Ask nearly anyone who grew up Catholic what they’re doing for Lent, and they’ll probably tell you what they’re “giving up.” The notion of giving up some pleasure for the 40 days of Lent is very much important in keeping with the penitential character of the season
On Ash Wednesday, 1st March 2017, teacher Martin Azzopardi sdc invited the College spiritual director Fr Carmelo Spiteri OCD to share some spiritual reflections about Lent with his Form 5 class students. Fr Carmelo insisted about the primary pillars of Lent which are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. All of these are intended to turn our hearts back to God, to purify us, and prepare us for the celebration of Christ’s resurrection at Easter.
When it comes to giving things up for Lent, people often get into trouble by taking on too much. Teacher Martin Azzopardi said that “taking on too much during Lent is to set oneself up for failure”.  So it is better that one choses one particular defect or bad habit and work onto it. “This discipline is supposed to get us out of ourselves, and back to God” said teacher Azzopardi.
After receiving the Ash Wednesday rite in class, students were invited to share their personal proposals for Lent. Teacher Azzopardi highlighted the need to give up complaining during the day, grudges against others while showing more sensitivity and caring towards others in need. 
The following are some of the proposed resolutions by students for this Holy Lent 2017:
I wish to concentrate more during my lessons at school” by student Nicholas Buhagiar;
Giving up bad words and swearing is much needed especially during Lent” by student Jael Vella;
My resolution is to give more attention to my parents at home and show more sensitivity and caring with them” by student Russell Dimech;
I want to offer more support to those in need” by student Ryan Attard;
Controlling our language and think twice before dishing out words is very much important especially during Lenten time ” by student Steven Tabone;
I want to dedicate more time for housework at home” by student Julian Tagliaferro;
We need to show more patience with others” by student Logan Formosa;
Controlling our daily moods wherever we are is a good resolution for Holy Lent” by student Erson Schembri;
Make the best use of time is highly worth it especially during Lent. We need to find time for prayer and reflection during the day” by student Giosue Agius;
Learning to be more humble and obedient is recommended during Lent” by student Gianluca Caruana;
Written by Gianluca Caruana and Giosue Agius
Students at St. Margaret College Senior Secondary School, Verdala, Cospicua, Malta.
Photo description:
St. Margaret College Senior Secondary School students accompanied by teacher Martin Azzopardi sdc receiving the Ash Wednesday Holy Rite by school spiritual director Fr Carmelo Spiteri OCD while proposing resolutions for Holy Lent 2017.