During this prayer space one thinks of the wrong doing done and takes time to ask for an apology.
Equipment: Laptop and projector, PowerPoint images of people doing things wrong (e.g. arguing), words to go with the images (e.g. anger, frustration), bowl of water, acetate, pens (that will wash off in water), paper towels. Extras: Beanbags, cushions etc.
Response: Action
Relationship: Me & Myself
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years

Watch the slideshow.
Do the pictures remind you of something that you have done or said wrong? We all do and say things wrong sometimes.
Christians believe that when we say sorry, God forgives us.
- Write or draw a sorry prayer onto one of the acetates and then wipe it clean again.
- Afterwards, you might want to say sorry to the person as well.
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