On Tuesday, 21st December 2021 St. Margaret College Secondary School Verdala, Cospicua, celebrated an online Christmas Holy Mass for the whole school following the Covid19 health restrictions. The Holy Mass was celebrated by the school religious counsellor, Fr Carmelo Spiteri ocd with the help and assistance of the School Religion Team. During his homily, Fr Carmelo insisted on the best gift that Christmas can give the peace and joy of Baby Jesus who unites us together in one family. He also emphasised the need of keeping Jesus in the centre of all our Christmas activities as the forces of evil in today’s modern society are trying to alienate us from the TRUE JOY and PURPOSE of Christmas.
During Holy Communion, Fr Carmelo and two Eucharistic ministers, Senior Physics teacher Mr David Bartolo and Religion teacher Martin Azzopardi sdc offered the Eucharist to students and teachers within their respective classes.
At the end of this religious service the Head of School, Mr Joe Ellul concluded with an appreciation speech to mark the occasion.
Senior Religion teacher Martin Azzopardi sdc said: “The celebration of a Christmas Holy Mass has always been a long tradition in the Verdala School and this year we had to celebrate it online in order to follow the Covid19 health restrictions. In doing so we kept our school traditions alive and Jesus remained the centre of all our Christmas activities”.

Thanksgivings go to our school Spiritual Director, Fr Carmelo Spiteri ocd and to the school Religion Team for their continuous religious and pastoral work at school. Thanks also to teachers, Mr David Bartolo and Ms Chiara Attard and participating students who helped in the animation of the liturgy.