During this prayer space one is encouraged to reflect on his feelings when receiving a pleasant action from someone and how he/she can show kindness with others.

Equipment: Advent Wreath, heart template or a free hand heart drawing, three strips of paper - yellow, blue and green, marker, pen, pencils, crayons, Baby Jesus' manger

Related to Liturgy: 4th Sunday of Advent

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



The fourth Sunday of Advent is identified with the theme of love which is not just a feeling but an action aimed at the good of another. As God loved us by sending Jesus among us, we can share this love with those around us.

  • While thinking about a particularly loving action you’ve received, light up the fourth candle.
  • Take a paper heart and write ways on it to promote the good of specific people you know.
  • Place the heart next to Baby Jesus’ manger.


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