Throughout this prayer space one is encouraged to reflect on empathy through flames of an oil lamp.
Equipment: oil lamp and flames templates, crayons, stickers, markers, pen, pencil
Related to Liturgy: Feast of Saint Edith Stein
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

Faith means complete trust in God by loving God, each other and all of creation.
- Cut a paper plate in half or a semi-circle shape from a cereal box.
- Decorate as you light the oil lamp template you formed.
- Colour the flame, and write an act of empathy you can practise.
Some information about Saint Edith Stein
On the 9th of August, we celebrate the feast of Saint Edith Stein or St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, who was born in Poland on the 12th of October, 1891. Edith experienced different kinds of beliefs in her life until she found the Truth and strengthened her faith in this Truth. She was born into a Jewish family, became an atheist and converted to Catholicism when she reached her thirties. Stein studied, lectured and wrote about empathy (how one understands the other person’s situation. St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross practised empathy with her fellow prisoners in the Nazi Concentration camp during the Second World War.
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