The person participating in this prayer activity will understand more about the symbol of ash used during Ash Wednesday as we start the renewal season of Lent.

Equipment: Ashes

Response: Contemplative

Relationship: Me & The Sacred/Divine

  • Kinder
  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



On Ash Wednesday, we start the 40-day journey of learning more about how God loves us, who we are, and why we are in this world. The ashes, which are burnt olive and palm trees, represent our fragility and the need for God to teach us to do what is good.

  •  Quietly read this: “Have mercy on me, o God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion, wipe out my offence. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt. And of my sin cleanse me.” (Psalm 51)
  • Take some ashes between your fingers and feel them crushing. While doing so, consider an attitude you want to change to love Jesus and others more.
  • Proceed to the priest for the imposition of the blessed ashes.

F’Ras ir-Randan, nibdew 40 jum ta’ vjaġġ fejn nitgħallmu iktar kemm Alla jħobbna, min aħna, u għaliex ninsabu f’din id-dinja. L-irmied hu weraq taż-żewġ u tal-palm maħruq, jirrappreżenta lilna li aħna dgħajfa, u għandna bżonn lil Alla biex nitgħallmu nagħmlu t-tajjeb.

  • Aqra fil-kwiet: “Ikollok ħniena minni, o Alla fi tjubutek; fil-kobor
    tal-ħniena tiegħek ħassar ħtijieti. Aħsilni kollni mill-ħtija tiegħi; Naddafni mid-dnub tiegħi.” (Salm 51)
  • Aqbad ftit irmied u ħossu jitfarrak. Filwaqt li tagħmel dan, aħseb f’xi attitudni li tixtieq tbiddel fik biex tħobb iktar lil Ġesù u lill-oħrajn.
  • Għaddi għand is-saċerdot biex jagħmillek l-irmied qaddis.


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