St Ġorg Preca College Pieta Primary school was one of the schools that set prayer spaces as spiritual exercises. On the 8th, 9th and 10th April 2019, about 200 students from year 1 to year 6 experienced in different ways these moments of personal prayers and reflections as a class.
Children were welcomed to the prayer space and after introducing themselves, they were eager to start doing the prayer activities.  
Since the weather was fine on most of the days, the peace garden prayer space was held outside in a patch of soil. Children wrote on flower templates about how and where peace can be found. Later on, they took the flower with them to keep on praying for peace.
Peace Garden
On the Big Questions prayer space, young children were given a picture of a ‘mobile phone’  to phone a person dear to them.  They were led to ask them some questions like if they needed anything, how were they feeling and so on. When they were ready,  they pressed the hang up button.  Now it was time to phone God and ask God questions.  Children were surprised and asked: ” What is God’s number?”  At what time can I call Him?” 
Telling them that they could dial any number they liked and at any time of the day or night, they immediately called God and started asking him questions.  The conversations were so beautiful and one could see that children were really into asking God questions.  Older students and those who wished were given a piece of mobile cardboard paper and wrote their question on it.  After they pegged it onto the line.
Big Questions
Children found the sorry prayer space very helpful as they wrote on whiteboards and then wiping them away. Other children wrote sorry prayers on paper crosses too.
Saying Sorry
They continued to pray for people in the world and for people in the community.
Pray for the World
Children lined up in silence as they were eager to experience some quiet moments in the Be Still prayer space.


Be Still
Towards the end of the prayer session, children came together and formed a circle.  They shared their favourite moments of prayer and thanked God for it.
Concluding prayers for all the activities

Children and educators had words of praise and the feedback was very encouraging. Thanks to Ms Therese Miceli head of school, assistant heads, educators and all students.