Response: Contemplative

Relationship: Me & The Sacred/Divine

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years

At the beginning of the scholastic year, the religious counsellor / spiritual director can celebrate Holy Mass for educators and students. You can download the following Prayers and readings for Holy Mass:

Forgiveness Prayers

Lord, forgive us for the times we are selfish and rude. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Lord, forgive those people who say hurtful things to others. Christ have mercy

Christ have mercy

Lord, please forgive us for the times we were not instruments of peace with all those around us through our actions. Lord have mercy

Lord have mercy

Prayers of the Faithful

Choose from the following prayers:

1. For an end to the violence perpetrated by harsh words, deadly weapons, or cold indifference. May our homes, schools, nation, and all the countries worldwide become havens of peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

2. The grace to see every human being as a child of God, regardless of race, language, or culture. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

3. For the wisdom to receive the stories and experiences of those different from ourselves and respond respectfully. Let us pray to the Lord.
O Lord, graciously hear us.

4. To protect all police and first responders who risk their lives daily to ensure our safety, be fair, and promote peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

5. For our school, we may cultivate welcome, extend hospitality, and encourage the participation of people of all cultures and beliefs. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

6. For solidarity in our global human family, we may work together to protect those most vulnerable and in need. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

7. For the souls of our relatives departed. God grant them eternal rest in peace. Let us pray to the Lord.

O Lord, graciously hear us.

8. (Let’s spend some time in silence to present to God our personal prayers)

For our own needs and intentions, that we now recall in our hearts [pause], we pray to the Lord:

O Lord, graciously hear us.

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