Declan Waters added quoting Pope John Paul II in saying: “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without a future” (June 1997). Throughout his pontificate, Pope John Paul II was always outspoken on life issues and he rarely lost an opportunity to speak out against abortion. In 2004 the Pope canonised Gianna Beretta Molla, who died of cancer in 1962 after refusing life-saving treatment that would have required the termination of her pregnancy.
Carmen insisted saying that “every birth is innocent and God has a plan for it”. So she encouraged students to leave sex for marriage and build a married life on the sacrament of matrimony. Then Declan said that if we Christians want to live a happy life we must learn to abide by moral standards and live by the Ten Commandments.
Some years ago, Carmen and Declan Waters founded the Rosary of the Unborn at St. Margaret College and since then students attending Religion lessons still pass on the rosary beads from one student to another reciting one Hail Mary prayer in their hearts to end abortion around the world. The Irish couple were so happy to see that the rosary of the unborn is still practised at St. Margaret College.
Teacher Martin Azzopardi sdc said that “Educating our students in a pro-life spirit is part of our holistic approach in education and this helps to build up a generation of people with more love and respect for every living creature. ”
Special thanks go to Declan and Carmen Waters for offering this pro-life talk and experience to form 5 students at St. Margaret College Secondary School Verdala, Cospicua.
Written by Scicluna Raiza and Bonello Owen
Students at St. Margaret College Senior Secondary School, Verdala, Cospicua, Malta.