Some St Venera primary school staff prepared the Prayer Spaces in one of their classrooms. From the 10th till the 15th of April 2019, each primary class from Year 1 to Year 6 visited the prayer spaces. Seeing how well the primary classes received the prayer spaces, the Head of School extended the days for the Kinder 1 and Kinder 2 classes so they could visit, too. Ms Anne Marie Fenech, who prepared the resources and instruction cards, adapted some prayer spaces for the kindergarteners.
Children on different stations |
The children prayed at six different stations. Most of them enjoyed silence in the camp as they closed their eyes and stood still.
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Being Still |
They asked forgiveness and wrote sorry on the sand trays.
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Sandy Sorry |
They thanked God for their friends as they built a friendship paper chain. On the prayer wall, they prayed for something they liked. Some even drew their prayer and stuck it on the prayer wall.
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Prayer Wall |
Finally, they prayed for their teachers and each other.
This is the feedback of the educators and students after they reflected and prayed:
“It-tfal ħadu gost ħafna għax kien hemm activities differenti u kellhom iċ-ċans jagħmluhom kollha
Well done for the initiative… it was beautiful 
Year 5 teacher
“It-tfal ħadu gost u ħadmu fis-silenzju għax ħassew l-atmosfera vera tgħinhom. It-talbiet kienu sinċieri u biċċiet minnhom vera jmissu l-qlub għax urew ir-realta’ ta’ ħajjithom.”
Year 3 teacher
“It-tfal, għalkemm għal ħafna minnhom kienet l-ewwel esperjenza tagħhom ta’ Prayer spaces, interessaw ruħhom sew u mhux biex esprimaw dak li ħassew permezz tar-riżorsi offruti
(sempliċi iżda effettivi fl-istess ħin), talli setgħu jagħmlu iktar sens miż-żmien li kienu qed jgħixu fih (ir-Randan). B’hekk inħolqot niċċa oħra t’opportunita’ u esperjenzi ġodda għat-tfal tagħna. Proset tassew u awguri għall-futur
Li jkollok bżonn qabbadna
Year 4 teacher
“It-tifla tixtieq li ssir s-sena d-dieħla wkoll. Jien ħadt gost u kont naqra emozzjonata fl-istess ħin!”
Year 6 LSE
“Għandna bżonn ta’ spazji hekk ġewwa l-iskola. Kien hemm atmosfera kalma, speċjalment bil-mużika għaddejja. Min mexxa, niżel għal-livell tat-tfal sew.
It-tfal ħadu gost u għamlu l-attivitajiet kollha. U prosit għax kienu tal-livell tal-Kinder ukoll.
Kieku jkollna kamra hekk, it-tfal jagħmillhom il-ġid.
Grazzi u prosit.”
Kinder 2 Teacher
“Kellna tfal fil-klassi li urew ix-xewqa li jkun hemm kamra simili ta’ riflessjoni għax ħassewhom vera fil-paċi, u ma riedux joħorġu minn hemm ġew.”
Year 6 LSE