The Global Compact on Education, introduced by Pope Francis, is a groundbreaking initiative that seeks to promote the values of care for others, peace, justice, goodness, beauty, acceptance, and fraternity through education. This Pact is an alliance that generates peace, justice, and hospitality among all peoples of the human family and dialogue between religions. The Compact encourages change on a global scale so that education may become a creator of fraternity, peace, and justice.
One of the most important points of the Global Compact on Education is that education is a powerful change agent. Education is one of a country’s most important investments in its future. This initiative ensures that every child receives a quality education. The Global Compact on Education recognizes that education is vital in a child’s formative years and continues to be important as they age. Education helps in learning how to communicate with others, foster good relationships, gain new knowledge, and develop essential life skills.

Another critical aspect of the Global Compact on Education is the call to place the human person at the center of education. This means ensuring that every individual has access to quality education that fosters the development of their full potential. Education should provide individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed and help them become responsible global citizens who can contribute to the common good.
Finally, the Global Compact on Education recognizes a social debt towards the poor, as they are denied the right to a life consistent with their inalienable dignity. The Compact calls for solidarity and fraternity, urging every sector of society across the globe to subscribe to and support this initiative.
In conclusion, the Global Compact on Education introduced by Pope Francis is a powerful initiative that seeks to promote the values of care for others, peace, justice, goodness, beauty, acceptance, and fraternity through education. It recognizes that education is a powerful agent of change, and that placing the human person at the center of education is crucial. The Compact calls for solidarity and fraternity, urging every sector of society across the globe to subscribe to and support this initiative. Doing so can create a better future for all, where education drives peace, justice, and prosperity.
In summary, the 7 Commitments for the Global Compact on Education are:
- To make human persons the centre
- To listen to the voices of children and young people
- To advance the women
- To empower the family
- To welcome
- To find new ways of understanding economy and politics
- To safeguard our common home
Explore this wonderful international project through this vademecum and visit the official website.