A dialogue between Jesus and the faithful when one is feeling tired and wanting to give up



When I’m bored you say,

“Follow me, and I’ll make you fishers of men.”

When I worry you say,

“Your heavenly Father knows what you need.”

When I have given up you say,

“Cast your nets on the other side.”

When I’m falling behind you say,

“The last shall be first.”

When I feel guilty and ashamed you say,

“Go in peace, your sins are forgiven.”

When I don’t know where to go you say,

“Abide in me.”

When I want to avoid growing up you say,

“Pick up your cross and follow me.”

When I’m deceitful you say,

“Hurry, I need to eat with you today,”

When rejection paralyses me you say,

“Shake the dust off your feet.”

When I feel intimidated you say,

“The least amongst you is the greatest.”

When I run from the responsibility you say,

“Give them something to eat yourself.”

When I rely on my strength you say,

“I’m sending you out like a lamb.”

When I’m confused about the future you say,

“Come and see.”

When I fall out with people you say,

“Love one another as I love you.”

When I feel unworthy you say,

“I call you friends.”

When I avoid the poor you say,

“You did it to me.”

When I can’t grasp it you say,

“Welcome the kingdom of God like a child.”

When I feel worthless you say,

“Every hair on your head has been counted.”

When my plans don’t work you say,

“Trust in God, trust in me.”

When my prayer seems useless you say,

“Seek and you will find.”

When I doubt you say,

“Here, put your finger in my side.”

When I deny I have met you, you say,

“Do you love me?”

When I abandon you for an easier life you say,

“Father, forgive them.”

When I don’t know what to do you say,

“I’ll send you my spirit.”

Lord, help me not to give up, the way you never give up on us.


From the book At Your Side by Raymond Friel, David Wells


Meta nkun imdejjaq inti tgħid,

“Imxi warajja u nagħmlek sajjied tal-bnedmin.”

Meta ninkwieta inti tgħid,

“Missierek li Hu fis-smewwiet jaf x’għandek bżonn.”

Meta jien naqta’ qalbi inti tgħid,

“Itfgħu x-xbieki fuq in-naħa l-oħra.”

Meta naqa’ lura inti tgħid,

“Tal-aħħar jiġu l-ewwel.”

Meta nħossni ħati u nimtela bil-mistħija inti tgħid,

“Mur fis-sliem, dnubietek maħfura.”

Meta ma nafx fejn sejjer inti tgħid,

“Ejja għandi u għix fija.”

Meta rrid nevita milli nikber inti tgħid,

“Erfa’ salibek u imxi warajja.”

Meta nkun qarrieqi inti tgħid,

“Ħaffef, jien irrid niġi niekol għandek illum.”

Meta ċ-ċaħda tipparaliżżani inti tgħid,

“Farfru t-trab ta’ saqajkom.”

Meta nħossni intimidat, inti tgħid,

“Min hu l-iżgħar fostkom ilkoll, dak hu l-kbir.”

Meta naħrab mir-responsabbiltà inti tgħid,

“Agħtuhom intom x’jieklu.”

Meta nserraħ fuq is-saħħa tiegħi inti tgħid,

“Qed nibgħatek bħala ħaruf.”

Meta nkun konfuż mill-futur inti tgħid,

“Ejja u ara.”

Meta naqa man-nies inti tgħid,

“Ħobbu lil xulxin kif ħabbejtkom jien.”

Meta nħossni ndenju inti tgħid

“Insejħilkom ħbieb.”

Meta nevita lill-fqir inti tgħid,

“Inti għamilt hekk lili.”

Meta l-ħaġa ma nistax nifhimha tgħid,

“Ilqa’ s-saltna t’Alla bħal tfajjel ċkejken.”

Meta jien għajjien inti tgħid,

“Jien nagħtik il-mistrieħ.”

Meta nħossni ma niswa għal xejn inti tgħid,

“Sa x-xagħar ta’ raskom, kollu magħdud.”

Meta l-pjanijiet tiegħi ma jaħdmux inti tgħid,

“Afda f’Alla, afda fija.”

Met t-talba tiegħi tidher għalxejn inti tgħid,

“Fittex u ssib.”

Meta niddubita inti tgħid,

“Hawn, agħmel subgħajk fuq ġenbejja.”

Meta niċħad li ltqajt miegħek, inti tgħid,

“Tħobbni int?”

Meta nabbandunak għal ħajja eħfef inti tgħid,

“Missier, aħfrilhom.”

Meta ma nkunx naf x’se nagħmel inti tgħid,

“Nibgħatilkom l-iSpirtu tiegħi.”

Mulej, għinni biex jien qatt ma naqta’ qalbi, bl-istess mod li int qatt ma qtajt qalbek minna.        Ammen

Tradotta mill-ktieb ‘At Your Side’ ta’ Raymond Friel u David Wells

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