The sessions below will help the students to reflect and pray to grow in the living hope found in Jesus Christ. The Early and Primary years have a beautiful surprise prepared by ĠuPazzi! Middle and Secondary have other surprises too! Download the resources needed to help you animate the sessions.
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years

ĠuPazzi is presenting us with this session about Hope.
Some points for the animator to think about before presenting these sessions:
- Watch the sessions before the students watch it.
- Prepare the students to focus on what they will watch and listen to.
- From time pause the video to ask what the students understand. An idea would be to ask the students to write or draw an idea they understood.
ĠuPazzi is presenting us with this session about Hope.
Some points for the animator to think about before presenting these sessions:
- Watch the sessions before the students watch it.
- Prepare the students to focus on what are they going to watch and listen.
- From time pause the video to ask what are the students are understanding. An idea would be to ask the students to write or draw an idea that they understood.
Nagħrfu li bħalma Ġesù jagħtina t-tama, aħna wkoll inkunu persuni ta’ tama għall-oħrajn.
Snin Medji
X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)
- Nagħmlu differenza fil-ħajja ta’ persuni oħra.
- Niskopru li f’ħajjitna għandna skop – li nġibu t-tama f’sitwazzjoni bla tama.
- Nifhmu li Alla jħobbna bla kundizzjoni u jagħtina t-tama.
40 minuta
- Filmati qosra: Give a Hand
- Pinna/lapes
- Karta vojta
- Karta b’forma ta’ life-ring’
- Power Point Presentation
Merħba (5 minuti)
L-animatur isellem lill-istudenti u lill-edukaturi preżenti għal din is-sessjoni
L-Ewwel Attività – Give a hand (15-il minuta)
Pass 1 – Filmat qasir (3.06 minuti)
L-animatur jibda billi juri dan il-filmat fuq l-interactive whiteboard: Give a Hand
Pass 2 – Diskussjoni għall-klassi kollha
L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat.
- X’laqgħetkom fil-filmat?
- Taħsbu li l-persuni kollha kienu jafu lil xulxin qabel ma ġew megħjuna, jew xi wħud kienu biss xhieda tal-għajnuna li ngħatat?
- Tista’ ssemmi ideat oħra ta’ kif nistgħu nġibu t-tama lil persuni li l-aktar jeħtieġuha?
Pass 3 – Naħsbu b’mod aktar personali.
L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippreparaw karta u pinna biex min jixtieq, jikteb jew iniżżel xi punti. Jagħti spjegazzjoni qasira dwar il-filmat u l-pass tagħna ‘l quddiem dwar kif nistgħu nkunu persuni ta’ tama fil-ħajja tal-oħrajn.
Fil-filmat rajna modi differenti ta’ kif iġġib it-tama lin-nies; bħal meta tgħid kelma ta’ nkuraġġiment, tkun ħanin, jew tgħin persuni fil-bżonn.
- Aħseb dwar meta għamilt xi ħaġa sabiħa lil xi ħadd li ma kontx taf u b’hekk ġibt tama ġdida f’din il-persuna.
- Fuq karta vojta, ikteb jew pinġi l-ideat tiegħek dwar kif tista’ ġġib tama lin-nies speċjalment persuni fil-familja tiegħek, fl-iskola u fil-komunità.
- Ikteb jew għid talba f’qalbek speċjalment għall-persuni li qed jaffaċċjaw sitwazzjoni diffiċli u jinsabu bla tama.
It-Tieni Attività ta’ talb – It-Tama (15-il minuta)
Ħabel ta’ Tama
Papa Franġisku jgħid, “Hemm mumenti diffiċli fil-ħajja tagħna, imma bit-tama, ruħna timxi ‘l quddiem u tħares lejn dak li hemm jistennieha.”
F’din il-prayer space, se nagħraf li f’kull sitwazzjoni tal-ħajja tiegħi se nitlob lil Alla jgħinni għax huwa t-tama tiegħi.
Pass 1 – Riflessjoni permezz ta’ silta mill-Vanġelu
Meta n-nies isibu diffikultà fil-baħar, jiġu salvati minn xi ħadd li jkun l-art billi jitfgħulhom life-ring biex ma jegħrqux. Xi drabi, aħna wkoll bl-inkwiet li jkollna nħossuna qegħdin negħrqu.
F’Mattew 6:25-34, Ġesù jgħidilna: Għalhekk ngħidilkom: tinkwetawx ruħkom għal ħajjitkom, x’se tieklu jew x’tixorbu, anqas għal ġisimkom x’se tilbsu. Jaqaw il-ħajja m’hijiex aqwa mill-ikel, u l-ġisem aqwa mill-ilbies?
Ħarsu lejn l-għasafar tas-sema; la jiżirgħu u lanqas jaħsdu u lanqas igeddsu fl-imħażen, u u madankollu Missierkom li hu fis-smewwiet jitmagħhom! Intom ma tiswewx aktar minnhom?
U min minnkom, bl-inkwiet kollu tiegħu, se jseħħlu jtawwal għomru mqar b’jum wieħed biss?
U għall-ilbies għalfejn tinkwetaw ruħkom? Ħarsu lejn il-ġilji tal-għelieqi, kif jikbru! U la jitħabtu u lanqas jinsġu.
Madankollu, ngħidilkom, anqas Salamun, fil-glorja kollha tiegħu, ma kien jilbes bħal wieħed minnhom.
Mela jekk Alla jlibbes hekk imqar ħaxixa selvaġġa li llum hawn u għada tinxteħet fil-forn, kemm aktar lilkom, nies ta’ fidi ċkejkna!
Għalhekk toqogħdux tinkwetaw ruħkom u tgħidu, “X’se nieklu?’ jew ‘X’se nixorbu?’ jew ‘X’se nilbsu?’ għax dawn huma kollha ħwejjeġ li jfittxuhom il-pagani. Imma Missierkom li hu fis-smewwiet jaf li dan kollu teħtiġuh.
Mela fittxu l-ewwel is-Saltna u l-ġustizzja ta’ Alla, u dan kollu jingħatalkom ukoll.
Mela toqogħdux tħabblu raskom għall-għada, għax il-jum ta’ għada jħabbel rasu hu għalih innifsu. Biżżejjed hu għall-jum it-taħbit tal-ġurnata.
Din is-silta turina t-tama li għandu jkollna f’Ġesù għax Hu dejjem magħna anke fl-aktar sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli ta’ ħajjitna. Hekk kif ir-relazzjoni u l-fidi tagħna f’ Ġesù tkompli timber, aħna niskopru ħiliet ġodda kif inħarsu lejn ċertu sitwazzjonijiet, napprezzaw persuni li jieħdu ħsiebna u li aħna niswew ħafna f’għajnejn Alla.
Pass 2 – Ħares u aqra
L-animatur juri l-islides fuq il-PowerPoint u jistieden lill-istudenti biex iħarsu lejn is-sitwazzjonijiet u jaqraw x’inhuma.
- Ħares lejn is-sitwazzjoni f’kull slide tal-powerpoint u aqra dak l-inkwiet.
- Jista’ jkun li xi wħud minnhom jistgħu jkunu l-inkwiet tiegħek: Xogħol tal-iskola, ħbieb, il-familja tiegħi, mard, niċċaqalqu għal dar oħra, nibdel l-iskola u mmur f’oħra, bulliżmu, imwarrab, falliment, eżamijiet jew testijiet, il-futur tiegħi.
- Immaġina qed titfa’ l-life ring miegħek innifsek biex tiftakar li Alla irid jgħinek fl-inkwiet tiegħek.
- Issa, fuq il-karta b’forma ta’ life ring, ikteb jew pinġi dak li qed jinkwetak bħala sinjal li tlabt l’Alla biex jgħinek f’dak l-inkwiet.

Konklużjoni: Nitolbu flimkien – 5 min
Vers mill-Bibbja – Tama
F’Alla biss il-mistrieħ ta’ ruħi, għax mingħandu tiġini t-tama. (Salm 62:6)
Talb ta’ Tama
- Għażiż Alla, żommli idi waqt li tgħinni fi żminijiet diffiċli tiegħi.
- Għażiż Alla, fost ilħna oħra u inkwiet, għinni nisimgħek tgħidli: ‘Jiena t-tama tiegħek’.
Just like Jesus brings hope to us, we bring hope to the lives of others too.
Year Group
Middle Years
We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T)
- Make a difference in the lives of other people.
- Discover that we have a purpose in our lives – to bring hope to a hopeless situation
- Understand that God loves us unconditionally and gives us hope.
40 minutes
- Video clip: Give a Hand
- Pen/Pencil
- Blank paper
- Life-ring black and white or coloured template
- Power Point Presentation:
Welcome (5 minutes)
The animator greets the students and educators present for this session.
First Activity – Give a Hand (15 minutes)
Step 1 – Video clip (3.06 minutes)
The animator starts by showing this video clip on the interactive whiteboard: Give a Hand
Step 2 – Whole class discussion
The animator asks questions about the video:
- What struck you in the video clip?
- Do you think all the people knew each other before they were helped, or did some just witness the help?
- Can you mention other ideas of how we can bring hope to people and to those who need it most?
Step 3 – We think more personally
The animator tells the students to prepare a blank template and a pen so that if they wish they could write their thoughts on it. He/she continues with the explanation of the video and our way forward of how we can bring hope to the lives of others.
In the video, we saw that there are many ways of bringing hope to people, like giving words of encouragement, showing kindness in any way or giving a helping hand to those in need.
- Think about a time you did something nice for someone you didn’t know, and this brought new hope to him or her.
- On the blank template, write or draw your ideas of how you can bring hope to people especially in your family, school, and your community.
- Write or say a prayer in your heart, especially to those who currently face a difficult or hopeless situation.
Second activity and Prayer – Hope (15 minutes)
Rope of Hope
As Pope Francis says, “There are difficult moments in life, but with hope, the soul goes forward and looks ahead to what awaits us.”
In this prayer space, I will recognize that in every situation of my life I will ask God to help me because he is my hope.
Step 1 – Gospel reflection
When people are in difficulty in water, they are rescued by someone on the land by throwing them a life-ring to help them float. Sometimes, our worries make us feel like we are drowning. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus speaks these words of comfort:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labour or spin.
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
As our relation and faith in Jesus grow, we discover new skills of how to look at certain situations, appreciate people who looks after us and understand that we are valuable in the eyes of God.
Step 2 – Look and read
The animator shows the slides on the PowerPoint and invites students to look at the situations and read the name of every situation.
- Look at the situations in each slide and read the worries that might make us feel unsafe.
- Look at the situations in each slide and read the worries.
- Maybe some of them is something that worries you: school work, friends, my family, illness, moving house, moving school, bullying, being left out, failure, exams or tests, my future.
- Imagine you are throwing the life-ring over you to remind you that God wants to help you.
- Now, on the life-ring template you can write or draw your worry as a sign that you have asked God to help you with that worry.

Conclusion – Praying together (5 minutes)
Bible Verse – Hope
- Yes, my soul, find rest in God; My hope comes from Him. (Psalm 62:5)
Hope Prayer
- Dear God, take hold of my hand and get me through even the toughest of times.
- Dear God, help me to hear you saying: ‘I am your hope’ over all the other voices and worries.
Nagħrfu li bħalma Ġesù jagħtina t-tama, aħna wkoll inkunu persuni ta’ tama għall-oħrajn.
Snin Sekondarji
X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)
- Nagħmlu differenza fil-ħajja ta’ persuni oħra.
- Niskopru li f’ħajjitna għandna skop – li nġibu t-tama f’sitwazzjoni bla tama.
- Nifhmu li Alla jħobbna bla kundizzjoni u jagħtina t-tama.
40 minuta
- Filmati qosra: 1. The Jesus Memo, 2. In Christ Alone
- Pinna/lapes
- Karta vojta
- Markers ikkuluriti
- Charts
- 6 biċċiet ta’ suf ikkulurit
- Power Point Presentation
Merħba (5 minuti)
L-animatur isellem lill-istudenti u lill-edukaturi preżenti għal din is-sessjoni
L-Ewwel Attività – The Jesus Memo – 15 minuta
Pass 1 – Filmat qasir (3.06 minuti)
L-animatur jibda billi juri dan il-filmat fuq l-interactive whiteboard: The Jesus Memo
Pass 2 – Diskussjoni u mistoqsijiet għall-klassi kollha
L-animatur jagħti spjegazzjoni qasira dwar il-filmat u l-pass tagħna ‘l quddiem kif nagħtu tama lill-persuni oħra.
Fil-filmat qrajna li ħajjitna hija ċiklu ta’ azzjonijiet. Jekk xi ħadd iweġġa’ lil xi persuna, dik il-persuna mbagħad tweġġa’ lil xi ħadd ieħor. Imma hemm it-tama li nistgħu nibdlu l-azzjonijiet tagħna u minflok nagħmlu dak li hu tajjeb. Ġesù jagħtina t-tama billi jurina kif naħfru, kif inħobbu, u kif nkunu twajba mal-oħrajn.
Aħna wkoll nistgħu nkunu bħal Ġesù, u nwasslu t-tama lin-nies ta’ madwarna.
L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat.
- Liema kliem laqatkom l-aktar fil-filmat? Għala?
- Taqbel li l-azzjonijiet tan-nies iħallu impatt fuq ħaddieħor?
- Aħseb dwar meta xi ħadd weġġgħek u mbagħad inti ridt tweġġa’ lil xi ħadd ieħor. X’kienu r-reazzjonijiet?
Pass 3 – Ħidma fi grupp – Noħolqu chart ta’ tama bl-isem Kun Bħal Ġesù
L-animatur iqassam lill-istudenti fi gruppi ta’ 3 jew 4 skont in-numru ta’ studenti fil-klassi. Jagħti kartonċina u kuluri lil kull grupp. L-istudenti joħolqu ċ-chart Kun Bħal Ġesù
- Ikteb jew pinġi l-ideat tiegħek dwar kif tista’ tkun bħal Ġesù. (Tħobb, tieħu ħsieb, twajba, taħfer, twassal it-tama)
- Niżżel modi u azzjonijiet ta’ kif tista’ tnissel it-tama f’persuni b’mod speċjali fil-familja tiegħek, fl-iskola li tattendi, u fil-komunità li tgħix.
It-Tieni Attività: Prayer Space – Tama (15-il minuta)
Ħabel ta’ Tama
Papa Franġisku jgħid, “Hemm mumenti diffiċli fil-ħajja tagħna, imma bit-tama, ruħna timxi ‘l quddiem u tħares lejn dak li hemm jistennieha.”
F’din il-prayer space, se nagħraf li f’kull sitwazzjoni tal-ħajja tiegħi se nitlob lil Alla jgħinni għax huwa t-tama tiegħi.
Pass 1 – Riflessjoni permezz ta’ silta mill-Vanġelu
F’Mattew 6:25-34, Ġesù jgħidilna: Għalhekk ngħidilkom: tinkwetawx ruħkom għal ħajjitkom, x’se tieklu jew x’tixorbu, anqas għal ġisimkom x’se tilbsu. Jaqaw il-ħajja m’hijiex aqwa mill-ikel, u l-ġisem aqwa mill-ilbies?
Ħarsu lejn l-għasafar tas-sema; la jiżirgħu u lanqas jaħsdu u lanqas igeddsu fl-imħażen, u u madankollu Missierkom li hu fis-smewwiet jitmagħhom! Intom ma tiswewx aktar minnhom?
U min minnkom, bl-inkwiet kollu tiegħu, se jseħħlu jtawwal għomru mqar b’jum wieħed biss?
U għall-ilbies għalfejn tinkwetaw ruħkom? Ħarsu lejn il-ġilji tal-għelieqi, kif jikbru! U la jitħabtu u lanqas jinsġu.
Madankollu, ngħidilkom, anqas Salamun, fil-glorja kollha tiegħu, ma kien jilbes bħal wieħed minnhom.
Mela jekk Alla jlibbes hekk imqar ħaxixa selvaġġa li llum hawn u għada tinxteħet fil-forn, kemm aktar lilkom, nies ta’ fidi ċkejkna!
Għalhekk toqogħdux tinkwetaw ruħkom u tgħidu, “X’se nieklu?’ jew ‘X’se nixorbu?’ jew ‘X’se nilbsu?’ għax dawn huma kollha ħwejjeġ li jfittxuhom il-pagani. Imma Missierkom li hu fis-smewwiet jaf li dan kollu teħtiġuh.
Mela fittxu l-ewwel is-Saltna u l-ġustizzja ta’ Alla, u dan kollu jingħatalkom ukoll.
Mela toqogħdux tħabblu raskom għall-għada, għax il-jum ta’ għada jħabbel rasu hu għalih innifsu. Biżżejjed hu għall-jum it-taħbit tal-ġurnata.
Din is-silta turina t-tama li għandu jkollna f’Ġesù għax Hu dejjem magħna anke fl-aktar sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli ta’ ħajjitna. Hekk kif ir-relazzjoni u l-fidi tagħna f’ Ġesù tkompli tikber, aħna niskopru ħiliet ġodda kif inħarsu lejn ċertu sitwazzjonijiet, napprezzaw persuni li jieħdu ħsiebna u li aħna niswew ħafna f’għajnejn Alla.
Pass 2 – Ħares u aqra
L-animatur juri l-islides fuq il-PowerPoint u jistieden lill-istudenti biex iħarsu lejn is-sitwazzjonijiet u jaqraw x’inhuma.
- Ħares lejn is-sitwazzjoni f’kull slide tal-powerpoint u aqra l-inkwiet li jista’ jkun tiegħek ukoll.
Nibdel l-iskola u mmur f’oħra, xogħol tal-iskola, falliment, ħbieb tajba, peer pressure, niċċaqlaq għal dar oħra, il-familja tiegħi, mard, fastdju, periklu fuq l-internet u midja soċjali, ġlied, bulliżmu, imwarrab, eżamijiet jew testijiet, fastidju, relazzjonijiet, il-futur tiegħi.
Pass 3: Immalja l-ħabel ta’ tama
L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippreparaw 6 biċċiet ta’ suf.

Meta ninkwetaw, inħossuna insiguri, u għalhekk infitxxu li nżommu ma xi ħaġa sigura. It-talb huwa bħall-ħabel ta’ tama bejna u bejn Alla li jinsab dejjem magħna.
- Ħu ftit ħin biex taħseb dwar il-ħin tat-talb tiegħek. Tagħmel ħin għat-talb fil-ġurnata tiegħek? Għandek fiduċja li Alla jisma’ t-talb tiegħek?
- Ħu 6 biċċiet suf, għaqqadhom flimkien u mmaljahom biex tifforma bħall-ħabel żgħir.
- Żomm dan il-ħabel f’idejk u itlob lil Alla biex ma tiddubita qatt mill-imħabba u l-ħniena tiegħu.
Eżempju ta’ talb:
Għażiż Alla, żommli idi u mexxini anke fl-aktar żminijiet iebsa. Għinni nafda li inti tisma’ t-talb tiegħi.
Għażiż Alla, hekk kif nagħmel ħin biex nitlob fil-ġurnata tiegħi, għinni nisimgħek tgħidli: ‘Jien it-tama tiegħek fl-inkwiet tiegħek.’
- Fl-aħħar, tista’ ddawwar dan il-ħabel ma’ jdejk biex tiftakar li f’ħajtek qatt ma’ għandek tieqaf titlob.

Konklużjoni – 5 min
L-animatur jikkonkludi s-sessjoni billi jisimgħu u jitolbu mal-lirika ta’: In Christ Alone
In Christ Alone – Lyrics
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! – who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied –
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine –
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand:
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
Just like Jesus brings hope to us, we bring hope to the lives of others too.
Year Group
Secondary Years
We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T)
- Make a difference in the lives of other people.
- Discover that we have a purpose in our lives – to bring hope to a hopeless situation
- Understand that God loves us unconditionally and gives us hope.
40 minutes
- Video clips: 1.The Jesus Memo 2. In Christ Alone
- Pen/Pencil
- Coloured markers
- Blank charts
- Wool
- Power Point Presentation
Welcome (5 minutes)
The animator greets the students and educators present for this session.
First Activity – The Jesus Memo (15 minutes)
Step 1 – Video clip – 3.06 minutes
The animator starts by showing this video clip on the interactive whiteboard: The Jesus Memo
Step 2 – Whole class discussion
The animator gives a brief explanation of the video and our way forward of how we can bring hope to the lives of others.
In the video, we read that we live in a cycle of actions. If Someone hurts a person that person hurts someone else. But there is hope and we can reverse our actions and do good instead. Jesus brings hope to all of us by showing us how to forgive, love and be kind to others.
We too can be Jesus to everyone and bring hope to the people around us.
The animator asks questions about the video:
- What words struck you in the video? Why?
- Do you agree that people’s actions leave an impact on others?
- Think about when someone has hurt you and then you wanted to hurt someone else? What were the reactions?
Step 3 – Group work – Creating a BE LIKE JESUS – hope chart
The animator divides students into 3 or 4 groups according to the number of students in class. He/she gives a blank chart and coloured markers to each group. Students create a Be Like Jesus -hope chart.
- Write or draw your ideas of how you can be like Jesus. (Loving, caring, kind, forgiving, hopeful)
- List ways and actions of how you can bring hope to people especially in your family, school, and your community.
Second Activity: Prayer Space – 15 minutes
Hope Rope
As Pope Francis says, “There are difficult moments in life, but with hope the soul goes forward and looks ahead to what awaits us.”
The animator shows the slides on the PowerPoint and invites students to look at the situations.
Step 1 – Gospel verses reflection
We all worry about something but worrying does not usually make it any better or make it go away. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus speaks these words of comfort: “Do not worry about your life … can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” This is incredibly reassuring that we always have hope in Jesus, hope that in time He will make things right.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labour or spin.
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
This passage shows us the hope that we should have in Jesus because He is always with us even in the most difficult situations of our lives. As our relation and faith in Jesus grow, we discover new skills of how to look at certain situations, appreciate people who looks after us and understand that we are valuable in the eyes of God.
Step 2 – Look and read
The animator shows the slides on the PowerPoint and invites students to look at the situations and read the name of every situation.
- Look at the situations in each slide and read the worries that might make us feel unsafe.
- school work, making the right friends, peer pressure, my family, illness, moving house, moving school, bullying, isolation, failure, exams or tests, harassment, danger of online and social media exposure, relationships, my future.
Step 3: Braid the hope rope
The animator tells the students to prepare the 6 pieces of wool.

When we worry, we feel unsafe, and we reach out to hold onto something safe.
Prayer is like a safety rope of hope between us and God who is always with us.
- Take 6 pieces of wool from these provided, tie them together and braid them to form like a small rope.
- Hold this rope in your hands, close your eyes and pray to God that you will never doubt of his love and mercy.
Example of prayer:
Dear God, take hold of my hand and get me through even the toughest of times. Help me to trust that you hear my prayers.
Dear God, as I make time to pray in my day, help me to hear you saying: ‘I am your hope over all my worries.
- Now, tie this rope around your wrist to remind you that in your life you should never stop praying.

Conclusion – Song (5 minutes)
The animator concludes the session by showing the worship song: In Christ Alone
In Christ Alone – Lyrics
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone! – who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe.
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied –
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine –
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand:
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.
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