this lesson:

  1. Start by taking the time to watch this video.

Artist Turns Everyday Words Into Pictures

2. Take some time to think of different ways we can use to communicate.  We can use words (verbal communication), we can use movements /gestures (body communication) and we can also use dance, mime, drawings and pictures to communicate a message.

3. Using our artistic talents we can communicate with others, for example: we can draw a heart when we love someone or a ball when we want to play with someone.

4. Think of someone who is feeling worried, lonely, sad or sick.

What do you wish for this person? What kind of picture do you think makes this person feel better?

5.On the easel template provided or a blank sheet of paper, draw a picture which you think makes this person feel better.

6. With the help of an adult you can either give your drawing to this person or maybe post your drawing through the use of social media.

7. It is good to make use of our talents to communicate with others and to make the people  around us feel more loved and happier.

8. Watch this video: Draw A Picture

9. Ask the students to say or write a prayer to God to thank him for all the talents he gave us especially that of drawing.

Example:- Thank you God for all the talents you give us especially that of drawing.

10. The video Draw a Picture/Pinġi Stampa will guide you along the steps:

  1. Start by taking the time to watch this video.

2. Take some time to think of different ways we can use to communicate.  We can use words (verbal communication), we can use movements /gestures (body communication) and we can also use dance, mime, drawings and pictures to communicate a message.

3. Using our artistic talents we can communicate with others, for example: we can draw a heart when we love someone or a ball when we want to play with someone.

4. Think of someone who is feeling worried, lonely, sad or sick.

What do you wish for this person?

What kind of picture do you think makes this person feel better?

5. On the easel template provided or a blank sheet of paper, draw a picture which you think makes this person feel better.

6. With the help of an adult you can either give your drawing to this person or maybe post your drawing through the use of social media

7.It is good to make use of our talents to communicate with others and to make the people  around us feel more loved and happier.

8. Watch this video: Draw A Picture

9. Ask the students to say or write a prayer to God to thank him for all the talents he gave us especially that of drawing.

Example:- I want to thank you dear God for all the talents you gave us especially that of drawing.  Please help us fight fear so that we get even better in our talents day by day so that with our talents we can make others feel better

10. The video link here entitled ‘Pinġi Stampa’ can guide you along with these steps.

  1. Start by taking the time to watch this video.

2. Using our artistic talents we can communicate with others, for example: we can draw a heart when we love someone or a ball when we want to play with someone.

3. Using our artistic talents we can communicate with others, for example: we can draw a heart when we love someone or a ball when we want to play with someone.

4. Ask the students to think of someone who is feeling worried, lonely, sad or sick.

What do you wish for this person?

What kind of picture do you think makes this person feel better?

  1. Draw a picture which you think makes this person feel better.
  2. With the help of an adult you can either give your drawing to this person or maybe post your drawing through the use of social media.
  3. It is good to make use of our talents to communicate with others and to make the people  around us feel more loved and happier.
  4. Finally, after watching this video: Draw A Picture Video, How to express ourselves through art.
  5. Prayer link: you can say or write a prayer to God to thank him for all the talents he gave us especially that of drawing.

 Example:- I want to thank you dear God for all the talents you gave us especially that of drawing. Please help us fight fear and laziness so that we may get even better in our talents day by day and use them for the good of others to serve you.

The video link here entitled ‘Pinġi stampa’ can guide you along with these steps.

  1. Start by taking the time to watch this video.

2.      Can you think of someone who likes to draw instead of saying something to others? 

3. Using our artistic talents we can communicate with others, for example: we can draw a heart when we love someone or a ball when we want to play with someone.

4.  Think of someone who is feeling worried, lonely, sad or sick.

What do you wish for this person?

What kind of picture do you think makes this person feel better?

5. On the easel template provided as a pdf resource, draw a picture which you think makes this person feel better.

6. Now, you can either give your drawing to this person or maybe post your drawing through the use of social media.

7. It is good to make use of our talents to communicate with others and to make the people  around us feel more loved and happier.

8. Finally, after watching this video: Talents Story,

9. You can say or write a prayer to God to thank him for all the talents he gave us, especially that of drawing.

 Example:- I want to thank you dear God for all the talents you gave us especially that of drawing. I want to thank you for the talents you trusted me with.  Please help me appreciate all the goodness that comes to me from you.

10. The video link: Talent Story can help you reflect on how you are dealing with your talents.

Start by taking the time to watch this video:

2. Take some time to think of different ways we can use to communicate.  We can use words (verbal communication), we can use movements (body communication) and we can also use drawings and pictures to communicate a message.

3. Can you think of someone who likes to draw instead of saying something to others? 

4. Using our artistic talents we can communicate with others, for example: we can draw a heart when we love someone or a ball when we want to play with someone. 

5. Think of someone who is feeling worried, lonely, sad or sick.

What do you wish for this person?

What kind of picture do you think makes this person feel better?

6. On the easel template provided as a pdf resource, draw a picture which you think makes this person feel better.

7. Now, you can either give your drawing to this person or maybe post your drawing through the use of social media.

8. It is good to make use of our talents to communicate with others and to make the people  around us feel more loved and happier.

9. Finally, after watching this video: Talents Story,

10. You can say or write a prayer to God to thank him for all the talents he gave us, especially that of drawing.

 Example:- I want to thank you dear God for all the talents you gave us especially that of drawing. I want to thank you for the talents you trusted me with.  Please help me appreciate all the goodness that comes to me from you.

11. The video link  More Coke, can help you reflect on how you are dealing with your talents.



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