Inspired by the biblical passage of the unity between the vine and the branches ( Jn 15: 5-19) this prayer space inspires one to appreciate and pray for unity specifically amongst Christians of different denominations.
Equipment: Vine templates, purple and light green paints, water. Optional: grape juice
Related to Liturgy: 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time Year B
Related to Bible: John 15: 5-9
- Kinder
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

Have you ever tasted grape juice? The advertisements of fruit juices many times read: made from real fruit juice. We can have no juice without the fruit, and we can have no fruit without the tree. Jesus compares Himself to the vine and us to the branches. Away from the vine, the branches will not bear any fruit, and they will die. We need to be one vine.
- Take some time to think about how important it is for the branches to stay connected to the vine. Imagine yourself and other Christians as branches united with Jesus and with one another.
- On the vine template, make fingerprints to form the grapes along the branches. Let these prints remind you of all the good things we can do if we unite as one vine.
- Now you can pray for more unity amongst the followers of Jesus Christ.
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