

The Head, SLT, or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


It is Easter time! Easter means Jesus has risen, and He is with us! Let us share Jesus’ peace by singing My Happy Song



  1. Turn on a favourite piece of music
  2. Some of the students will play instruments (toy ones), and dance and sing to create a joyful noise unto the Lord! (Psalm 98:4-6)


Dear God, help me to be peaceful by making others happy.


The head, SLT, or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


During this time, Catholics are living Easter time! Easter means Jesus has risen, and He is with us! So, we must be happy! It is the time we rejoice and be glad because we are not alone in our difficulties and when we feel lonely. The peace of Jesus is in our hearts and so joy continues to grow in our hearts.  Peace and joy help us to share Jesus with everyone and wherever we are. Joy and peace come from deep within and change our circumstances. The more we are connected to God, the more we experience a deeper sense of joy.

Let us watch together this short film that teaches us how full of joy our hearts are when we carry out good acts with all those around us.

Short Film Story

The film’s length is 1min 35 sec


During this month, students can cut out circles or any other shapes of their choice and staple them on the left-hand side. When they would like students can decorate each circle with different looking happy and peaceful faces to form a booklet of joy.

This activity enhances the students to learn to express how they are feeling during the day.


Thank you Jesus for rising from death and saving us. Help us to continue sharing everywhere this joy that never ends. Amen.


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The Head, SLT, or educator who is leading the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


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Many people in our world feel lonely. Even if you are surrounded by people, sometimes you can feel totally alone. This is why teamwork and community are so important for our society and for our school.

Reflective thought

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Teamwork helps you to learn the skill of being with others. You learn to listen, communicate your ideas and opinions, and respect the views and opinions of others even when you do not like or agree with them.

When working as a team, each person has an important role.

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As a team member, you cannot leave the hard work to others but must learn to be responsible and do your duty.  In teamwork, we learn to negotiate and reach a compromise when we disagree.

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A team becomes a community when its members care for each other, and support and help each other.

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Optional Video

We can watch this video about solidarity:


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Dear God, help us to learn how to work together, listen respectfully to one another, share our talents, skills, and ideas and appreciate the good qualities of others. Help us to care for each person, to be kind and accepting of others’ needs so that we can make a difference and bring joyful peace to the world. Amen.


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The Head, SLT, or educator who is leading the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


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Many people in our world feel lonely. This is why teamwork and community are so important for our society and for our school.

Reflective thought

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Teamwork teaches you the skill of being with others. You learn to listen, communicate your ideas and opinions, and respect the views and opinions of others even when you do not like or agree with them.

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When working as a team, each person has an important role. As a team member, you cannot leave the hard work to others but must learn to be responsible and do your duty.  In teamwork, we learn to negotiate and reach a compromise when we disagree.

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A team becomes a community when its members care for each other, and support and help each other.

Optional Video

Slide 6

We can watch this video about solidarity :


Slide 7

Dear God, help us to learn how to work together, listen respectfully to one another, share our talents, skills, and ideas, and appreciate the good qualities of others. Help us to care for each person, to be kind and accepting of others’ needs so that we can make a difference and bring joyful peace to the world. Amen.

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