In this prayer space one reflects on being the child of God, and how God sees who we are and not what we do.
Equipment: sticky notes, pens, pencils, crayons, mirrors
Related to Liturgy: 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A
Related to Bible: Matthew. 20: 1-16
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

Have you ever tried to do something just to feel more loved and special in the eyes of a grownup or a friend? Maybe you tried to clean up your room or go on an errand. People around us make us believe that we are loved for what we do. However God does not love us according to the good deeds we do. He loves us unconditionally because we are his children.
- Take some time to think of good deeds which you did latley.
- On a sticky note write down or draw few of these good deeds.
- Now, stick this sticky note to the backside of a small mirror.
- When you are ready take a look at the mirror. Stop and remind your self that this is the way God looks at you and loves you.
Thank God for loving you for who you are –as his child not for what you were capable of doing
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