ACTS (Announcing Christ to Schools) has conducted various activities for Form 4 students for the past 22 years. Our aim was always to invite students to reconsider the relevance of the Christian faith in their lives. Many have found the ACTS sessions to be a positive turning point. Some of them have even partnered with us to share a message of hope and encouragement with other students.

Over the years, ACTS have gained experience as to what are the most challenging issues that interest teenage students. In recent years ACTS came up with a brand new seminar entitled TAKE ONE, with
the scope of answering two very related questions that many students pose, namely,

  1. Does God exist?
  2. If He exists, should His existence make any difference in my life?

TAKE ONE seminar is being held at Gattard House in Blata l-Bajda between ten in the morning and one in the afternoon on given days. During the seminar, students will have the opportunity to:

Ask questions about the existence of God.

  • Discuss how reason can shed light on this issue.
  • Investigate how science and logic point to a supernatural author.
  • Listen to personal stories that testify how much God cares for us.
  • Have the chance to reconsider the relevance of the Christian faith.

If you’re interested in providing TAKE ONE seminar for your students, contact ACTS at [email protected] or give them a call at 21241010. They will be delighted to discuss with you how this service can be available to your students.