Monthly Archives: July 2023

Nurturing Faith and Personal Growth through reading Spirituality Books

Reading Christian spirituality books offers a profound pathway for nurturing our faith and personal growth. These literary works present timeless wisdom, illuminating life’s complexities through a divine lens. They foster an understanding of sacred scriptures, spirituality’s role in daily life, and the profound teachings of Jesus Christ. Such insights prompt personal introspection, encouraging us to live with compassion, kindness, and humility. Immersing in these books fosters a deeper communion with God, providing clarity and guidance amidst life’s challenges…

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Radd ta’ Ħajr lejn ir-Religious Counsellors

Nhar it-Tlieta 4 ta’ Lulju 2023, ġiet organizzata laqgħa minn Spiritual Development in Schools flimkien mar-Religious Counsellors ġewwa l-Kunvent San Ġwann tas-Salib, Ta’ Xbiex.


L-għan tal-laqgħa kien biex hekk kif intemmet is-sena skolastika 2023, wieħed jirrikonoxxi l-ħidma spiritwali u pastorali ta’ kull Religious Counsellor fl-iskejjel Primarji, Medji, Sekondarji u Post-Sekondarji tal-Istat u c-chaplains fl-iskejjel Indipendenti.

Ħin ta’ Riflessjoni u Talb

Ir-Religious Counsellors kellhom ħin ta’ riflessjoni u talb permezz tal-esperjenza ta’ Prayer Spaces fejn ġew armati spazji ta’ talb relatati mat-tema ‘Ngħixu l-Imħabba’…

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Feeling home


The course’s aim led by Fr Reuben was to get in touch with ourselves and God, and how to create a deep communication with Him. Fr Paul Chetcuti thought us that religion and spirituality work hand in hand. Spirituality is invisible but it is the reality of life, and religion is what makes the invisible visible.

Fr Paul gave us the example that when we have our birthday it is the reality of life that we grew another year, this is like spirituality because we will not know that someone has his or her birthday if we’re not told, so this is the spiritual part of life…

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A memorable evening of C.O.N.G. and Prayer Spaces at Mount St Joseph

On a serene Saturday evening, June 12th, 2023, a group of participants from the prayer group “Christ Our Neighbour Group” (C.O.N.G.) were welcomed by Fr Reuben Gauci to embark on a spiritual experience. With hearts full of hope and open minds, they gathered to experience prayer spaces, a profound encounter that left them touched and inspired.

As the participants entered Mount St Joseph, they were greeted with an aura of tranquillity and an ambience that seemed to whisper serenity…

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The Enriching Role of Elderly Volunteers in School Prayer Spaces

Spiritual Insight and Lifelong Experience

The contribution of elderly individuals in shaping prayer spaces in schools is a valuable asset that we deeply appreciate at the School Development Society (SDS). With their years of wisdom, depth of experience, and patient demeanours, elderly volunteers can provide a unique layer of richness and insight to our prayer spaces, bridging the gap between generations in our school communities…

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Living love through peace and generosity

Presentation Welcome

The head, SLT, or educator who is animating the reflection welcomes the students and helps them to calm down and focus. One can start the reflection with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


Generosity does not mean sharing our extra food or belongings or giving some of your time. Real generosity means giving until it hurts with a big smile…

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Living love through the memory of others

Presentation Welcome

The Head, SLT, or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


We are during the month of November. In November we think about our relatives and friends that are no longer with us. They are in Heaven…

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Living love through the community

Presentation Welcome

The head, SLT, or educator who is animating the reflection welcomes the students and helps them to calm down and focus. One can start the reflection with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


Community means helping and knowing each other. Everyone is important, and let us build our classroom/school community by keeping a nice atmosphere among us…

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Storytelling Sessions Captivate Students at Theresa Nuzzo Primary School

At Theresa Nuzzo Primary School, a series of captivating reflective storytelling sessions from the book ‘Spazju għal Qalbi-Beloved Space’ took place on the 19th of June 2023 in Years 4 and 5, leaving the children enthralled and eager for more. The school invited Fr Reuben Gauci and Silvana Cardona to visit and bring the reflective imaginative stories to life, creating an unforgettable experience for young minds…

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