On Wednesday 9th March 2022, the National Literacy Agency welcomed the Spiritual Development in Schools team to deliver a training session about prayer spaces to the Heads of the Department for Literacy and other NLA personnel.
Fr Reuben Gauci commenced the session by introducing the SDS team and its role in supporting, providing and accompanying educators and students in schools with spiritual activities. The participants then introduced themselves and their roles as Heads of Departments (HODs) for Literacy in various Colleges.
Pastoral workers Silvana, Kathleen and Svetlana then invited and led the participants to roam around the three different rooms set up with activities to explore Prayer Spaces.
After experiencing prayer spaces for themselves, Silvana invited participants to use the prayer spaces experience as a prompt to write on their journal and also to share some of their writings.
Small-Group discussions
Then it was time for participants to be divided into groups for small group conversations. After some allocated time to discuss the set of questions provided, the HOD’s shared about how they felt while doing prayer spaces, what struck them most, and how prayer spaces could be beneficial in their personal life, for others within the National Literacy Agency and within their assigned Colleges.
How Prayer Spaces Developed in Malta
Fr Reuben proceeded with a presentation of how prayer spaces in schools developed in Malta throughout the past nine years and also about the SDS website, its useful resources related to prayer spaces and other spiritual activities/sessions prepared specifically for educators and students.

Silvana shared how prayer spaces help children to develop literacy skills in a safe environment. She showed instances when prayer spaces were incorporated in NLA programmes such as during Intergenerational Writing Clubs, Family Writing Activities in Malta and Gozo and also during virtual activities for children and guardians.
Prayer Spaces and Spiritual Literacy
Mr Phil Togwell Director, Prayer Spaces UK, connected with us on MS Teams to talk about ‘Prayer Spaces and Spiritual Literacy.’ His contribution was an inspiration for all. At the end of his presentation, he gave a couple of questions to ponder upon. Participants wrote their responses and other feedback on exit notes.

Spiritual Development in Schools would like to thank Mr David Muscat CEO, National Literacy Agency, for hosting us, the Head of Departments for Literacy for their active participation throughout the session and Mr Phil Togwell Director, Prayer Spaces UK for his contribution via MS Teams. Thanks be to God for the fruitful time spent together in sharing experiences, ideas, prayer reflections and also in planning our way forward to continue helping children and young people in schools and in programmes offered by the National Literacy Agency.