In connection with the Pope Francis’ visit to the Malta, in this Prayer Space one is asked to think about acts of love he/she can carry out in his/her life, and to thank God for his mercy towards him/her.

Equipment: cloud template, pen, pencils, colours

Response: Write/Draw

Relationship: Me & Others

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years


Do you remember Pope Francis’ visit to Malta in April 2022? During his meetings on our islands, especially with the immigrants at the Peace Lab in Ħal-Far, he shared meaningful messages with us. He says: “Mercy: the bridge that unites both God and man, opens our hearts to the hope of being loved even when we commit sin.”

  • Find a quiet corner outside.
  • Glimpse at the sky for some time and think of ways how you can show mercy.
  • Draw a cloud on a piece of paper or use the template provided. In it, write down acts of love you would like to do in the coming week.
  • Place the cloud in the jar.
  • Reflect frequently on God’s mercy towards you.


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