

Matul is-sena akkademika 2024-2025, qed nippreżentaw dawn ir-riflessjonijiet u riżorsi relatati mat-tema tas-sena ‘Niżirgħu t-Tama’.

L-ippjanar flimkien mat-tmexxija tal-iskola u mat-tim tal-pastorali huwa essenzjali. Iktar ma nippjanaw minn kmieni, iktar nuru li l-iżvilupp pastorali u spiritwali huma vitali fil-ħajja tal-iskola. X’hemm bżonn li nippjanaw?

Riżorsi li jgħinuk tippjana

Dal-file huwa skema li tinkludi ideat u temi għal kull ġimgħa tas-sena skolastika:

Il-Kontribut tiegħek huwa apprezzat ħafna

Jekk għandek xi riżorsi relatati mat-tema u tixtieq taqsamhom, jekk jogħġbok ikklikja l-buttuna hawn taħt.

SDS toffri numru ta’ programmi u servizzi biex jħinu lill-komunità tal-iskola tikber fl-imħabba t’Alla. Esplora permezz tal-brochoure li ssib iktar l’isfel u li ser tirċievi l-iskola bil-posta. Aħna ninkoraġġuk biex flimkien mar-religious counelllors / direttur spiritwali, tirrifletti fuq il-bżonnijiet tal-iskola, u tippjana l-attivitajiet spiritwali. Jekk ikun hemm bżonn tal-kontribut tal-SDS, imla l-formola li titlob servizz sabiex aħna norganizzaw il-kalendajru u naqduk. Ikkuntatjana jekk tixtieq titkellem magħna. with us.


Dawn l-ispazji ta’ talb huma relatati tat-tema tas-sena

Be Merciful

In connection with the Pope Francis’ visit to the Malta, in this Prayer Space one is asked to think about acts of love he/she can carry out in his/her life, and to thank God for his mercy towards him/her.

Beatitudes: Hope

In this prayer space, one thinks about the worries in life and how God is there to help us.

Broken Deep Inside (Clay)

This prayer space lets one to reflect on one’s own fragilities and to think about the pressures and tensions one gives in to, and to allows time to entrust the pain to God.

Fight for Freedom

During this prayer space we will reflect about the Shoah and how we are still called today to fight against war and terror in the world

Hope Blossoms

In this prayer space one reflects on hope.

Hopes and Dreams

In this prayer space one reflects upon one’s hopes and dreams.

I Am A Seed

During this prayer space, one recognizes one’s talents and good characteristics and a way how he/she uses them to help others benefit from them.

Leaving an impression

In this prayer activity, one sits down and listens to a reflection in the Gospel of Luke about the impressions others leave on us and us on them.

Love is Greater than Fear

During this prayer space inspired by 1 John 4:18, one reflects on the fears, especially induced by sickness, and thinks how love is greater than them all.

Narnia: Hope

Through four scenarios from the narrative of The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, students are encouraged to reflect on hope, instances that make a better world, their identity and uniqueness, as well as to learn to be sorry for their wrong.

Refugee Backpack

During this prayer space one reflects on refugees – people who leave their countries for good due to varied reasons and what the real essentials in one’s life.

Rope of Hope

This prayer space gives time for one to reflect on the importance of prayer.

Bubbles of Wishes

This prayer space allows one to ask God for a dream or a wish to come true.

Think Good Thoughts

In this prayer space we are encouraged to change negative thoughts to positive ones so that we will feel more hopeful and strong especially in difficult situations.

Qari Adattat għat-tfal fl-Ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar.

Ħafna mill-iskejjel jiċċelebraw il-quddiesa fl-ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar. Ikklikja fuq il-buttuna tad-download biex tniżżel id-dokument li fih il-qari adattat tal-ewwel Ġimgħa tax-xahar għax-xhur ta’ bejn Ottubru 2024 u Ġunju 2025 bil-Malti.

Ikklikja fuq l-isem tax-xahar biex tniżżel il-PowerPoint presentation tal-Qari adattat bil-Malti.


Ideas for Better Participation during Holy Mass

Helpful resources and ideas to celebrate the Eucharistic celebration in a more engaging and participative way.

Ħallu t-Tfal Jiġu Għandi

F’dil-paġna diversi temi għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Quddiesa. Kull tema għandha qari relatat u diversi minnhom huma fi stil djalogat. Ibda għalhekk mill-bżonnijiet tal-komunità u għażel it-tema li tixtieq tippreżenta.

Sejjaħtilkom Ħbieb

Dawn ir-riżorsi huma maħluqa biex jkunu ta’ għajnuna għat-tfal biex jifmu u għalhekk jieħdu sehem aħjar fil-quddiesa. Hu importanti ħafna li t-tfal jifhmu dak li qegħdin jagħmlu – jagħrfu li bis-sehem tagħhom fil-quddiesa jkunu qegħdin ifaħħru ‘l Alla.

Il-Kalendarju Liturġiku jista’ jgħinek tippjana matul is-sena.

Skopri dwar x’inhu u x’inhu pjanat fil-Ġublew tat-Tama li l-Knisja Kattolika ser tiċċelebra bejn l-2024 u l-2025 bħala festa ta’ ħniena u rikonċiljazzjoni fi Kristu permezz tas-sit: https://gublew.mt/. Fost l-oħrajn tinkludi din l-informazzjoni:

Il-Ġublew tat-Tama beda nhar l-24 ta’ Diċembru 2024 f’Ruma, u f’Malta fid-29 ta’ Diċembru 2024. Sib iktar informazzjoni dwar il-Ġublew tat-Tama fis-siti: www.laikos.org/g2025 u https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/en.html.

Dawn huma xi testi liturġiċi għal matul dal-Ġublew tat-Tama.

Lent and Easter in style

Ideas for Better Participation during Holy Mass

Helpful resources and ideas to celebrate the Eucharistic celebration in a more engaging and participative way.

A Guide to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)


Riflessjonijiet ta’ għaxar minuti

Nippreparaw l-art
Ottubru 2024

Nitgħallmu mill-għorrief
Novembru 2024

Fil-Mument Opportun
Diċembru 2024

Nimpenjaw Irwieħna
Jannar 2025

Inrabbu s-Sabar
Frar 2025

Żmien ta’ Żabra
Marzu 2025

Naħsdu l-Frott
Mejju 2025


Sessjonijiet ta’ 20 minuta ppreparati għall-istudenti


Skopri iktar dwar il-Programmi
