This year in Year 3 we are participating in an eTwinning project called ‘Adopt a grandparent’.  We are working with Ghigo Home in Ħal Għaxaq and the year 4 classes in Żejtun. 

During our first session, we had a video call with the students in Żejtun school, the elderly in Ghigo home and Trevor Zahra, a local author.  We had the time to listen to and watch an animated story called ‘Kunċett u Marinton’ by Trevor Zahra.  I had a chance to ask him a question, and I felt very proud that I had the opportunity to talk to a local author.  We then played bingo and practised learning numbers in English and Maltese.  It was so much fun. 

We had another session where we had the time to play games, which our parents used to play more often when they were young.  Our class played ‘iż-Żunżana ddur iddur’, which I really enjoy playing. Other classes played ‘dawra durella’, ‘il-boċċi’ and ‘il-passju’.  During break time, we are enjoying playing these games.  We then sang some traditional songs.  It was so heart-warming seeing all the people having fun together and singing heartily. 

The elderly shared their experiences after we heard the story ‘Karamellu tar-Raħal t’Isfel’ by Nannu Karm. I would like to learn more about their life in the past in Malta as it really got me interested. 

I am so looking forward to our next meeting.