

The Head, SLT, or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.



Peace Dove

The Head of School or educator prepares a dove template beforehand. She/he shows the template and explains that the dove is a sign of peace. While putting on background music the students pass out the dove peace to each other, i.e. giving peace to each other. When the dove passes through all the hands of the students and educators, together they say: “We Love Peace!” and clap their hands.


The Head, SLT, or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


Peace tastes like_____________

Peace smells like_____________

Peace feels like______________

Peace sounds like_____________

Peace looks like______________

Students can carry out the activity in twos and share their ideas.


Let us light the candle of peace and sing together:


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The head, SLT, or educator who is leading the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


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The prayer of St Francis teaches us that we are responsible for peace. We can bring peace through our thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions.

Reflective thought

Each day we can choose to do good instead of evil, to forgive instead of taking revenge.

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We can bring peace with our words when we stop gossiping about others; when we refrain from lying about others or speaking about their defects and mistakes especially when we are using social media or online.

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We need to be careful not to hurt others with our spiteful, angry, or jealous words and to stand up for those who are bullied and suffering.

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We can build peaceful relationships with the people we meet in our lives and encourage others to love instead of hate. When we meet people who have been hurt or are passing through difficult, we can console and comfort them and show them they are not alone because we understand what it is to be in their shoes.

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Most of all, St Francis teaches us it is better to give than to receive, to love than be loved, and to console than to be consoled. In other words, we will have true joy when we place the needs of others before our own.

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Dear God,

Help us to live like St Francis. To fight hatred with love. To treat each other with kindness, understanding, and gentleness. Give us not to be afraid to suffer to bring peace to the world. Amen.

Additional resource

Colleges dedicated to St Thomas More will celebrate the feast of their patron saint on the 22nd of June. This prayer can be used. It is a paraphrase from St Thomas More’s writings.

Dear God,

St Thomas More teaches us that the simple, ordinary things we do every day have great value if we do them with love. Help me to be strong so that I will always choose to do what is right even if this is difficult. Amen.


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The Head, SLT, or educator who is leading the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


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The prayer of St Francis teaches us that we are responsible for peace. We can bring peace through our thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions.

Reflective thought

Each day we can choose to do good instead of evil, to forgive instead of taking revenge.

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We can bring peace with our words when we stop gossiping about others; when we refrain from lying about others or speaking about their defects and mistakes especially when we are using social media or online.

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We need to be careful not to hurt others with our spiteful, angry, or jealous words and to stand up for those who are bullied and suffering.

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We can build peaceful relationships with the people we meet in our lives and encourage others to love instead of hate. When we meet people who have been hurt or are passing through difficult, we can console and comfort them and show them they are not alone because we understand what it is to be in their shoes.

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Most of all, St Francis teaches us it is better to give than to receive, to love than be loved, and to console than to be consoled. In other words, we will have true joy when we place the needs of others before our own.

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Dear God,

Help us to live like St Francis. To fight hatred with love. To treat each other with kindness, understanding, and gentleness. Give us not to be afraid to suffer to bring peace to the world. Amen.

Additional resource

The College dedicated to St Thomas More will celebrate the feast of their patron saint on the 22nd June. This prayer can be used. It is a paraphrase from St Thomas More’s writings.

Dear God,

St Thomas More teaches us that the simple, ordinary things we do every day have great value if we do them with love. Help me to be strong so that I will always choose to do what is right even if this is difficult. Amen.

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