During this prayer activity, one reflects on a reflection played that focuses on letting go of worries and trusting God.

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years


  • Sit down.
  • Put on the headphones and switch on the MP3 player, or follow this page.
  • Try to ignore everything else in the room.
  • Listen to the instructions and follow them if you want to.

Listen to the reflection

Life can be so busy.

Whether at home, at school or college, or being with family or friends, we can so easily fill our time with things to do, things to think about, and the demands of all the people that fill our lives.

Often the last thing we want to do is take a bit of time out just to stop;

And it’s even more difficult to take a break when there’s something on your mind that you’re worried about.

Be still for a moment and think about the things that worry you.

In front of you are slips of paper and pens.

  • Take a piece of paper and write down one word, or just one letter, that, to you, represents each thing that’s causing you to worry or feel stressed. This is just for you – it is completely anonymous.
  • Fold the paper a couple of times and hold it in your hand, as if you are holding on to the stuff you wrote down.

When you hold on to it tightly, no one else can see it, no one else can help, no one else can take it away.

Imagine that you could give these worries to someone who really cares for you.

Worrying about something does not usually make it any better, or make the problem go away. Usually it just messes with our heads and stops us from feeling any kind of inner peace.

For the few minutes you are here, this is your chance to put those worries to one side.

  • When you are ready, relax your fingers and hands.
  • When you want to, let the paper go. Drop it into the box in front of you.
  • How does it feel to release your worries this way?

Talking to others about the things that worry us can help. Who are the people who come and talk to you? Who can you talk to about the things that worry you?

A wise religious man once said, “Pray – and let God worry.” Christians believe that God loves people, knows them completely, is more powerful than any worry and is always there to listen.


  • Poġġi bilqiegħda.
  • Ilbes il-headphones u agħżel ir-riflessjoni minn fuq l-MP3 plejer jew segwi dil-paġna.
  • Ipprova tagħtix każ kull ħaġa oħra fil-kamra.
  • Isma’ l-istruzzjonijiet u jekk trid segwihom.

Isma’ r-riflessjoni

Itlaq l-inkwiet

Il-ħajja tista’ tkun impenjattiva ħafna.

Sew jekk inkunu fid-dar, fl-iskola, fil-kulleġġ jew kif ukoll jekk inkunu mal-familja jew mal-ħbieb, nistgħu faċilment nimlew il-ħin tagħna b’tant affarijiet li nkunu rridu nagħmlu; b’affarijiet li rridu naħsbu dwarhom kif ukoll bil-ħtiġijiet ta’ nies li jiffurmaw parti minn ħajjitna.

Ħafna drabi l-anqas ħaġa li rridu nagħmlu hija li nieqfu għal ftit ħin għalina nfusna. (ftit time out għalina personali).

Imma nsibuha aktar diffiċli biex nieqfu għal ftit mumenti meta jkollna xi ħaġa tinkwetana fuq moħħna.

  • Ieqaf ftit u aħseb f’dawk l-affarijiet li qed jinkwetawk.
  • Quddiemek hemm strixxi ta’ karti u biros.
  • Ħu karta u fuqha ikteb kelma waħda jew ittra għal dak li qed jinkwetak. Din il-kelma jew ittra se tkun qed tirrapreżenta dak li qiegħed jinkwetak jew jistressak. Din qed tagħmilha għalik biss u hija b’mod anonimu għalhekk tiktibx ismek.
  • Itwi l-karta f’diversi drabi u żommha f’idejk daqs li kieku qed iżżomm dawk l-affarijiet ta’ nkwiet li ktibt.

Meta tkun qed iżżommha sewwa f’idejk, ħaddieħor la jista’ jaraha, la jista’ jgħin u lanqas jeħodhielek.

Immaġina li tista’ tagħti dan l-inkwiet lil xi ħadd li tassew jimpurtah minnek.

Li tinkwieta dwar xi ħaġa normalment ma tgħinx biex l-affarijiet jiġu aħjar jew biex il-problema titlaq. Anzi tikkaġuna aktar uġigħ ta’ ras u nitilfu s-sens ta’ paċi minn ġo fina ukoll.

F’dawn il-ftit mumenti hekk kif tinsab hawnhekk, issa għandek iċ-ċans li twarrab l-inkwiet fil-ġenb.

  • Meta tkun lest, irrilassa s-swaba u anke jdejk.
  • Meta trid, itlaq il-karta minn idejk u poġġieha fil-kaxxa li hemm quddiemek.
  • Kif qed tħossok issa li qed teħles mill-inkwiet tiegħek b’dan il-mod?

Meta nitkellmu ma’ oħrajn dwar l-affarijiet li jinkwetawna jista’ jgħin. Min huma n-nies li jiġu u jitkellmu miegħek? Ma’ min tista’ titkellem dwar l-affarijiet li jinkwetawk?

Raġel għaref reliġjuż darba qal, “Itlob – u ħalli lil Alla jinkwieta.” L-Insara jemmnu li Alla jħobb lill-persuni, jafhom kompletament u li huwa aqwa minn kull inkwiet u qiegħed dejjem hemm biex jismagħna.


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