During the month of May 2022, Prayer Spaces sessions took place at St Clare College Gzira Primary and Maria Regina College Induction Hub Primary Naxxar Schools. On the 4th and 5th of May, the sessions occurred at Gzira Primary while at Induction Hub Primary Naxxar, they happened on the 9th and 12th of May, 2022. Prayer Spaces stations were prepared by the SDS team in rooms provided by the schools’ leadership teams.
Through these stations, students were invited to think and pray about different features that one encounters during life experiences such as nature and the environment around us, the love of God, our wishes and dreams, forgiveness, peace, friendships, and thinking of the countries around the world, as well as to learn to be, in the ‘Be still’ station where students were asked to be quiet for a few minutes. This prayer helps them to start discovering how important it is to learn to be calm and with oneself in our complex world.
The students in their respective bubbles passed from one station to the other while putting out the activity according to the instruction card. The flow helps the students to make a comparison with their life experiences happening in an identical flow and like the instruction cards, in their lives, find people who guide them spiritually and emotionally to grow into better persons in both body and soul.
We thank both schools’ leadership teams for their initiative, all the students for their cheerful participation and the all the staff for their supportive cooperation.