The National Literacy Agency, in collaboration with Spiritual Development in Schools, is organising sessions of storytelling, creative writing and reflection in a programme entitled ‘With Reading and Writing I find a Beloved Space’ for children aged 8 to 10 years.
These sessions of animated reading in Maltese and English from the newly published book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ by author Silvana Cardona will take place in various localities in Malta and Gozo.
These sessions are an excellent opportunity for children to train in reading and creative writing through imaginative and reflective activities which help children to connect with their inner self, express their innermost feelings and pray creatively.
Throughout the programme, children will be provided with resources in Maltese and English to help them express themselves.
About the Book

The Book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’, written by Silvana Cardona and published by Pro.Motion Limited, is the result of a collaboration between the National Literacy Agency and Spiritual Development in Schools.
The book consists of stories of approximately 500 words each and its main purpose is for children aged between eight and twelve to have a collection of short, spiritual-themed stories. Through this book and the use of their imagination as they read it, children will be able to go to places in Malta and other countries, meet people and experience for themselves what the characters in the stories go through.
Title of the Book
The title of the book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ has two meanings: a beloved book just like a beloved toy, but also beloved in that the space provided through the stories allows the heart to be at rest and to be filled with God’s love.
Stories in the book
The book has a set of eleven original stories that children can relate to as they read them. Each story is in Maltese, as well as in English. These stories are related to the 10 most used prayer spaces, as well as a story about meditation in a garden.
Each story is built upon different children and adults who are participating in an activity or visiting somewhere, for example, during a football game, a cultural visit in our country, some experiences that the children have at school, during extracurricular activities and beyond. These inspire the Prayer Space that the particular story is intended to convey. In this way, the stories show that every place and environment offers a space where God meets the person.
1. After Camping for a Week
The story is about a boy who went camping with his scouts’ friends at Għajn Tuffieħa. Amongst the camps that were set up, there was a camp with cushions inside it so anyone who wanted could enter and appreciate moments in silence. The boy recounts how much he felt at peace in the be still camp.
2. Saying Thank You
The story is about a group of friends who accepted an invitation to participate in a celebration that would take place on World Gratitude Day. Through dance and art, the children expressed their gratitude towards their family, friends, pets, artistic talents, and life.
3. Show and Tell – Maltese Tradition
The story is about children during drama class. While performing a mime with objects placed in front of them, they are reminded of Il-Quċċija – a Maltese tradition. As they look at the dance mirrors, they thank God for their talents and good qualities.
4. One World
The story is about a boy who signed up with the football nursery. During the half-time of a game, he stopped to look at a world map on the billboard. Together with his coach and friends, they write prayers for the countries of the world.
5. Eye-Catching Wallpaper
The story is about two brothers who moved houses several times. In their new home, they decorated their bedroom wall with eye-catching wallpaper and then they painted a prayer wall on it.
6. Asking Questions Leads to Wisdom
The story is about a girl who is interested in many things and so she likes to ask lots of questions. In the catechesis class, she is given a coloured cardboard paper cut out in the shape of a question mark. She was invited to think about a big question she wished to ask God and write it on the question mark.
7. Cardboard on the Pavement
The story is about a girl who travelled to London to watch a musical. On her way to the theatre with her parents, she saw a small boy with his mother lying on a piece of cardboard on the pavement. The girl sought how she could help these homeless people.
8. My Grandfather’s Fishing Boat
The story is about a grandfather who was a fisherman. He tells his adventures at sea to his grandchildren. One day he told them to get on his fishing boat. When they got off, they created a paper boat and on it, they wrote and drew their fears and worries.
9. Hold a Pebble and Let it Go
The story is about a grandfather who was a fisherman. He tells his adventures at sea to his grandchildren. One day he told them to get on his fishing boat. When they got off, they created a paper boat and on it, they wrote and drew their fears and worries.
10. Sandcastle
The story is about a boy who likes to build sandcastles by the seashore. One day, another boy kicked the other boy’s sandcastle and smashed it. The boy who joyfully built the sandcastle burst into tears. However, he showed kindness to him, forgave him, and continued to play together.
11. In Silence in a Garden
The story is about sixth-grader pupils who went on an outing at San Anton Gardens. They walked along a path full of flowers and trees that led them to wooden benches. They sat in a comfortable position with their backs straight to the bench and carried out a ten-minute Christian meditation.
The book was launched on the 29th March 2023 at the premises of the National Literacy Agency, Ħamrun, in the presence of Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea Curmi, the National Literacy Agency’s Executive Head David Muscat, the coordinator of Spiritual Development in Schools Fr Reuben Gauci, Director for Literacy Centre at the University of Malta Prof. Charles L. Mifsud, reading animator Maria Farrugia and other persons who were involved in the creation of the book, including children who read some of the stories.
Why these Stories
These stories about various adventures were written with the intention that children can relate to them as they read them because they are common experiences among children.
This is not all! Since every person is also spiritual, the stories lead children as readers of the stories to think, reflect and pray. They can do this through a Prayer Space (praying in a creative and interactive way) after each story they read. They can experience the Prayer Space on their own, with classmates and even with their family at home.


The illustrations are works of Mireille Tabone. With every story in Maltese, the reader finds two illustrations followed by two other illustrations with the same story in English.
QR Code
Above the title of each story is a QR code which, when scanned, allows the reader to listen to the story.
Instructions to use the QR Code
- Download the QR Reader from the mobile/tablet/computer.
- Position the mobile in front of the QR code.
- Scan the QR code and wait for a while.
- Follow the story being read together with activities related to it.

Reflections for the Readers
On pages 162 and 164 of the book, the reader can write personal reflections. For every story read on this website, the reader may write personal thoughts at the end of every story.
The Blurb
In the book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ children go through adventures in various localities in Malta, as well as in other countries, such as, camping in Għajn Tuffieħa, playing hide and seek in Mistra, limits of Xemxija, visiting San Anton Gardens and going on holiday to London. During these adventures, children will have the chance to think and reflect on what they are seeing, hearing and touching, and about the feelings of other children who are going through similar experiences in their lives.
This is not all! Apart from visiting places, children will also meet people including friends, grandparents, family members and a football coach, among others.
May this book entitled ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ become a beloved book just like a beloved toy, and beloved such that in the space provided through the stories, the reader’s heart will be at rest and filled with God’s love.

Four Aspects of Education
These stories contribute well to the four aspects of holistic education where spiritual, social and cultural development is required. With this in mind, we are helping children develop skills needed in the 21st century.