This prayer space helps the participant to acknowledge one’s challenges, act them out through hopping and talk to God about them.
Equipment: Hula Hoops, templates, pens
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
In life, we might face challenges or difficulties such as making new friends, studying, feeling good about ourselves, dealing with bullies, family issues or health problems. These challenges are normal parts of growing up. We can overcome them by finding support, having faith and not giving up.
- In front of you, there are hula hoops labelled with a specific challenge.
- Read the labels. Then, choose one or more hoops that are a challenge to you.
- Now, have the courage to hop up to the chosen hoop.
- As you hop up to the hula hoop, pray to God to trust in him and give you strength to overcome any challenge in life that comes your way.
- You may also write your challenge and prayer on the template if you want to.
Fil-ħajja nistgħu niffaċċjaw sfidi jew diffikultajiet bħal meta nagħmlu ħbieb ġodda, nistudjaw, inħossuna tajjeb dwarna nfusna, kif nittrattaw ma’ bullies, kwistjonijiet tal-familja jew problemi ta’ saħħa. Dawn l-isfidi huma parti normali waqt li nikbru fil-ħajja. Nistgħu negħlbuhom billi nsibu appoġġ, nemmnu li se jirnexxielna u ma naqtgħux qalbna.
- Quddiemek, hemm hula hoops bi sfida speċifika miktuba magħhom.
- Aqrahom u wara agħżel ċirku jew ċrieki li huma ta’ sfida għalik.
- Issa agħmel kuraġġ u aqbeż fuq sieq waħda saċ-ċirku li għażilt.
- Hekk kif taqbeż fuq sieq waħda sa ma tasal sal-hula hoop, itlob l’Alla biex tafda fih u jagħtik is-saħħa tegħleb kull sfida li tiltaqa’ magħha f’ħajtek.
- Tista’ wkoll tikteb l-isfida u t-talba tiegħek fuq il-karta t-tonda.