In this prayer space one will think about the death, passion and resurrection of Jesus while taking the time to thank God for this forgiving love.

Equipment: 2 paper plates, 2 butterfly clips, markers, scissors

Related to Liturgy: Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection - Year B

Related to Bible: John 20: 1-9   

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years


Have you ever wished for something that looked impossible to see or do? Easter is a time to rejoice because, for our God, nothing is impossible. He sent his son Jesus so that through his passion, death, and resurrection, he would pay for our sins, and we could all one day go next to him in Heaven.

  • Take some time to think of how great our God is. It is so great that on the third day, Jesus won over death.
  • On one of the paper plates, draw the sign of the cross; on the other, draw a big easter egg.
  • Cut this paper plate with the Easter egg in half. Stick both halves from the bottom onto the other plate with the cross using the butterfly clips.
  • Flip open the easter egg plate, and while you look at the cross, thank Jesus so we can start a new life through his passion and resurrection.

Qatt xtaqt li tara, li jkollok jew li tagħmel xi ħaġa li kienet kważi impossible? L-Għid huwa żmien ta’ ferħ għaliex għal Alla tagħna xejn ma hu impossibli. Huwa bagħat lil Ibnu Ġesù biex permezz tal-passjoni, l-mewt u l-qawmien tiegħu, huwa jħallas għad-dnubiet tagħna biex xi darba nkunu nistgħu immorru l-Ġenna.

  • Ħu ftit ħin biex taħseb kemm hu kbir Alla tagħna. Tant hu kbir li fit-tielet jum, Ġesù qam mill-mewt.
  • Fuq wieħed mill-platti tal-karti pinġi salib u fuq il-platt l-ieħor pinġi bajda tal-Għid kbira.
  • Qasqas il-platt li fuqu hemm il-bajda tal-Għid minn nofs.  Waħħal it-truf ta’ dawn iż-żewġ nofsijiet bil-butterfly clips mal-platt tas-salib.
  • Iftaħ il-bajda tal-Għid u waqt li tħares lejn is-salib għid grazzi lil Ġesù li bil-mewt u l-qamwien tiegħu inti tista’ tibda ħajja ġdida. 


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