The Spiritual Development in Schools together with Prayer Spaces team members and other volunteers once again collaborated with Foundation for Educational Services (FES) and offered the Prayer Spaces experience in person for children attending Skolasajf.

This year’s main theme of Skolasajf 2022 was ‘Earth Heroes, Unite’. This slogan drew on the need to be united in the face of adversary so that together we will reap the fruit of our work and commitment where the collective of everyone will help to build a better and stronger society.
Prayer Spaces activities were set up in two different venues and weeks. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of August prayer spaces were set up in the beautiful countryside at Lunzjata Valley in Kerċem, Gozo and throughout the following week from the 8th till the 12th of August, at the Portico of the Madonna tal-Providenza Chapel in Siġġiewi.
10 Prayer Spaces
The SDS team created ten prayer spaces activities related to the main theme of Skolasajf ‘Earth Heroes, Unite’.
Participating Skolasajf Centres
The centres in Malta which participated in the prayer spaces were Qormi San Bastjan, Rabat, Siġġiewi, Luqa, Żebbuġ, Mqabba, Żurrieq, Dingli, Ħamrun SĠP (ĠP) and Mosta.
In Gozo, the participating centres were from Xagħra (Żebbuġ and Għarb), Qala (Nadur), Sannat, Victoria (Kerċem and San Lawrenz) and Xewkija.
Thank you!

The SDS team are grateful to Ms Therese Ellul, Manager (PDDI) and Mr Justin Balzan, Programme Coordinator – Programmes (PDDI) at FES for their collaboration and coordination. A word of thanks goes to all centre coordinators, play workers and educators who accompanied all groups of children throughout the prayer space experience and together with us provided the children with the opportunity to grow together. May we continue to help children and God meet.