Author: Fr Reuben Gauci

Il-Quddiesa.  Il-Workout tar-ruħ. 

Fid-dinja kontemporanja, il-kultura tat-taħriġ fiżiku qed issir dejjem iżjed popolari tant li tinkorpora fiha nies minn kull settur tas-soċjetà.  Aktar minn qatt qabel, il-prattika ta xi sport saret minsuġa fl-orarju ta’ ħafna, irrispettivament mill-eta’ jew l-istat tal-persuna. Dment li persuna tagħraf titħarreġ b’mod responsabbli, ordnat u etiku, bl-għan li tibbenefika personalment u sservi t’ispirazjoni għal ħaddiehor, tkun iġġenerata L-pożittività. 

Bħala edukatur inkun qrib ħafna tal-isfidi li jikkaratterizzaw l-adoloxxenza, u tal-impatt li dawn ikollhom fuq l-istudenti.  Sikwit, studenti jirrikjedu risposti għal xi kurżitajiet jew dubji li jaħkmuhom kontinwament.  Fosthom il-fidi!  L-għan ta’ dan l-artiklu huwa li jixħet dawl fuq xebħ li jeżisti bejn is-saħħa fiżika tal-ġisem u dik tar-ruħ…

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Deep calling unto deep

pexels/francesco ungaro: in God like fish in water

In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit

Glory and praise forever!

1. Let us open our hearts to receive God’s Word

Jesus said to Nicodemus: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him…

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With Reading and Writing, I find a Beloved Space

The National Literacy Agency, in collaboration with Spiritual Development in Schools, is organising sessions of storytelling, creative writing and reflection in a new programme entitled ‘With Reading and Writing I find a Beloved Space’ for children aged 8 to 10 years.

These sessions of animated reading in Maltese and English from the newly published book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi – Beloved Space’ by author Silvana Cardona will take place in various localities in Malta and Gozo…

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Integrating Mental Health and Spiritual Growth

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the vital link between mental health and spiritual well-being. Many people, including children and young, turn to spirituality and faith to find comfort, support and meaning. Prayer spaces provide a safe and inclusive environment for children and young people of all faiths and none to explore spirituality, faith, and life’s questions creatively and interactively.

Prayer spaces are designed to be welcoming and accessible, with resources and activities that encourage reflection, meditation and prayer…

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Prayer Spaces Network Meeting

On Wednesday, 10th May 2023, educators who created or animated prayer spaces or wish to know more about prayer spaces met online to strengthen the network of the people setting up prayer spaces in schools. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate what God is doing with the young and adults through the prayer spaces in our schools and other places.

After Fr Reuben introduced the meeting, Ms Silvana Cardona interviewed Ms Bernadette Sammut Briffa, chaplain at Sacred Heart College, and Ms Maria Barbara, an educator at St Paul Missionary College, who shared their experience with prayer spaces…

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Pope Francis’ Global Compact on Education

The Global Compact on Education, introduced by Pope Francis, is a groundbreaking initiative that seeks to promote the values of care for others, peace, justice, goodness, beauty, acceptance, and fraternity through education. This Pact is an alliance that generates peace, justice, and hospitality among all peoples of the human family and dialogue between religions. The Compact encourages change on a global scale so that education may become a creator of fraternity, peace, and justice…

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St Ignatius College Middle School Ħandaq Celebrates 10 Years of Excellence

St Ignatius College Middle School, Ħandaq, celebrated its 10th anniversary enthusiastically on the 27th of February 2023. The celebration was a testament to the school’s spirit and a reflection of the collective commitment to excellence of the entire educational community. It included several celebrations, including the pastoral visit and celebration of Holy Mass by H.E. Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna, the school community and Fr Sergio Fenech, the school religious counsellor and Coordinator for Religious Counsellors Fr Reuben Gauci…

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A Journey of Reflection and Unity for Students

Between the 23rd and the 25th of January 2023, the Spiritual Development in Schools led Prayer Spaces Sessions at St Clare College, St Julian’s Primary School.

The session took place in the school hall, which had ten stations. Students passed from one station to another, and throughout the journey, they prayed prayers of intercession for the world, showed appreciation to their educators, and reflected on nature…

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Reflections for Lent 2023

Ash Wednesday

Some scientific experiments, such as in quantum physics, are complex because of the ‘observer effect.’ The presence of an observer changes the behaviour of what is observed…

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L-ewwel darba li animajt Spazji ta’ Talb

L-Ispazji ta’ Talb (Prayer Spaces) huma spazji spiritwali professjonali li jagħtu opportunità lill-bniedem biex jiltaqa’ mill-qrib miegħu innifsu, mal-Ħallieq tiegħu, mal-oħrajn u jsir aktar konxju tad-dinja ta’ madwaru. Dawn l-ispazji għandhom l-għeruq fil-fidi nisranija imma huma miftuħa kemm għal persuni li jħaddnu kwalunkwe reliġjon, kif ukoll għal dawk li ma jħaddnu ebda reliġjon.

F’dal-każ l-ispazji ta’ talb saru f’ċentru tal-Katekeżi ma’ żewġ klassijiet…

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