Helpful resources and ideas to celebrate the Eucharistic celebration in a more engaging and participative way.


  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years

Preparations before the Mass Celebration

The Catholics pray through various methods but especially through the Eucharistic Celebration, the Holy Mass. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters of Saint Paul, one finds a description of how the first Catholic communities used to celebrate the Holy Mass. In Rome, the first Catholics celebrated mass in the catacombs using the tombs of the martyrs as altars. Through this method, they celebrated a remembrance of Jesus Christ on the cross and his Resurrection. The Holy Eucharist is a celebration through which we continue to live the Last Supper of Jesus with his Apostles before his Body and Blood were given up to us and said: “Do this in memory of me.”

More about Holy Mass from BeKids website

Underneath, you may find a Powerpoint presentation of the Mass Celebration Rite, including the second Eucharistic prayer for children in a dyslexic-friendly manner.

Before choosing the hymns for the Eucharistic Celebration, it is better to read the guidelines on how to select the hymns for the different parts of the mass celebration from this website IKTUS

Fil-ħlewwa ta’ Mejju

Fil-ħlewwa ta’ Mejju,
Omm tagħna Marija
O kemm idoqq ħlejju dak ismek sabiħ
Kemm toħroġ qawwija
Dil-kelma minn qalbna
Bit-tama li talbna jagħtik l-akbar ġieħ.

Int l-għaxqa tas-sema
Ix-xemx tal-ħolqien
Int l-omm ta’ min ħalqek
Bik mimli kull żmien.

Jekk tiftaħ fil-ġonna il-warda Maltija
Tfakkarna o Madonna fil-lewn ta’ ħaddejk
Jekk tidħak id-dija tal-kwiekeb irżina
Tfakkarna o ħanina fid-dawl ta’ għajnejk Rit:

Minn dejjem bint Alla, nadifa mill-ħtija
Infrixt bħal qawsalla fuq ras il-bnedmin
Int ftaħt o Marija l-għejun ta’ kull ħniena
Fuq l-aħwa ħosbiena, fuq l-aħwa ħatjin. Rit:

Għalhekk ja sultana tal-ħlewwa Marija
Int biss tama tagħna, int qawwa tar-ruħ
Bil-grazzja mimlija kull waqt insellmulek
Bil-ħrara ngħajtulek fis-siegħa tad-dmugħ Rit:

Fis-Santwarju tal-Madonna

Hawn quddiemek, Madonna mixħut
Għax inħossni hekk mifni u batut
Jiena ġrejt u staqsejt fejn insib ftit mistrieħ
U bagħtuni f’riġlejk minnufih.

U qaluli, Madonna li ssebbaħ il-ġonna
U għaliex inti Ommna taħt ħarstek  iżżommna
U aħna minn qalbna, Madonna nfaħħruk.
U qaluli, Madonna li ssebbaħ il-ġonna
U għaliex inti Ommna taħt ħarstek  iżżommna
U aħna, Madonna, bħal ommna  nżommuk.

Barra l-ġemgħa titniehed mar-riħ,
Fejn tiġġerra fid-dlam u fil-ksieħ,
Għalhekk ġejt, għax staqsejt fejn insib ftit  tal-kenn,
U qaluli li inti taf tħenn.

U qaluli, Madonna …

Ave Maria ta’ Fatima

1. Ħdejn Fatima dehret I-Omm tagħna Marija,
Liċ-ċkejkna tliet rgħajja, tfal safja w għaqlija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

2. “Sinjura żagħżugħa imdawra bid-dija,
Bil-ġmiel u bil-ħlewwa tas-sema mogħnija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

3. Ilbiesha bajdani, jgħattilha riġlejha,
Kuruna sabiħa, imdendla f’idejha.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

4. “Min fejn inti ġejja?”, staqsietek Luċiia:
“Is-Sema pajjiżi”, weġibt, o Marija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

Tislima lil Ommna Marija

Lilek insellmu Marija
Bħalma l-anġlu sellimlek mill-qalb.
Inti bil-grazzja mimlija
Omm Alla u tagħna l-bnedmin.

Tħares mill-għoli tas-sema
Sabiex tieħu ħsieb lilna ċ-ċkejknin.
Ġewwa dirgħajk trid iżżommna
Bħalma żammejt lill-Bambin.

Tislima lil Ommnna Marija
Minn qalbna nagħtuk iċ-ċkejknin
Lilek nagħtu l-qalb safja
Sabiex inti toffrieha lill-Bambin (x2)

Madwarek il-kwiekeb tas-sema
Wiċċek xemx jagħti dawl lill-bniedem
Juri t-triq lill-mitlufa
Twassalhom fi ħdan il-Bambin.

Ġmielek jgħaxxaq is-sema
Isellmulek is-sema u l-art
L-anġli madwarek ferħana
Magħhom ngħannulek bil-qalb. R/.

Queen of the May

Bring the flowers of the rarest,
Bring blossoms the fairest,
From garden and woodland
and hillside and vale.

Our full hearts are swelling,
Our glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest, flower of the vale.

Rit/ O Mary we crown thee with blossoms  today
Queen of the angels and Queen of the  May. (2)

Their Lady they name thee
Their Mistress proclaim thee
Ah! Grant that thy children on earth be as  true
As long as the bowers are radiant with  flowers
As long as the azure shall keep its bright hue. O Mary…

Our voices ascending in harmony blending,
Oh! Thus may our hearts turn,
Dear Mother, to thee;
And thus shall we prove thee,
How truly we love thee
How dark without Mary, 
life’s journey would be. O Mary…

Lady so Fair

Lady so fair, listen to me,
Lovelier you are
By far than I can say.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of truth, guide our youth,
Keep them true and close to you,
And they’ll win through.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of light, shine in our night,
Show us the road, share our load,
And we’ll find peace.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of pain, be once again,
She who cars, the burden shares,
And heals all ills,

Listen to me (2)

Mother of love, stoop from above,
Soften our hearts, take our part,
And we’ll spread love,

Listen to me (2)

Mother of God, give us the grace,
Then we’ll see, Like thee Christ’s own face,

Listen to me (2)

These resources can inspire you to choose a theme for Holy Mass. They include prayers, reflections and appropriate readings.

Ħallu t-Tfal Jiġu Għandi

Sejjaħtilkom Ħbieb

Dawn ir-riżorsi huma maħluqa biex jkunu ta’ għajnuna għat-tfal biex jifmu u għalhekk jieħdu sehem aħjar fil-quddiesa. Hu importanti ħafna li t-tfal jifhmu dak li qegħdin jagħmlu – jagħrfu li bis-sehem tagħhom fil-quddiesa jkunu qegħdin ifaħħru ‘l Alla.

During the Holy Mass

Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of the Eucharist

Before the mass starts, the animator helps the students to spend some time in silence. One can guide and explain to the students to sit down with their back straight, breathing in and breathing out for one minute in silence.

Another way to help the students calm down is by rehearsing the hymns sung during the Eucharistic Celebration.

During this moment, the priest helps the students and educators to recognize that they are together as a community and to prepare themselves to listen to the Word of God.

The Penitential Act

  • A song that relates to forgiveness can be sung and animated (a leader leads the students)
  • A role-play or mime conveys how good it is to forgive.
  • Images of situations, such as children fighting, someone feeling angry, someone playing on the tablet, and a mum calling the child, and the child disregards.  A student shows the images while another one says a related prayer.
  • Forgiveness prayers, both prepared and spontaneous
  • A song that relates to forgiveness can be sung and animated.
  • A role-play or mime that conveys the message of how good it is to forgive.
  • Images of situations, such as children fighting, someone feeling angry, someone playing on the tablet, and his mum calling him, and he disregards.  A student shows the images, while another one says a related prayer.
  • Short videoclips with forgiveness situations. After every clip the students say: “God forgive us”

The Reading and Gospel Readings

Essentiality to the quality of the proclamation and explanation of the Word of God must be given while the Gospel is always read. The readings must be proclaimed clearly, convincing and not in a hurry. It has to be an experience that helps the participants grow spiritually, so the Word of God must be adapted for the children and adolescents.


  • Readings can be read in the form of a dialogue between three to five students according to the personalities in the readings/there will also be a narrator.

Responsorial Psalm

  • If the Psalm is included, the responsorial psalm can be sung


  • The Gospel can be performed as a role-play or mime while being read by the priest.


  • After the Gospel, the priest invites the children to stay in a minute of silence, recalling the story they listened to in the Gospel.
  • The priest can call the children to go near him on the altar. He asks them questions about the Gospel and makes up a small discussion.
  • Beforehand, with their educators/parents/guardians, children prepare a craft or drawing related to the Gospel, which they bring to the Holy Mass and explain their projects.
  • Explore the personalities in the Gospel – Who are they?
  • Mention and explain objects mentioned in the Gospel.

Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
To Download the presentation, enter the link above, go to FILE>Save as>Download a copy

Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
To Download the presentation, enter the link above, go to FILE>Save as>Download a copy

Liturgical Readings adapted for children

17th December PPT Presentation Maltese
18th December PPT Presentation Maltese
19th December PPT Presentation Maltese
20th December PPT Presentation Maltese
21st December PPT Presentation Maltese
22nd December PPT Presentation Maltese
23rd December PPT Presentation Maltese
24th December (morning) PPT Presentation Maltese
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Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Ash Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
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Powerpoint Presentations

Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
To Download the presentation, enter the link above, go to FILE>Save as>Download a copy

Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
To Download the presentation, enter the link above, go to FILE>Save as>Download a copy

Liturgical Readings adapted for children

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
Tuesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Wednesday PPT Presentation Maltese
Thursday PPT Presentation Maltese
Friday PPT Presentation Maltese
Saturday PPT Presentation Maltese
To Download the presentation, enter the link above, go to FILE>Save as>Download a copy


  • Readings can be read in the form of a dialogue between three to five students according to the personalities in the readings/there will also be a narrator.

Responsorial Psalm

  • If the Psalm is included, the responsorial psalm can be sung

The Gospel

  • The Gospel can be performed as a role-play or mime while being read by the priest.
  • Students will be given a printed version of the Gospel, and after the reading of the Gospel, they are given some quiet time to reflect and mark the part that struck mostly.


  • Beforehand, with their educators/parents/guardians, children prepare a craft or drawing related to the Gospel, which they bring to the mass and explain their projects.
  • Personalities in the Gospel – Who are they?
  • Objects mentioned in the Gospel
  • Some quiet time where the students will reflect on what they have just heard and share what struck them mostly.

Online daily readings can be found here

Prayers of the Faithful

  • Students prepare the prayers before the mass celebration.
  • Prayers can be spontaneous.
  • A ballot with the students’ names, and students will pray for that person whose name was picked up.
  • Before the mass celebration, categories of people or diverse situations are written to pray for them. Before the prayers of the faithful, these papers are distributed to the students. A few quiet times to write the prayers, and then the students will place the prayers in a cane basket. The prayers will be part of the offerings and the bread and wine, and a few are read.
  • While the prayers are read, ex, the prayer for the Pope, an image of the Pope is shown. Students will be in twos for every prayer.


Together with the Bread and wine, other objects related to the liturgical time the mass is celebrated, can be added. Some examples:

Opening of the Scholastic Year – school bag, uniform, books, pocket, colours etc.,

On Souls’ Day – Holy images of different saints will then be distributed to the students.

Advent – an empty manger, a heart (representing the hearts of the students and educators preparing their hearts for Baby Jesus), the Advent Wreath, an image of Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem, or maybe two children. representing Mary and Joseph, offer themselves, and the priest blesses them.

Christmas – Baby Jesus and cribs, small Baby Jesus statues to be distributed to the students. For middle and secondary students, a bauble with a phrase from the Christmas story can be distributed.

Lent – the crown of thorns, nails, cross, I.N.R.I., Veronica’s handkerchief, a water basin with water to represent the water the Pilot washed his hands in, a soldier’s helmet.

Images of personalities of Jesus’ passion.

Easter – figolla, egg, image or craft of a chick coming out of an egg and a butterfly, two students in a happy mood together (representing life)

A thanksgiving mass for the scholastic year – students’ work that the students carried out during the scholastic year, images of various activities that took place, and objects that relate to rest and Summer.

During the offertory time, students can equip the altar with a white tablecloth, candles, flowers, and other objects. The altar must remain simple. Together with the Bread and wine, other objects related to the liturgical time the mass is celebrated can be added.

Eucharistic Prayer

The priest chooses the most suitable prayer for his community, especially of if the mass is celebrated for children and adolescents.

Before the preface, the priest invites the community to think about a situation, persons or anything they would like to thank God for.

Consecration Rite

The priests give the students a few seconds until they kneel or keep standing, according to where the mass occurs. A few seconds of silence help the community to focus before the priest prays the consecration prayer.

After the consecration, if a song is going to be used, its words must be close to one of these prayers:

We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.
When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, O Lord, until you come again.
Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.

Sign of Peace Rite

Singing a hymn related to peace, the children offer Christ’s peace to each other with a handshake. Students offer peace to the students on their same bench. Many students offer peace to the priest, the Head of school/SLT, and some teachers.


Prayer After Communion

  • Can be recited by three students, and are prepared beforehand.
  • Spontaneous – the priest go near the students and ask them: “For what would you like to say thank you to God?”
  • Singing a thanksgiving hymn
  • Can be recited by three students and is prepared beforehand.
  • Spontaneous – the priest goes down near the students and asks them: “For what would you like to say thank you to God?”
  • Singing a thanksgiving hymn
  • Students read a thanksgiving prayer together in their place.
  • Students pray one of the traditional Catholic prayers – Lord, Make Me a Channel of Your Peace of St Francis, Soul of Christ or even a psalm.

In the final blessing, the priest sends us and invites us to continue living in the peace of Christ.

Before praying after communion, the priest invites the students to think about a decision or action they will take to live the message they received during the Eucharistic celebration.

Further Resources

Ideat għall-Parteċipazzjoni ikbar fil-Quddiesa

Qabel il-Quddiesa

Il-Kattoliċi jitolbu b’ħafna modi differenti b’mod speċjali meta nitolbu flimkien permezz taċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Ewkaristija, il-Quddiesa. Fil-Ktieb tal-Atti tal-Appostli u fl-Ittri ta’ San Pawl, insibu l-mod kif l-ewwel komunitajiet Insara kienu jiċċelebraw l-Ewkaristija. F’Ruma, l-ewwel Insara kienu jiċċelebraw il-quddiesa fil-katakombi u jużaw l-oqbra tal-martri bħala artali. B’dan il-mod kienu jfakkru s-sagrifiċċju ta’ Ġesù fuq is-salib u l-Qawmien tiegħu. Il-quddiesa hija ċelebrazzjoni li fiha nkomplu nwettqu l-Aħħar Ċena li Ġesù għamel mal-Appostli qabel ma ngħata għalina u qalilhom: “Agħmlu dan b’tifkira tiegħi.”

More about Holy Mass from BeKids website

Hawn taħt issib Powerpoint presentation bir-rit tal-Quddiesa bit-tieni talba Ewkaristika għat-tfal fil-format li huwa dyslexia-friendly.

Qabel ma tħejji għall-kant għall-quddiesa, ikun tajjeb tagħti titwila lill-gwida għal kif tagħżel il-kant għall-partijiet differenti tal-quddiesa mis-sit IKTUS

Fil-ħlewwa ta’ Mejju

Fil-ħlewwa ta’ Mejju,
Omm tagħna Marija
O kemm idoqq ħlejju dak ismek sabiħ
Kemm toħroġ qawwija
Dil-kelma minn qalbna
Bit-tama li talbna jagħtik l-akbar ġieħ.

Int l-għaxqa tas-sema
Ix-xemx tal-ħolqien
Int l-omm ta’ min ħalqek
Bik mimli kull żmien.

Jekk tiftaħ fil-ġonna il-warda Maltija
Tfakkarna o Madonna fil-lewn ta’ ħaddejk
Jekk tidħak id-dija tal-kwiekeb irżina
Tfakkarna o ħanina fid-dawl ta’ għajnejk Rit:

Minn dejjem bint Alla, nadifa mill-ħtija
Infrixt bħal qawsalla fuq ras il-bnedmin
Int ftaħt o Marija l-għejun ta’ kull ħniena
Fuq l-aħwa ħosbiena, fuq l-aħwa ħatjin. Rit:

Għalhekk ja sultana tal-ħlewwa Marija
Int biss tama tagħna, int qawwa tar-ruħ
Bil-grazzja mimlija kull waqt insellmulek
Bil-ħrara ngħajtulek fis-siegħa tad-dmugħ Rit:

Fis-Santwarju tal-Madonna

Hawn quddiemek, Madonna mixħut
Għax inħossni hekk mifni u batut
Jiena ġrejt u staqsejt fejn insib ftit mistrieħ
U bagħtuni f’riġlejk minnufih.

U qaluli, Madonna li ssebbaħ il-ġonna
U għaliex inti Ommna taħt ħarstek  iżżommna
U aħna minn qalbna, Madonna nfaħħruk.
U qaluli, Madonna li ssebbaħ il-ġonna
U għaliex inti Ommna taħt ħarstek  iżżommna
U aħna, Madonna, bħal ommna  nżommuk.

Barra l-ġemgħa titniehed mar-riħ,
Fejn tiġġerra fid-dlam u fil-ksieħ,
Għalhekk ġejt, għax staqsejt fejn insib ftit  tal-kenn,
U qaluli li inti taf tħenn.

U qaluli, Madonna …

Ave Maria ta’ Fatima

1. Ħdejn Fatima dehret I-Omm tagħna Marija,
Liċ-ċkejkna tliet rgħajja, tfal safja w għaqlija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

2. “Sinjura żagħżugħa imdawra bid-dija,
Bil-ġmiel u bil-ħlewwa tas-sema mogħnija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

3. Ilbiesha bajdani, jgħattilha riġlejha,
Kuruna sabiħa, imdendla f’idejha.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

4. “Min fejn inti ġejja?”, staqsietek Luċiia:
“Is-Sema pajjiżi”, weġibt, o Marija.
Rit/ Ave, Ave, Ave Marija x2

Tislima lil Ommna Marija

Lilek insellmu Marija
Bħalma l-anġlu sellimlek mill-qalb.
Inti bil-grazzja mimlija
Omm Alla u tagħna l-bnedmin.

Tħares mill-għoli tas-sema
Sabiex tieħu ħsieb lilna ċ-ċkejknin.
Ġewwa dirgħajk trid iżżommna
Bħalma żammejt lill-Bambin.

Tislima lil Ommnna Marija
Minn qalbna nagħtuk iċ-ċkejknin
Lilek nagħtu l-qalb safja
Sabiex inti toffrieha lill-Bambin (x2)

Madwarek il-kwiekeb tas-sema
Wiċċek xemx jagħti dawl lill-bniedem
Juri t-triq lill-mitlufa
Twassalhom fi ħdan il-Bambin.

Ġmielek jgħaxxaq is-sema
Isellmulek is-sema u l-art
L-anġli madwarek ferħana
Magħhom ngħannulek bil-qalb. R/.

Queen of the May

Bring the flowers of the rarest,
Bring blossoms the fairest,
From garden and woodland
and hillside and vale.

Our full hearts are swelling,
Our glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest, flower of the vale.

Rit/ O Mary we crown thee with blossoms  today
Queen of the angels and Queen of the  May. (2)

Their Lady they name thee
Their Mistress proclaim thee
Ah! Grant that thy children on earth be as  true
As long as the bowers are radiant with  flowers
As long as the azure shall keep its bright hue. O Mary…

Our voices ascending in harmony blending,
Oh! Thus may our hearts turn,
Dear Mother, to thee;
And thus shall we prove thee,
How truly we love thee
How dark without Mary, 
life’s journey would be. O Mary…

Lady so Fair

Lady so fair, listen to me,
Lovelier you are
By far than I can say.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of truth, guide our youth,
Keep them true and close to you,
And they’ll win through.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of light, shine in our night,
Show us the road, share our load,
And we’ll find peace.

Listen to me (2)

Mother of pain, be once again,
She who cars, the burden shares,
And heals all ills,

Listen to me (2)

Mother of love, stoop from above,
Soften our hearts, take our part,
And we’ll spread love,

Listen to me (2)

Mother of God, give us the grace,
Then we’ll see, Like thee Christ’s own face,

Listen to me (2)

Dawn ir-riżorsi jistgħu jispirawk biex tagħżel tema għall-Quddiesa. Dawn jinkludu talb, riflessjonijiet, u Qari addattat mat-tema.

Ħallu t-Tfal Jiġu Għandi

Sejjaħtilkom Ħbieb

Dawn ir-riżorsi huma maħluqa biex jkunu ta’ għajnuna għat-tfal biex jifmu u għalhekk jieħdu sehem aħjar fil-quddiesa. Hu importanti ħafna li t-tfal jifhmu dak li qegħdin jagħmlu – jagħrfu li bis-sehem tagħhom fil-quddiesa jkunu qegħdin ifaħħru ‘l Alla.

Fil-ħin tal-Quddiesa

Liturġija talKelma
Liturġija talEwkaristija

Qabel ma’ tibda l-quddiesa, l-animatur jgħin lill-istudenti biex jinġabru kemm minn barra u minn ġewwa. L-animatur jista’ jiggwida lill-istudenti biex joqogħdu bilqiegħda daharhom mas-siġġu, jieħdu nifs bil-kalma u jqattgħu minuta fis-skiet.

Mod ieħor kif jista’ jgħin lill-istudenti jinġabru huwa billi jipprepara magħhom l-kant li ser ikun kantat waqt il-quddiesa.

F’dal-mument, is-saċerdot jgħin lill-istudenti u edukaturi biex jagħrfu li qegħdin miġburin bħala komunità u jippreparaw lilhom infushom biex jisimgħu l-Kelma t’Alla.

L-Att Penitenzjali

  • Tista’ titkanta innu dwar il-maħfra u tiġi animata wkoll. Dan billi jkun hemm xi ħadd immexxi lill-istudenti.
  • Roleplay jew mima fejn joħroġ il-messaġġ kemm hu sabiħ li wieħed jaħfer.
  • Stampi ta’ sitwazzjonijiet eżempju: tfal jiġġieldu, xi ħadd jirrabja, xi ħadd fuq it-tablet u l-omm qed tgħajjatlu u mhuwiex jagħti kas. Student juri l-istampi fil-waqt li student ieħor jitlob it-talba relatata.
  • Isiru talbiet ta’ maħfra, kemm ippreparati u anke spontanji.
  • Jista’ jitkanta innu dwar il-maħfra u tiġi animata wkoll.
  • Roleplay jew mima fejn joħroġ il-messaġġ kemm hu sabiħ li wieħed jaħfer.
  • Stampi ta’ sitwazzjonijiet, eżempju: Tfal jiġġieldu, xi ħadd jirrabja, xi ħadd fuq it-tablet u l-omm qed tgħajjatlu u mhuwiex jagħti kas. Xi ħadd jurihom, u persuna oħra tgħid talba relatata.
  • Xi vidjos qosra b’sitwazzjonijiet ta’ maħfra. Wara kull clip l-istudenti jwieġbu “maħfra Mulej”.
  • Iċ-ċelebrant jmexxi eżami tal-kuxjenza qasir.

Il-Qari tal-Liturġija

Huwa importanti li tingħata importanza lill-kwalità tal-proklamazzjoni u l-ispjegazzjoni tal-Kelma t’Alla. Għalhekk huwa permess li jinqara qari wieħed, fil-waqt li l-Evanġelju għandu jinqara dejjem. Importanti li l-qari tal-Kelma t’Alla jkun ipproklamant b’ċarezza, konvinzjoni u b’pass meqjus. Għandha tkun esperjenza fejn jikbru spiritwalment u għalhekk importanti li l-Kelma t’Alla tkun adattata skont ma jistgħu jifhmu t-tfal u adoloxxenti.

Il-Qari tal-Liturġija tal-ġurnata ssibu onlajn fis-sit


  • Jista’ jinqara forma ta’ djalogu u jieħdu sehem bejn tlieta u ħamest itfal skont il-personaġġi li jkun hemm fil-qari/ Ikun hemm ukoll in-narratur.

Salm Responsorjali

  • Jekk is-Salm ikun inkluż, il-versett jista’ jitkanta.


  • Jista’ jsir forma ta’ drama jew mima, waqt li jaqrah is-saċerdot.


  • Wara li jaqra l-Evanġelju ċ-ċelebrant jistieden lill-istudenti biex jagħmlu minuta fis-silenzju u jaħsbu fl-istorja li jkunu semgħu fl-Evanġelju.
  • Il-qassis jista’ itella’ t-tfal maġenbu fuq l-artal, jistaqsiehom xi mistoqsijiet dwar l-Evanġelju u joħolqu diskussjoni żgħira.
  • Minn qabel, flimkien mal-għalliema/ġenituri/kustodji t-tfal jikkrejaw craft jew tpinġija relata mal-Evanġelju, jġibuha magħhom għall-quddiesa u jispejgaw xi jkunu għamlu.
  • Min huma l-personaġġi li jissemmew fl-Evanġelju?
  • Oġġetti li jintużaw fl-Evanġelju.

Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbħga PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

17 ta’ Diċembru PPT Presentation Maltese
18 ta’ Diċembru PPT Presentation Maltese
19 ta’ Diċembru PPT Presentation Maltese
20 ta’ Diċembru PPT Presentation Maltese
21 ta’ Diċembru PPT Presentation Maltese
22 ta’ Diċembru PPT Presentation Maltese
23 ta’ Diċembru PPT Presentation Maltese
24 ta’ Diċembru (fil-għodu) PPT Presentation Maltese
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L-Erbgħa tal-Irmied PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Kelma t’Alla addattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Quddiesa adattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Quddiesa adattat għat-tfal

Monday PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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Qari tal-Quddiesa adattat għat-tfal

It-Tnejn PPT Presentation Maltese
It-Tlieta PPT Presentation Maltese
L-Erbgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ħamis PPT Presentation Maltese
Il-Ġimgħa PPT Presentation Maltese
Is-Sibt PPT Presentation Maltese
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  • Jista’ jinqara forma ta’ djalogu u jieħdu sehem bejn tlieta u ħamest itfal skont il-personaġġi li jkun hemm fil-qari/ Ikun hemm ukoll in-narratur.

Salm Responsorjali

  • Jekk is-Salm ikun inkluż, il-versett jista’ jitkanta.


  • Jista’ jsir forma ta’ drama jew mima, waqt li jaqrah is-saċerdot.
  • L-istudenti  jkollhom il-qari ttajpjat u wara l-qari jingħataw ftit ħin biex jirriflettu u jimmarkaw liema kelma, frażi jew sentenza laqtithom.


  • Minn qabel, flimkien mal-edukaturi/ġenituri/kustodji t-tfal jikkrejaw craft jew tpinġija relata mal-Evanġelju, jġibuha magħhom għall-quddiesa u jispejgaw xi jkunu għamlu.
  • Min huma l-personaġġi li jissemmew fl-Evanġelju?
  • Oġġetti li jintużaw fl-Evanġelju
  • Ftit skiet u l-istudenti jaħsbu fuq dak li jkunu għadhom kemm semgħu u jaqsmu dak li laqgħathom.

It-Talbiet tal-Komunità

  • L-istudenti jippreparawhom minn qabel il-quddiesa.
  • It-talbiet ikunu spontanji.
  • Issir bħal polza u jitolbu għal dik il-persuna li jkunu tellgħu isimha.
  • Qabel il-quddiesa jiġu miktuba kategoriji ta’ nies jew sitwazzjonjiet diversi li għalijom nistgħu nitolbu. Qabel jibdew it-talbiet tal-komunità jitqassmu dawn il-karti lill-istudenti. Jingħataw ċans jippreparaw u jiktbu talba , jitpoġġew ġo kannestru u jittellgħu bl-offerti u jintgaħżlu ftit min ikun jixtieq jgħid it-talba.
  • Waqt qed tinqara eż. t-talba għall-Papa, tintwera stampa tal-Papa. L-istudenti jkunu jitilgħu tnejn tnejn għal kull talba.


Mal-ħobż u l-inbid, it-tfal jistgħu jtellgħu oġġetti relatati maż-żmien li fih tkun qed tiġi ċċelebrata l-quddiesa. Xi eżempji:

Fil-Ftuħ tas-Sena Skolastika – basket tal-iskola, l-uniformi, kotba, pocket, kuluri eċċ.

Fil-Qaddisin Kollha – Santi ta’ qaddisin differenti, imbagħad jitqassmu lill-istudenti.

Fl-Avvent – maxtura vojta, qalb (tirrapreżenta l-qalb tal-istudenti u l-edukaturi li qed jippreparaw qalbhom għal Ġesù Bambin), il-girlanda bix-xemgħat, stampa ta’ Marija u Ġużeppi fi Triqthom lejn Betlem, jew jintgħażlu żewġt it-tfal li jirrapreżentaw lil Marija u Ġużeppi u joffru lilhom infushom u s-saċerdot iberikom.

Fil-Milied – Bambini jew presepju, u Bambini żgħar biex imbagħad jitqassmu lill-istudenti. Għal studenti tal-medja u sekondarja jista’ jitqassam ballun tas-siġra tal-Milied b’messaġġ fuqu dwar l-istorja tal-Milied.

Fir-Randan – kuruna tax-xewk, imsiemer, salib, I.N.R.I, il-maktur tal-Veronika, l-ilma li fiha ħasel idejh Pilatu, elmu ta’ suldat. Stampi ta’ persunaġġi mill-passjoni ta’ Ġesù.

Fl-Għid – figolla, bajda, stampa jew kraft ta’ fellus ħiereġ mill-bajda u ta’ farfett, żewġ studenti qed jifirħu flimkien (jirrapreżentaw il-ħajja)

Quddiesa ta’ ringrazzjament għas-sena skolastika – xogħol li l-istudenti jkunu għamlu matul is-sena, ritratti ta’ attivitajiet varji li jkunu saru, oġġetti li għandhom x’jaqsmu mas-Sajf u l-mistrieħ.

F’dal-ħin tal-offeti, l-istudenti jistgħu jarmaw l-artal bid-dvalja bajda, xemgħat, fjuri u oġġetti oħra. Importanti li l-artal mejda jinżamm sempliċi.

It-Talba Ewkaristika

Iċ-ċelebrant jagħżel talba Ewkaristika addattata għall-komunità miġbura speċjalment jekk il-quddiesa hija ċċelebrata mat-tfal u adoloxxenti

Qabel il-mument tal-prefazju, iċ-ċelebrant jista’ jistieden lill-komunità biex jaħsbu f’xi sitwazzjoni, persuni jew xi ħaġa li jixtiequ jirringrazzjaw lil Alla tagħha.


Iċ-ċelebrant tajjeb li jagħti ċans lill-istudenti jissetiljaw sakemm jinżlu għarkubtejhom jew jibqgħu bil-wieqfa, skont il-post li jkunu fih. Ftit mumenti ta’ silenzju jgħinu lill-komunità biex tiffoka mill-ġdid qabel is-saċerdot jitlob il-kliem tal-konsagrazzjoni.

Jekk ser nirrispondu għall-akklamazzjoni tal-qassis wara l-konsagrazzjoni, il-kliem tal-innu għandu jixbaħ waħda minn dawn it-talbiet:

Inħabbru l-mewt tiegħek, Mulej, inxandru bil-ferħ il-qawmien tiegħek, nistennewk sa ma tiġi fil-glorja.


Salvana inti o Salvatur tad-dinja, għax is-salib ul-qawmien u l-mewt tiegħek inti fdejtna.


Kull darba li nieklu l-ħobż u nixorbu dal-kalċi, inħabbru l-mewt tiegħek, Mulej, sa ma tiġi.

Ir-Rit tal-Paċi

Jitkanta kant addattat u t-tfal jagħtu l-paċi lil xulxin billi jieħdu b’idejn xulxin. Kulħadd jagħti l-paċi lil min ikun ħdejh. Numru żgħir tat-tfal jagħtu l-paċi liċ-ċelebrant, lil Kap tal-iskola/SLT u lil xi għalliema.


It-Talba ta’ Ringrazzjament wara t-Tqarbin

  • Jistgħu jsiru minn tlett studenti u jkunu ppreparati minn qabel.
  • Spontanji – Is-saċerdot jinżel ħdejn it-tfal u jsaqsihom “Ta’ x’hiex tixtieq tgħid grazzi lil Alla.
  • Jitkanta innu ta’ ringrazzjament.

It-Talba tal-għeluq u s-saċerdot jibgħatna nkomplu ngħixu fil-paċi ta’ Kristu.

Qabel ma jitlob it-talba ta’ wara t-tqarbin, iċ-ċelebrant jista’ jistieden lill-istudenti biex jaħsbu f’xi deċiżjoni jew azzjoni li ser jagħmlu biex jgħixu dak li rċevew fil-quddiesa.

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