In this prayer space one is invited to think of and thank God for those elderly beings who with their wise words, help us to recognise the constant presence of God in each and every human being and his infinite unconditional love towards humanity.

Equipment: envelopes, A4 papers, pencils, crayons, pens

Related to Liturgy: Solemnity of the Holy Family

Related to Bible: Luke 2: 22-40   

  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



A Maltese proverb advises us to hold dear to the old people’s wise words. This proverb tells us that it is from listening to the elderly that we can learn wisdom. These wise old people can be our neighbours or grandparents who love and want us to recognise God’s constant presence and love within us. They remind us that we are all temples where God lives.

  • Take an envelope and stick its front side to one of the A4 papers provided.  Open the envelope, stick the triangular opened flap too.
  • On top of the envelope, draw the sign of the cross while you stick your photo or draw yourself in the middle. 
  • Now, take some time to think of old people who with their words of wisdom help you to get to know more God.
  • Write the names of these people or draw them on the envelope and thank God for them. 


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