Author: Fr Reuben Gauci

focus on prayer testimony

“These prayer spaces are a good way to focus on prayer and oneself, which we often neglect in our busy lives. They are a good way to develop our relationship with God.”

Learning Support Educator

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inner self testimony

“I really appreciated the session. It made me search my inner self and think deeply about my good and bad things.”

Educator during a CoPE Session

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Are you interested in joining a trip to Taizé?

As part of our commitment to supporting the holistic well-being of our educators, we are considering organizing a spiritual trip to Taizé. This trip aims to provide a space for meditation, reflection, and prayer, allowing you to recharge and enhance your spiritual well-being in the beautiful nature and peaceful atmosphere created by the community of brothers in Taizé.

We kindly request you to take a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire, which will help us gauge interest and preferences for this trip:

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The Importance of Spiritual Accompaniment for Educators

In today’s fast-paced and challenging educational landscape, the role of educators extends far beyond imparting knowledge and skills. As they guide and shape young minds, educators play a vital role in the holistic development of their students, including their spiritual growth. However, educators require support and guidance to guide others on their spiritual journey effectively. This is where the role of a spiritual director becomes invaluable…

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Living Love through Our Mission – session

Presentation Introduction

A mission means that one uses his abilities as much as he can to make others happy.


We are all invited to be responsible and helpful students in all the ways we can. This is our mission as young children. We are to think about our wishes and dreams and to reach our goals by doing everything our educators ask us, carefully…

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Living Love through Gratitude

Presentation Welcome

The head, SLT, or educator who is animating the reflection welcomes the students and helps them to calm down and focus. One can start the reflection with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


We are during Easter time. Why do we celebrate Easter? The great feast of Easter shows the greatest love of God toward us…

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Living Love through Reconciliation



The head, SLT, or educator who is animating the reflection welcomes the students and helps them to calm down and focus. One can start the reflection with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


Everyone knows that there are magic words. Do you know which are they? (Children will mention Please, Sorry, and Thank You.) Yes, these are the magic words…

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Living Love through Brotherhood and Sisterhood



The head, SLT, or educator who is animating the reflection welcomes the students and helps them to calm down and focus. One can start the reflection with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


It is a very nice thing to be friends with everyone. In our families, there are brothers, sisters, mummies and daddies, aunties, grandmas, and grandpas…

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Living Love Joyfully session

Welcome to the registration for the session ‘Living Love Joyfully‘, meant to promote spiritual development and offer a unique and enriching experience for Year 6 students in State schools. Furthermore, it is designed to empower the students to navigate this crucial transition period in their lives.

The session is going to be held at:

The ‘Living Love Joyfully’ sessions incorporate various engaging activities, including:

  • fun activities that promote teamwork and unity;
  • animated reflective stories that inspire reflection and self-awareness;
  • journal writing;
  • hands-on creativity and
  • Interactive prayer space experiences through a serene and reflective environment to help students connect with themselves, with God, with others, and with Creation…

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Kappelli u Postijiet oħra għat-Talb Personali

Il-ħin li niddedikaw għat-talb u r-riflessjoni huwa tant importanti għas-saħħa tagħna b’mod sħiħ għax jgħinna nsiru iktar qrib t’Alla li ħalaqna, li jsaħħaħna u li jkompli jimliena bl-imħabba tiegħu. Fl-iskola jinħolqu diversi spazji ta’ talb biex l-edukaturi u l-istudenti jagħrfu l-importanza tat-talb. Wieħed jista’ wkoll ifittex spazju fejn wieħed jitlob. lil hinn mill-iskola. Għalhekk hawn issib informazzjoni dwar diversi spazji fil-lokalitajiet tagħna fejn tista’ tmur u titlob b’mod personali…

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‘Il-Każ tal-Kejk Migdum’ – Event by ĠuPazzi

ĠuPazzi presents “Il-Każ tal-Kejk Migdum,” a theme inspired by a renowned detective board game. Picture this: a puppet sneaks a quick bite of a tempting slice of cake when no one’s watching. A gripping investigation follows where some lucky audience members will join forces to identify the mischievous cake-eater. This unique experience promises both education and entertainment in equal measure.

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  • For Whom? …

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